The upcoming meeting with a child brings a lot of excitement to every woman. Most expectant mothers are worried about the process of delivery. Sometimes, for medical reasons, the doctor prescribes a caesarean section. After this operation, a seam remains on the body. Therefore, some women are interested in the question of how to process it correctly. Others worry about possible postoperative complications. Such excitement is understandable, but most of the fears are far-fetched.
Medical certificate
Caesarean section is a delivery procedure in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterine cavity. The reasons why a doctor prescribes surgery can be different. For example, the incorrect position of the fetus, a threat to the he alth of the mother, or the umbilical cord entwining the child. Depending on the delivery process itself and the complications that accompany it, incisionsperformed by several techniques. The result is a variety of seams that require a certain amount of care. It will be discussed in more detail below.
What stitches are possible after a caesarean section?
There are 3 varieties in total.
- Vertical seam. If the fetus has acute hypoxia, and the woman in labor has begun to bleed, a corporal caesarean section is performed. The result of such an operation is a vertical seam coming from the navel and ending in the pubic region. He is not distinguished by beauty. In the future, scars become noticeable against the background of the abdomen, often showing a tendency to compaction. This type of operation is performed only in emergency cases.
- Horizontal seam. In a planned operation, a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed. The incision is made transversely in the pubic region. It is located in the skin fold, so the abdominal cavity is not opened. The abdominal muscles just move apart. It turns out a neat seam after a caesarean section. Thanks to a special overlay technique, it is uninterrupted and almost invisible.
- Internal seams. In both cases, the internal seams may differ in the way they are applied. The doctor selects an option for quick wound healing and reducing blood loss during the procedure. Mistakes should not be made here, since subsequent pregnancies depend on the correctly chosen technique. During a corporal operation, a longitudinal suture is performed, and in the case of a Pfannenstiel laparotomy, a transverse one:
- the uterus is stitched with a single-row suture made of durable synthetic material;
- peritoneumsewn with catgut stitches;
- self-absorbable threads are used for the connective tissue of the muscles.
How long will the suture heal after a caesarean section, how to properly care for it - these moments directly depend on the variant of the incision of the uterine cavity. After giving birth, doctors must answer all the questions that cause doubts to patients.

Removal of stitches
The first question that most women ask after giving birth is: on what day are the stitches removed after a caesarean section? It is not possible to answer it unambiguously. It all depends on the technique of the incision made.
If we are talking about a cosmetic suture, when self-absorbable threads are applied, they do not need to be removed. They disappear on their own approximately 70-80 days after the operation.
The interrupted suture, which is used in corporal technique, is removed on the fifth day. A specialist from one edge with a special tool pinches off the knot that holds the threads. Then he picks them up with tweezers and gently pulls them out. Does it hurt to remove stitches? It all depends on the threshold of sensitivity. A properly performed procedure should not be accompanied by discomfort.
Suture care in the maternity hospital
Care for a woman while she stays in the hospital falls on the medical staff. Immediately after the caesarean section, the scar from the operation is covered with a sterile bandage. It prevents infection and damage. The nurse is changing the bandage. If the healing process goes without complications, suture treatment afterThe operation continues for 6-7 days. Of the antiseptic preparations, "Chlorhexidine", "Fukortsin" and a solution of brilliant greens are usually used.
The task of a woman is to impeccably follow all the doctor's recommendations. An unhealed scar is “afraid” of water. Therefore, in the first day it is strictly forbidden to wet it. Ingress of water is dangerous inflammation. Already in the hospital, you can start wearing a bandage after a caesarean section. It provides additional protection of the seam from mechanical damage and at the same time allows you to return the pre-pregnant look to the abdomen.

Before being discharged home, a woman receives a detailed consultation on the recommendations during the healing period of the suture and the necessary measures to prevent complications.
After discharge, a woman must take care of the restoration of the body on her own. After about a week, as a rule, there is no need for special care for the seam. However, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, one should adhere to the standard recommendations of doctors:
- regularly treat the incision area with special preparations;
- you are allowed to take a shower, but you cannot press or rub the seam;
- continue to wear bandage after caesarean section;
- do air baths.
About a couple of months after caesarean, it is allowed to use therapeutic ointments and creams. They contribute to the rapid resorption of the seam. After the operation, doctors advise starting treatment with the use of a pharmacy solution of vitamin E. It should be applieddirectly on the scar. In the future, this remedy can be replaced with Contractubex ointment. Its cheaper analogue is another drug with a similar mechanism of action - Solcoseryl.

