Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and treatment

Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and treatment
Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and treatment

Some women have painful ovulation. Why is this happening? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.

Nature has created women as amazing creatures. Their body is too finely tuned and finely tuned, which is why even minor failures can lead to serious pain. But it should be noted that not always uncomfortable sensations along with painful ovulation can be signs of a disease.

pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen
pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen

The nature of the female body

A very important part of a woman's body are the genitals, which perform a unique job, regularly releasing eggs ready for fertilization. This process is called ovulation. In the event that pregnancy has not yet occurred, the egg is released, and a month later, the cycle repeats exactly.

Each female body reacts to this phenomenon differently. I must say that a lot depends on genetics, and in addition, on the state of he alth, general sensitivity and manyother factors. It is almost impossible to take them all into account, but, nevertheless, modern medicine is trying to do this, and the girl herself would also be better off paying attention to the state of her body.

So why does painful ovulation occur?

Egg release

Women have follicles in their ovaries, the arrangement of which can be compared to a bunch of grapes. Every month in one of the ovaries, one follicle, as it were, comes to life, which begins to increase in size. As part of this process, its maturation occurs. As soon as it is sufficiently mature, it bursts, releasing the egg, which then begins its movement through the fallopian tube. Its purpose: to get into the uterine cavity.

At first, the follicle is under the influence of the stimulating hormone, then under the influence of the produced estrogen, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases - then it cracks. External signs against the background of this whole process is a change in basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. In addition, there is an increase in the amount of secretion produced, which becomes thicker, acquiring a whitish tint.

how to deal with painful ovulation
how to deal with painful ovulation

Ovum Direction

Thanks to fimbria - hairs that cover the inside of the fallopian tube, the egg is gradually pushed towards the uterus. In the event that during this period she meets with a sperm cell, the process of conception will occur. If an unfertilized egg enters the uterus,then it dies off, after which, as part of the cycle, it is rejected along with the endometrial layer, which was prepared for its attachment. Between the process of maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg into the uterine cavity, as a rule, approximately forty-eight hours pass.

Now consider the causes of painful ovulation.

Main reasons

Very often, women may experience ovulation, accompanied by pain, at this time, many ladies experience some torment. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand how you can get rid of unpleasant sensations. In this regard, it is required to determine the cause of such a reaction on the part of the body. There are two main causes of painful ovulation:

  1. Genetic predisposition. About 20% of the female population suffers from this kind of sensation on the planet. Most of the factors can be de alt with, but the rest will simply have to endure, trying to suppress the symptoms. As a rule, these "others" include women who have a genetic predisposition. For example, they have a special structure of the curve of the cervix, as well as a different location of this organ.
  2. The development of diseases. But you should not independently rank yourself among those ladies who can no longer do anything with this unpleasant problem. It often happens that in this way the body signals a woman about an emerging pathology, for example, about adhesions or the development of endometriosis - such ailments must be treated as soon as possible. Painful ovulation after conception is also very common, especially when it comes to ectopicpregnancy or there is a threat of miscarriage.

Other reasons

As a rule, the sensation of pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen is quite unpleasant. In addition, there is a list of other common causes of these discomforts:

  • Appearance of stretching or rupture of the ovarian capsule, which may occur spontaneously.
  • Excretion of blood or fluid, which can be irritating along with various secretions.
  • The process of active contraction of the tubes, which often in this way try to draw in the egg.

So, why does the ovary hurt during ovulation?

pain during ovulation
pain during ovulation

Consequences of childbirth

It often happens that women's problems begin to intensify immediately after pregnancy. Symptoms of painful ovulation after childbirth can occur as a result of a weakening of the body. In addition, it can be affected by hormonal imbalance. Sometimes soreness can occur as a result of a number of natural injuries of the genital organs. As a rule, all unpleasant symptoms last for several months, after which they disappear without a trace, but there are also more complex cases.

Doctor Visit

In the event that a woman observes a very painful ovulation, she needs to immediately go to the doctor and, in addition, sign up for an ultrasound examination in order to collect a detailed anamnesis. It is not at all necessary that the doctor will find a serious cause. On the contrary, it often happens that, in fact, this is a natural featureorganism. But you should still check the state of your female he alth in such a situation.

In addition to the pain of ovulation in the lower abdomen, there may be other symptoms.

causes of painful ovulation
causes of painful ovulation

Additional symptoms

By the way, ovulation is accompanied not only by discomfort in the lower abdomen (although this is the main and most common symptom). Painful sensations are strong or weak, which depends on the sensitivity of the woman, as well as directly on the complexity of the situation itself. But in some cases, painful ovulation is accompanied by more unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, they are expressed as follows:

  • development of palpable weakness;
  • appearance of nausea;
  • appearance of headaches;
  • appearance of inexplicable nervousness and irritability.

