The greatest happiness that can fall to the lot of every person. - birth of a child. Millions of women around the world dream of the opportunity to give life to a little man. Someone manages to get pregnant the first time, and someone has to go through many trials on the difficult path of conception.

If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, doctors recommend that she measure the temperature in the rectum. Many people know that the basal temperature rises during ovulation, and it is at this moment of egg maturation that the chance of getting pregnant increases several times.
Unfortunately, not all women have a good idea of how to take measurements correctly, and even more so they do not know what the basal temperature should be during ovulation. Scientists have conducted many different studies. They confirmed that the basal temperature during ovulation can show the presence of pathologies in the female body, the existing hormonalmalfunctions or problems with the reproductive system.
Measurement is required for at least four menstrual cycles. Based on this data, a schedule is drawn up that will help you navigate exactly when ovulation occurs and which days will be most favorable for conception.
Basal temperature during ovulation, how to measure it correctly?

Measurement should start from the very first day of the menstrual cycle. In order for the graph to reflect the most realistic figures, the measurement of basal temperature must be carried out in the morning after the woman woke up and lay down in a calm state for at least five minutes.
The thermometer should always be at hand so that you do not have to jump up and run to another room for it. Any unnecessary and abrupt movement can affect the measurement results and distort the picture. Therefore, the thermometer should be kept either on the bedside table, or, if one is not available, under the pillow. But it should be remembered that it must be stored in a case. This way there will be less chance of accidentally crushing him while sleeping.
The second important point is to take measurements strictly at the same time. Any time shifts may also affect performance.
And finally, the third condition. Throughout the time when measurements will be taken, a woman should not smoke, take alcohol, should avoid stressful situations. Stress can be attributed to an overly active lifestyle, travel, business trips, etc.
Measurement results, or what is the basal temperature during ovulation?

In the rectum, the temperature is usually slightly higher than that measured in the armpit. Therefore, the normal indicator of basal temperature is the number 37, 0 ° C.
Usually, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, this figure is lower than in its second phase. At the moment when the egg matures, the temperature rises by 0.5°C, that is, the thermometer will show 37.5°C.
If, however, during the entire menstrual cycle, the basal temperature does not change, then this indicates some kind of malfunction in the body and the need for additional research to help find out if there are he alth problems.