The best remedies for PMS: a list of drugs, folk methods

The best remedies for PMS: a list of drugs, folk methods
The best remedies for PMS: a list of drugs, folk methods

Premenstrual syndrome includes neuropsychiatric disorders, various metabolic manifestations. Today, there are many remedies for PMS that will alleviate the condition of women. In order to get rid of the disease, an integrated approach is needed.

Causes of the syndrome

During the menstrual cycle, the egg is released from the follicle. During the exit process, the follicle bursts, and a corpus luteum appears. This little body has a lot of hormonal activity. Parts of the brain that are responsible for mood, metabolic process, and vascular manifestations react to this activity. Usually the syndrome is inherited.

Earlier, experts argued that the syndrome manifests itself in women who have experienced a failure of the hormonal system. But today, doctors say that the patients have a systematic ovulatory cycle, and they are completely he althy.

During premenstrual syndrome, there is a significant increase in estrogens and a decrease in gestagens. Estrogens are responsible for fluid retention in the human body and sodium. Because of this, thereswelling, headaches, heaviness in the chest. As a result of fluid retention, intestinal edema occurs. There is nausea, constipation and heaviness in the abdomen. Estrogens have a strong effect on the part of the brain that is responsible for the limbic system (the formation of emotions). With PMS, there is a decrease in glucose and potassium, which leads to weakness in the body and a decrease in activity. The amount of gestagens in the body determines the time of the onset of the syndrome, as well as its duration.

Also, the appearance of PMS contributes to an insufficient amount of vitamins and saturated acids. This leads to mood changes, fever, bowel problems.

PMS in a woman
PMS in a woman


There are three main types of symptoms that determine the complexity of a woman's condition:

  • Nervous breakdown. Manifested as irritability, depression, depression, mood changes.
  • Vegetative-vascular disorders. Lead to pain in the heart, nausea, fever, headaches.
  • Change in metabolism. Characterized by edema, breast enlargement, shortness of breath, thirst, chills.

If a woman gets depressed during PMS, other pains and discomforts will be felt more strongly. Often depression turns into a migraine, which is difficult to cure.


There are various methods that help improve the general condition of a woman.

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Food.
  • Use of drugs and alternative medicine.


One of the effective remedies for PMS is psychotherapy. Using this method allows you to get rid of depression, mood swings, excessive aggressiveness. To obtain the result, special techniques for relaxation are used. Often this technique is carried out in the family circle so that relatives can understand the complexity of the woman's condition.


To improve PMS, you need to consume foods containing plant fiber. Fiber helps to remove fluid from the body, respectively, swelling will decrease. Every day you need to eat 70% complex carbohydrates, 20% proteins and 10% fats. The amount of fat intake must be reduced, since the liver will take part in the exchange of estrogen. It is also necessary to give up beef for a while. Since it usually contains artificial hormones.

Don't eat sweet and savory foods. You should also avoid drinks that contain caffeine. Caffeine leads to sleep disturbance, nervous disorders, irritability.


If a woman shows many signs of PMS, you need to seek help from a specialist. He will be able to advise on the use of drugs. There are several types of remedies for PMS. The choice of remedy depends on the cause of the syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to take the choice of the drug seriously.

The syndrome is often treated with hormonal agents. The use of hormones is the most effective since PMS is associated withoveractive ovaries. Hormonal drugs include: gestagens, contraceptives, androgens, agonists. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-administration of hormones can lead to complications.

Most women try to avoid hormone treatments. In this case, non-hormonal remedies for PMS can come to the rescue. These include vitamins and minerals, herbal medicines, vasoactive agents, diuretics, drugs with a metabolic effect, psychotropic substances, non-steroidal drugs. The course of treatment with non-hormonal agents is usually six to seven months. After stopping the drugs, the effect lasts approximately four to five months. After this period of time, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.

Medications for PMS
Medications for PMS

"Dufaston" and "Norkolut"

If the doctor has detected a large amount of estrogen, he will prescribe the use of progestogens. The group of gestagens includes drugs such as Norkolut and Duphaston.


