Bacterial vaginosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Bacterial vaginosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews
Bacterial vaginosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Bacterial vaginosis is a problem faced by women of all ages and nationalities. What is it and how is this problem treated? Consider this further.

Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis

General concept

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease from the field of gynecology, which is a kind of dysbacteriosis that occurs in the area of the female vagina. Its occurrence occurs when in a given area of \u200b\u200bthe body there is an imbalance in the ratio of microorganisms that live there. Studies show that when vaginosis occurs, lactic bacteria become less and less, despite the fact that their number should markedly exceed the rest.

How does the disease manifest itself? The main signs of bacterial vaginosis are formed discharges that have an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the one emitted by rotten fish. In addition, a woman whose body has undergone this problem begins to notice white discharge on her panties, which in their consistency sometimes resembles thick sour cream or even loose cottage cheese.

This disease is not sexually transmitted and is notbelongs to the group of venereal. That is why its manifestation is far from the worst problem, and it can be solved.

Bacterial vaginosis treatment
Bacterial vaginosis treatment

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of bacterial vaginosis experts in the field of gynecology determine the improper maintenance of a woman's state of hygiene. This problem is always present in those representatives of the fair sex who prefer underwear made from unnatural fabrics, synthetics, wear it all the time.

Also, the cause of the disease is often the intake of a certain type of medication. Very often, the cause of the manifestation of the problem is the use of antibiotics. Practice shows that they are dangerous not only for the vagina, but also for the gastrointestinal tract, where the process of dysbacteriosis formation also occurs. The same can be observed in the case of taking antimycotic drugs, cytostatics and performing radiation therapy.

Some women's he alth experts identify other causes of white discharge. Among them, there are hormonal disruptions, reduced immunity, too frequent washing with soap and water, douching, as well as the use of poor-quality shower gel or intimate hygiene. In some cases, bacterial vaginosis occurs in women whose body begins to deform the cervix, pelvic muscles, or deformation of the vagina.

If a coil is placed in a woman's uterus, it can cause infection.

How to treat bacterial vaginosis
How to treat bacterial vaginosis

When to see a specialist

Practice shows that when the first symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are detected, you should immediately contact a doctor who is a specialist in resolving these issues. When should this be done immediately?

First of all, it is normal to visit a gynecologist immediately after a change of sexual partner has occurred, especially if sex with him was unprotected. The fact is that the frequent change of sexual partners is the main cause of the manifestation of bacterial vaginosis, despite the fact that the disease does not have the ability to be sexually transmitted.

In the event that itching began to be felt in the vaginal area and, moreover, whitish or yellow tints began to appear on the linen, this is also a reason to visit a gynecologist. The peculiarity of the situation is that such symptoms may not signal the development of vaginosis in the vaginal microflora, but the appearance of a sexually transmitted disease.

In the event that such a problem has already been treated, but it has resumed again, this is also a reason to visit a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to the phenomenon if the symptoms are similar, but somewhat different from those observed previously.

Fever and the formation of an unpleasant odor from the vagina may indicate that the body's immunity has significantly decreased, and such an atmosphere is an excellent condition for the formation and development of the disease in question.

Howcure bacterial vaginosis
Howcure bacterial vaginosis

Vaginosis during pregnancy

It is not uncommon for bacterial vaginosis to occur during pregnancy. This phenomenon is due to the fact that in the process of the birth and bearing of the fetus in the body of a woman, a process of increasing the synthesis of progesterone occurs. In connection with it, a lack of estrogens begins to be felt inside the body, and the immune system also weakens - this is a normal reaction of the body, which is necessary to prevent possible rejection of the fetus in the womb.

For a pregnant woman, the formation of such a disease is not at all desirable. This is due to the fact that it negatively affects the development of the fetus. So, in the early stages of pregnancy, such a disease can affect the strengthening of the fetus and can cause spontaneous abortion. In the event that it originated a little later than in the early period (2nd and 3rd trimesters), then this can affect the strength of the bond of the fetal membrane in the baby himself - this phenomenon, as a rule, leads to prenatal outflow of water.

In addition to all of the above, bacteriosis not eliminated during childbirth, as a rule, causes purulent diseases in the mother, as well as severe problems after childbirth.

In the event that the manifestation of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy did happen, it must be cured as soon as possible. For this purpose, you should contact the doctor whose future mother is under supervision and report the problem. It is the responsibility of the specialist to prescribe the most appropriate medication.

Standardways to treat vaginosis

In order to treat bacterial vaginosis in their patients, many doctors suggest they take a course of antibiotic therapy. In practice, both local and systemic nature of this process can be applied. The bulk of antibiotics designed to eliminate this problem contain substances such as clindamycin and metronidazole. Their action is aimed at suppressing bacteria that create a painful environment in the vagina. In addition, they create the conditions necessary for the restoration of normal flora.

After the patient undergoes treatment, she must visit the doctor again in order to be re-tested. It is he who should show how effective the treatment turned out to be. If the test results show that the pathogens have been suppressed, the doctor should prescribe probiotics, medicines that help the normal microflora of the vagina to recover. For this purpose, the preparations "Lactobacterin" or "Bifidumbacterin" can be used. These funds should be injected into the female vagina for 10 days, one suppository before going to bed. In some situations, "Linex" may be prescribed, which is produced in the form of capsules. This type of drug should be taken three times a day, immediately after meals.

