Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich, obstetrician-gynecologist

Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich, obstetrician-gynecologist
Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich, obstetrician-gynecologist

About this wonderful man and doctors say that he can do everything and even a little more. Throughout his professional career as an obstetrician-gynecologist, there have been many different, sometimes critical situations, from which Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich masterfully found a way out, saved the lives of mothers and children, thereby saving the family.

GBUZ VO "Regional Perinatal Center"
GBUZ VO "Regional Perinatal Center"

The doctor came to the city of Vladimir from the outback, got his position and the recognition of his colleagues due to the high level of professionalism. The excellent reputation of the doctor constantly attracts new patients to him, who learn about Dmitry Valerievich from grateful reviews. No wonder they say that advertising is better than word of mouth, until they come up with it. Many women in labor return to Shabalin for their second and even third births.

Work Attitude

Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich graduated from the Medical University. For a long time he has been working as an obstetrician-gynecologist in the Regional Perinatal Center of the city of Vladimir. Over time, he took the position of deputy chief physician for medical work and remained a practitionerobstetrician-gynecologist. According to Dmitry Valeryevich, he practices to this day because he loves his job.

pregnant woman
pregnant woman

Work experience

Dmitry Shabalin has 24 years of experience. The doctor has a higher medical education, extensive experience and knowledge in this field. His abilities are admired by all his friendly team and the management of the perinatal center where he works. Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich - obstetrician-gynecologist with the highest medical category in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Short biography

Dmitry Valeryevich was born and lived for several years in the beautiful Russian city of Gus-Khrustalny, where he began his professional career. After moving to the city of Vladimir, Dmitry Shabalin continued to work, improved his skills, earned an excellent reputation and many positive reviews from grateful patients. Soon, in a new place, he received the position of deputy chief physician for medical work.

doctor at the table
doctor at the table

Doctor's life credo

In one of his interviews, Dmitry Valeryevich said: "My profession is special, I am responsible for two human lives in each operation." After meeting Dmitry Shabalin, as well as the reviews that patients and their husbands leave about him, one gets the impression that the doctor goes to bed with this thought and gets up in the morning with this thought.


Many people were impressed by the level of professionalism of the obstetrician-gynecologist Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich. Reviewspatients leave only positive. Expectant mothers liked the doctor from the first moments of their acquaintance. Almost every comment in a newspaper or on the Internet begins with such words. They write about Shabalin as a kind, bright man with a pleasant and good-natured voice. After a discussion with the doctor, the husbands agree to partner childbirth and endure them very well, and women stop being afraid for men and doubt the need for their presence next to them. Dmitry Valeryevich gives hope that everything will be fine, and never deceives. A lot of women who came to him with pathologies were able to give birth to he althy children. On the Internet, obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Shabalin is written with warmth and kindness.

Patients also note that in critical situations the doctor was always there, supported by words, distracted by conversations in difficult moments, especially when the situation did not develop according to plan. At the same time, he could find the necessary, the only right solution in his piggy bank of knowledge and successfully saved people's lives. Many grateful mothers whom he saved write laudatory odes to the doctor. Describing his work in a nutshell will not work with all the desire - he leaves such vivid memories and impressions in the minds of patients.

Gynecological office
Gynecological office

People notice that the doctor has a peculiar interesting character, an original sense of humor. They write that at first it is not clear whether he is joking or not. During childbirth and postpartum care, the doctor treats mothers and her little patients with attention and care. Thanks to this, manywomen really turn to Dmitry Valerievich again.

It is worth noting that doctors currently working in hospitals and students who are just going to become practicing doctors have a lot to learn from Dmitry Shabalin. Russia needs such humane and professional doctors, especially in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Women need sensitive and special care, because childbirth is a stressful process that takes a lot of strength and requires patience. Many former patients of Shabalin Dmitry Valeryevich try to get to him during repeated births.

Media about the maternity hospital and the doctor

In 2016, the media "blew up" the news of an obstetrician-gynecologist who saved a patient and a newborn child in an acute critical situation. The woman who was lucky with the doctor is Laura Panina. In various news programs and newspapers, she gave interviews to journalists. The former patient is immensely grateful to the doctor Shabalin Dmitry Valeryevich for saving two lives - her own and the child's.

Obstetrician Dmitry Shabalin saved the patient
Obstetrician Dmitry Shabalin saved the patient

The doctor took a difficult birth in the Regional Perinatal Center of the city of Vladimir. For a woman, this was the fourth birth. She gave birth to all her previous children herself. But in this case, the situation is extremely unfavorable. The birth was difficult, during the operation severe bleeding opened. As a result, anemia developed, a sudden acute lack of iron in the body, which threatened the death of the child and the disability of the mother. The doctor who was on duty at that moment and tookchildbirth, Dmitry Shabalin, decided to start an emergency blood transfusion. As a result, mother and child remained alive and well.

For almost two weeks, mother and child recovered physically and mentally after such a difficult birth. This wonderful news quickly leaked to the press, journalists began to come to Panina. The woman told everyone what had happened. She, full of gratitude, spoke positively about the obstetrician-gynecologist Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich and the rest of the staff of the perinatal center.