With a pronounced increase in serotonin or histamine in the patient's body, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. These include "Suprastin". Usually the pills are drunk at night two days before the onset of premenstrual syndrome. And stop taking the medicine on the first day of menstruation.

"Aminalon" or "Nootropil"

"Aminalon" and "Nootropil" are used for mental disorderswoman's condition. These drugs are effective remedies for PMS. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor, it is forbidden to acquire and use it yourself without consulting a specialist. They must be drunk within fourteen days from the first day of menstruation. Moreover, to obtain the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment for three months.


This remedy for PMS is prescribed if there has been an increase in the amount of prolactin. You need to drink the medicine for two weeks, while you need to start two days before the syndrome.

Hormones for PMS
Hormones for PMS


Diuretics are used when severe edema occurs. They need to be drunk four days before PMS. It will be possible to stop taking the first day of menstruation. But if the edematous condition is accompanied by severe headaches and vision problems, then Diacarb is prescribed.


If the premenstrual syndrome is characterized by constant severe pain, then experts usually prescribe the drug "Diclofenac". Treatment takes place within three months. Then you should stop taking the medicine. Usually, three months after taking the remedy, the symptoms of the syndrome reappear, but they become less pronounced. Many experts consider Diclofenac to be the best remedy for PMS, as it eliminates many symptoms and relieves the syndrome for six months.


"Afobazol" and other antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist. "Afobazol" is a remedy forPMS, from mood swings and from neuroses. The drug is diurnal, as it does not affect daily activity. To get the effect, you need to drink it within six months.


Vitamins A and E have a positive effect on the female body. Vitamins can be drunk or administered intramuscularly. The course of treatment is thirty days. If there is no effect from vitamins, then you need to start drinking vitamins B6 and magnesium next month.

Treatment of PMS with folk remedies

The use of alternative medicine is determined by the unique properties of herbal preparations, which can eliminate pain, normalize the functioning of the intestines, calm the nervous system. In order to get a result from the application, it is necessary to constantly use herbs and start treatment a few days before the onset of the alleged premenstrual syndrome. The result will not be long in coming if a woman uses the herbs monthly.

Potentilla Grass

This herb helps relieve stomach pain by strengthening the uterus. For use, you need to make a decoction of the herb. To do this, pour a large spoonful of crushed cinquefoil with a glass of boiling water and boil for half an hour over low heat. Then the decoction is filtered, divided into three parts and drunk throughout the day.


Peppermint is a sedative for PMS. In order to prepare a remedy, you need to pour two tablespoons of leaves with boiling water (500 ml) and let it brew for two hours. Then you need to strain the infusion, divide into four partsand drink throughout the day.

Mint for PMS
Mint for PMS


Nettle helps to get rid of swelling and relieve tension and irritability. Nettle is also considered a sedative for PMS. The broth is prepared as follows: pour one large spoonful of nettle with two glasses of filtered boiling water and boil for half an hour. You need to drink a decoction in the morning and evening before meals.

Nettle for PMS
Nettle for PMS


An infusion of elderberry flowers will help get rid of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. To do this, pour two large spoons of flowers with two cups of boiling water. Then you need to leave the infusion for an hour. An hour later, you can drink the medicine one hundred grams before meals. Usually the taste of the infusion is bitter, so it can be consumed with a dessert spoon of honey.

Elderberry for PMS
Elderberry for PMS


One of the best sedatives for PMS, according to most women, is raspberries. Raspberry prevents depression, reduces pain. To prepare a decoction, you need to take two large spoons of crushed leaves and pour one liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be brought to a boil, strain and cover with a lid. The decoction should be consumed three times a day before meals.

Raspberries for PMS
Raspberries for PMS


The causes of PMS are different. In order for the treatment to be successful, the help of a specialist is needed. One of the best remedies for PMS, according to women, are hormonal remedies. Hormones help in a short time to get rid of the disease. But datadrugs have their downsides. If used incorrectly, complications may follow.

Non-hormonal remedies are also effective. But in order to get a result from the treatment, regular use of medicines is necessary.

Most women also choose traditional medicine in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. The positive side of this type of treatment is the absence of adverse reactions to the woman's body. But in order to completely avoid the symptoms of PMS, you need to constantly drink decoctions.