Sometimes you can encounter misconceptions about the fact that in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in a woman, her man should also be examined. This opinion is erroneous becausethe disease does not have the property of being sexually transmitted, and such manipulations are simply meaningless. An exception can only be a situation when a representative of the stronger sex has a problem with the genitourinary system.

Bacterial vaginosis drugs
Bacterial vaginosis drugs

Standard systemic drugs

In order to perform a systemic treatment of the disease, the doctor is obliged to prescribe to his patient a whole range of components that, by their action, should not only destroy harmful bacteria, but also restore the vaginal microflora.

Classic treatment should start with drinking Ornidazole. Its daily dosage is 1000 mg - it is necessary to take the remedy twice a day, 500 mg each. The duration of treatment with this medicine is exactly one week. This tool should completely destroy the harmful bacteria that destroy the microflora of the vagina. Patient reviews say that this tool is very effective and quite affordable for consumers.

Another variant of the drug for bacterial vaginosis is Metronidazole. This component should also be taken for a week, orally. As for the dosage, the doctor should determine it, since in each case its daily volume is individual. In its effect, it is similar to Ornidazole. The effectiveness of this component is also confirmed in a huge mass of positive reviews, which say that the treatment of vaginosis was quite comfortable for the body and was relativelyshort.

And finally, a few words about "Clindamycin", which is often recommended by doctors for their patients. This remedy is available in the form of tablets. It should be taken at 300 mg at a time, twice a day. Treatment with this remedy should be carried out for a week without interruption.

Using candles

How to treat bacterial vaginosis? Many doctors recommend candles for this purpose. In reviews of this version of the drugs, it is said that they quite effectively allow you to deal with the problem that has arisen, in a short time killing pathogens. After their application, the doctor must prescribe drugs, the action of which will be aimed at restoring the microflora of the vagina.

Suppositories for bacterial vaginosis are produced by many pharmacological companies, but the most positive feedback is received by products made at factories in Germany, Israel and Russia. Their cost can be different: from 40 rubles and more per pack.

According to gynecologists, such drugs are practically not absorbed into the blood, acting in the "fire" of the problem. In this regard, the method of treatment with candles is not only effective, but also quite safe. Side effects with this treatment of bacterial vaginosis, according to patients, are also minimized.

Which candles are recognized as the best? When buying a drug at a pharmacy, you should pay attention to drugs with such names as Ecofemin, Bifidumbacterin, as well as"Hexicon". This product contains in its composition beneficial bacteria, which, getting into the vagina, begin to actively fight pathogens, gradually killing them. The course of treatment with candles is about 10 days.

Candles from bacterial vaginosis
Candles from bacterial vaginosis


How to cure bacterial vaginosis? For this purpose, you can use eubiotics, which the doctor will recommend. It should immediately be noted that their use is necessary only when the cause of vaginosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora.

Drugs of this group are produced by pharmacological companies in two forms: liquid and tablets. Practice shows that both are effective. Which eubiotics are the most gentle and suitable for fast and high-quality treatment?

In reviews of drugs of this type, the largest number of positive comments from both patients and gynecologists are received by Baktisubtil, Hilak Forte and Linex. Each of them is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day with food. The exact dosage of the drug should be determined by the doctor after a preliminary analysis.

Bacterial vaginosis reviews
Bacterial vaginosis reviews

Treatment of vagonoz at home

How to treat bacterial vaginosis at home? Practice shows that there are many methods of how to fix the problem while staying at home. However, it should immediately be noted that all these methods are too simple to eliminate a developed infection, theycan help only when the first signs of the disease are detected.

First, you need to start doing regular douching. For this, solutions made on the basis of lactic or boric acid are perfect. In the process, you must ensure that the liquid is not cold.

Alternatively, intervaginal tampons can be used. They should first be moistened with ascorbic or lactic acid and immersed in the vagina. After 20 minutes, the product must be removed. You don't need to wash after that. Patient reviews say that this method is quite effective - the result from it becomes noticeable after 3-4 applications.

Traditional medicine

Experts in the field of gynecology do not recommend the use of herbs and other traditional medicine in order to eliminate the problem of vaginosis. However, in practice there is a considerable number of people who want to try just such methods of treatment. For this, it is best to use decoctions of medicinal herbs: marshmallow roots, St. John's wort, basil, dandelion leaves, calendula. From such plants, you can prepare concentrated decoctions and douching with their help.

Also, vaginosis can be treated from the inside. To do this, prepare a tincture made on the basis of boiling water and a mixture of medicinal herbs mixed in equal proportions: licorice, thyme, chamomile, elecampane root, mint and birch leaves.

With tinctures from the plants mentioned above, you can do not only douching, but also perform a procedure with sitz baths. When carrying out them, one should not forget that the liquidfor the procedure, it must be a little warm and in no case hot.

Take care of yourself and be he althy!