Every woman should know that modern medicine has the ability to treat almost any disease that could serve as the basis for the appearance of certain unhe althy sensations. Medicine today is at such a level that it can even affect the genetic characteristics of the body, being able to reduce symptoms, almost nullifying them.

When the ovary hurts during ovulation, the following recommendations should be followed.

What to do about it?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor in order to correctly establish the causes of this condition and try to completely neutralize them with the help of the prescribed treatment. Every womanshould be aware that in the event that pain during ovulation is observed constantly, it is extremely important to consult a gynecologist.

I must say that there is no specific and specific treatment for this problem, but there are several complex methods that will help you feel better in any conditions. Compliance with these techniques will make it possible to remain a workable person and stay in a great mood even on the most difficult days. Thus, the answer to the question - what to do with painful ovulation - is quite simple. This requires paying maximum attention to your own body, trying to follow all the doctor's advice.

Lifestyle change

So, in order to neutralize the painful symptoms of ovulation, you should try to change your lifestyle a little at this time. Any physical activity along with sports is strictly prohibited. In addition, cleaning with other labor-intensive tasks would also be better to postpone for a few days. It is the reduction of physical activity on the body as a whole that helps to cope with pain during ovulation.

Difficult intellectual tasks are also best postponed if possible. Of course, at work it will not be possible to constantly take a day off at the onset of this period, but you should not schedule reports or other tedious tasks for these days. It will be better to complete them earlier or a little later. It is strongly recommended to completely abandon bad habits, trying to stick to proper nutrition. The best way to get rid of discomfort isthe normal functioning of the body, but in order to achieve it, you must constantly adhere to a he althy lifestyle.

manifestation of ovulation
manifestation of ovulation

Drugs in treatment

Medications are also useful, but painkillers can work in very different ways. Some of them are designed for a quick reaction of the body, while others have a lasting effect, but require time for the symptoms to disappear. However, these are all pills, which means that side effects are likely, and therefore, you should consult a doctor before resorting to their use.

There are other remedies for the treatment of painful ovulation, which are more gentle, and they do not have a negative effect on the body, but in order to achieve a comfortable state, you need to take them according to a certain system. Many of them are made, as a rule, on the basis of herbs. Thus, the treatment of painful ovulation can be very different. In order to achieve the maximum effect, it is best to use the products in combination, while trying to treat your body as carefully as possible these days.

By the way, painful ovulation often occurs after stopping birth control pills.

Breast tenderness as a symptom of painful ovulation

It happens that on these days there are not only pulling pains in the lower abdomen, but also discomfort in the chest area. In addition, the mammary glands become too sensitive, swelling a little and increasing in size.size. As a rule, something similar can occur shortly before ovulation and two to three days after it. Such signals indicate that the egg has already matured in the body.

Feeling sore during ovulation can also serve as a useful signal, so do not be afraid of it and immediately treat it only from the negative side. Thus, it is worth noting that some symptoms on the part of the female body, when they are not excessively strong, are necessary and require attention, since with the help of this nature, as it were, informs about the possibility of planning a family.

It is during this period, against the background of all the symptoms that occur in the middle of the cycle, that the egg matures, after which it can be fertilized. And if the spouses want a child, then this period is an ideal time for intimate relationships. But, when it is planned to wait with pregnancy, then on the contrary, it is better to refrain from intimacy for several days after ovulation.

ovulation calendar
ovulation calendar

Every woman, one might say, must know exactly and be able to understand her body. After all, in fact, it functions quite clearly, making it easy to manage. Painful ovulation is one of the factors that you definitely need to pay attention to. Making small calculations will help a woman avoid an unexpected pregnancy, even without using contraception, so that every baby will be expected and desired.

In closing

You can say that over some women naturejust scoffs, as they experience pain not only during menstruation, but also at each ovulation. And the number of such sufferers, as already noted, is approximately twenty percent.

pregnancy test
pregnancy test

And for most women, the release of the egg passes without causing pain. And they can guess about the possibility of conceiving a child only by the changed quantity and quality of secretions, as well as by the signal associated with swelling of the mammary glands. Those who suffer from the problems described should not panic, but you need to see a doctor to prescribe a drug that will help relieve symptoms and help find out why painful ovulation is haunting you.
