Cervical length by week during pregnancy

Cervical length by week during pregnancy
Cervical length by week during pregnancy

The uterus is the main reproductive organ of a woman. Its outer epithelial layer reliably protects the developing fetus from the adverse effects of the natural environment. To communicate with the outside world, there is a so-called cervical canal, located in the cervix. It is filled with a special mucus that prevents various infections from penetrating inside.

Some features of this part of the uterus have perhaps the most important influence on the he althy course of a woman's pregnancy. Thus, the length of the cervix by weeks of pregnancy allows medical specialists who monitor the bearing of the fetus to judge the possibility of certain pathologies or other disorders that can even provoke a miscarriage.

Cervical length and delivery

Each representative of the weaker sex has a different length of the cervix. The norm is determined based on the individual characteristics of the organism of an individual patient.

length of the closed part of the cervix
length of the closed part of the cervix

However, a particular danger to the body as a whole and withpregnancy in particular is not a normal length of the cervix, but a shortened cervical canal.

Such a structural feature of the main reproductive organ can sometimes be congenital. But in most cases, this pathology occurs as a result of various medical interventions in the reproductive system of a woman. For example:

  • induced abortion;
  • diagnostic curettage and so on.

In addition, the length of a girl's cervix can be affected by scar tissue resulting from surgical interventions or when cauterizing foci of erosion with electric current.

Need for medical supervision

Due to the fact that the length of the cervix before childbirth affects the process of the birth of a baby, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist before planning a conception for an examination to identify the pathology in question.

cervical length by week
cervical length by week

In addition, it is important to be under the control of a medical specialist during the entire period of pregnancy. This allows the doctor to observe the length and condition of the cervical canal and the fundus of the uterus. They must correspond to the norm and depend on the degree of development of the fetus.

Naturally, the described violation, like many others, will not prevent the expectant mother from bearing and giving birth to offspring, but observation by a specialist will allow us to identify possible pathologies in a very timely manner and take measures to eliminate them.

Features of the internal structure of the cervix

The internal organ in question,which ends the uterus, outwardly it is a circular muscle attached to the lower extremity of the main genital node of a woman.

normal cervical length
normal cervical length

With the help of the cervix, its internal cavity is in contact with the vagina, and through the latter - with the external environment. For this, the so-called cervical canal is used, filled with mucus that performs protective functions.

A woman who is not pregnant has the channel in a closed position. The length of the closed part of the cervix is about 3 or 4 centimeters.

But as soon as fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes and the egg is implanted on the prepared endometrial layer in the uterine cavity, metamorphosis occurs with the cervical canal, preparing the cervix for the future appearance of the baby.

Changes accompanying gestation

The transformations that the cervical canal undergoes during pregnancy are due to hormonal effects and an increase in blood circulation in the muscular layer of the uterus. This is indicated by the bluish tint of the outer walls, which is diagnosed by a gynecologist during an internal examination using special tools. He also establishes whether the length of the cervix by week corresponds to the accepted norms.

In addition, when a woman is in this physiological state, the amount of cervical mucus that fills the canal increases. This allows you to successfully fight pathogenic microflora that can develop in the vagina of a pregnant woman.

Changes occur withepithelial layer, which is affected by an increased concentration of the hormone estrogen in the body. As a result, the size and volume of the female genital organ increase significantly.

Controlled parameters

During pregnancy, during a routine examination by a gynecologist, he determines several indicators that have the most significant impact on the process of bearing a child:

  • cervical length by week of pregnancy;
  • metric dimensions of the main reproductive organ at certain stages of gestation;
  • the condition of the uterine fundus, or rather, its height in the first, second and (or) third trimester of pregnancy.

If all controlled variables are normal, we can talk about the correct development of the fetus. When one of the indicators deviates from the generally accepted parameters, there may be a pathology that has an adverse effect on the unborn baby.

how long is the cervix
how long is the cervix

It is especially important to know how long a woman's cervix is at a certain time in the development of the fetus. Indeed, for example, deviations in the height of the location of the fundus of the uterus depend on the individual structural features of the female body and may vary for each individual patient. And the discrepancy in the length of the cervical canal almost always indicates a violation.

Influence of cervical size

The success of its completion and he althy childbirth directly depend on the length of the cervix by weeks of pregnancy. Because, as already mentioned above, monitoring this parameterspecial attention is paid during the examination with the help of ultrasound diagnostic devices.

This, among other things, allows you to diagnose the threat of miscarriage in time and take the necessary measures to prevent it.

Channel length depending on the term

Consider the length of the cervical canal during the entire period of bearing a baby:

  • the length of the cervix at the beginning of pregnancy is 30 mm, the muscle tissue is inelastic, the skin is cyanotic;
  • the length of the cervix at 20 weeks pregnant is 36-46mm;
  • the length of the cervix at 32 weeks or more becomes somewhat smaller (up to 10 mm) in preparation for the passage of the baby.
cervical length 20 weeks
cervical length 20 weeks

Birth process

Before the baby is born into the world, the normal length of the cervix should not exceed 10 mm. In addition, the outer section of the cervical canal moves to the center of the small pelvis. The degree of readiness of the reproductive system for contractions is determined by the following parameters:

  1. The length of the cervix. The rate is indicated above.
  2. Consistency of mucus filling the cervical canal.
  3. Cervical dilatation.

In order for the head of the baby to be born to pass through freely, the diameter of the outlet increases.

However, excessive disclosure should not be considered normal either. Such a condition can lead to the emergence of the so-called ectopia, that is, the entry of the inner epithelium of the uterus into the vaginal cavity. In the future, this may provoke erosion.


The small cervical canal, as has been mentioned more than once, poses a considerable threat to the process of carrying a baby. In this case, it is imperative to control the entire process with a gynecologist, and in some cases only surgery can help.

normal length of the cervix
normal length of the cervix

How long a woman's cervix will be during pregnancy is affected by the concentration of hormones in the body.

In addition, it is important to know that not only a too small length of the canal, but also its excessive opening can lead to a miscarriage. The diameter of the hole, exceeding the accepted 6 mm, indicates the onset of the process of childbirth (usually premature), and at an earlier date - the threat of a miscarriage.

Too short cervical canal (no more than 20 mm) indicates that the patient has isthmic-cervical (IC) insufficiency. Such a condition should be treated appropriately at the stage of offspring planning.

Diagnosing is done with the help of an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. Various sensors are used for this:

  • vaginal;
  • transabdominal.

These procedures allow you to set not only the external dimensions of the organ, but also the closeness of the external cut of the cervical opening.


Measures aimed at correcting the established violation are assigned depending on the reasons that caused it.

So, if isthmic-cervicalinsufficiency is provoked by malfunctions in the endocrine system of the body, which is responsible for the production of hormones in the body, treatment is carried out with the help of medicines containing the necessary components.

When the cause of the pathology was a bicornuate uterus, the patient is recommended to have a cerclage. It is especially important to do this in the case when, before pregnancy, an operation was performed to remove the rudimentary horn, and the remaining one does not allow the embryo to fully grow in the womb. At the same time, a strong effect on the cervix can lead to miscarriage, so you should not delay treatment.

For this, the so-called cervical cerclage is performed. During this procedure, special circular sutures are placed on the cervix and, accordingly, the cervical canal, preventing it from opening.

cervical length 32 weeks
cervical length 32 weeks

This procedure allows you to warn:

  • rupture of the amniotic sac;
  • premature birth in a woman.

Sometimes cerclage is performed without surgical opening of the skin. For this, a variety of obstetric pessaries are used, located on the neck through the vagina, which also do not allow the cervical canal to open.

In any case, when a pregnant woman is diagnosed with this pathology, she must constantly be under the constant supervision of a gynecologist. In addition, it is important to provide:

  • absence of any stress conditions;
  • careful and attentive attitude to the state of one's he alth;
  • Providing timely medical care when needed.


All systems in the body are interconnected. The functioning of all systems and processes, including the course of pregnancy, depends on the proper functioning of each organ.

The length of the cervical canal in the cervix, as well as its changes at each stage of pregnancy, is of great importance during the bearing of the baby.

Various pathologies can affect the length of the cervix, and therefore it is necessary to constantly monitor this parameter using ultrasound diagnostics. Such a procedure will make it possible to start timely treatment if pathologies are detected.

Otherwise, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

Don't mess with your he alth!