Features of the recovery period
The technique of the operation in 90% of cases affects how long the suture heals after a cesarean section, what difficulties a woman will have to face. Therefore, it is worth noting several problems that concern most new mothers.
Most often, the recovery period is accompanied by pain. This is not surprising, because after childbirth, a wound remains on the uterus and abdomen. In the first few weeks or even months, discomfort may be present. This is a natural reaction of tissues to the incision. Pain can be relieved with analgesics. They should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the lactation period. The longitudinal seam will bother about 2 months, and the transverse seam - about 6 weeks.
Many people are worried about the hardness of the fabrics in the seam area. This phenomenon is also considered the norm. Tissue healing occurs, and the scar does not immediately soften. Cosmetic suture after caesarean section heals faster. Scarring of tissues ends within a year. The longitudinal scar lasts about a year and a half.
Some women notice that over time a skin fold forms over the seam. In the absence of pain and suppuration, it does not present a problem. Thus, tissue scarring occurs. However, the bump in the seam should alert. Its dimensions mayvary from a small pea to the size of a walnut. Most often it has a purple hue. In this case, an appeal to a gynecologist is mandatory. A bump can be either a manifestation of tissue scarring, or inflammation or even oncology.
When an ichor appears on the seam after a caesarean section in the first week, there is no reason to worry. This is a normal healing process. If the discharge becomes contaminated with blood and pus, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.
Everyone who had a caesarean section, after about a week, the seam begins to itch a lot. This phenomenon also indicates the beginning of the wound healing process. However, touching or scratching the belly is not allowed.

Early complications
Advances in modern gynecology have made caesarean section a relatively safe procedure for a woman's he alth. However, complications can occur during the healing process.
In the first few weeks after delivery, a hematoma may appear on the suture, bleeding may begin. Such problems are caused by medical errors. We are talking about poorly sutured blood vessels. A similar complication can also be caused by improper wound treatment after surgery, when a fresh scar is constantly injured.
In rare cases, there is a divergence of the seam. In this case, the incision begins to literally spread on different sides. Usually this happens on the 6-11th day. Another reason why the seam has come apart after a caesarean section is an infection. She hindersnormal tissue fusion.
Often, doctors diagnose inflammation of the incision area due to improper care or infection. In this case, the warning signs are:
- temperature increase;
- appearance of pus or blood;
- puffiness;
- redness.
If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication is dangerous. In the case of an inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is required.

Late complications
Negative consequences with a suture after a caesarean section can occur at any time. At the initial stages, complications are easily treated with medication. However, after a few months, surgery may be required to remove them.
Most often, doctors diagnose ligature fistulas. They are formed due to developing inflammation around the threads. This means that the body rejects the suture material. Such inflammation appears after a couple of months from the moment of intervention. Fistulas look like small seals, from the hole in which oozes pus. Only a doctor can remove the ligature.
Another complication is a keloid scar. This skin defect does not pose a threat to life and is not accompanied by pain. The main reason for its occurrence is the uneven growth of soft tissues due to the characteristics of the skin. Externally, a keloid scar looks like an unevenscar.
How to get rid of an ugly scar?
Sometimes the scar on the seam after a caesarean section looks extremely unattractive. Women have to face such a problem not only after a corporal incision. To get rid of it, modern medicine offers several procedures:
- Microdermabrasion. This technique involves grinding scar tissue with aluminum oxide. As a result, new skin grows. At the same time, metabolic processes in the tissues improve. Just a few treatments a week apart can visibly improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen.
- Laser resurfacing. This procedure involves the removal of scar tissue using a laser beam. On the one hand, it is very painful, and on the other hand, it is effective.
- Chemical peeling. It is carried out using fruit acids. Proper use of them allows you to exfoliate the skin in the problem area. Mandatory for chemical peeling is the use of preparations to smooth the skin.
- Surgical excision. This procedure is recommended if the suture on the uterus after caesarean section is small. During the operation, the scar is dissected and ingrown vessels are removed.
Before choosing a particular procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Many of them have contraindications. In addition, scar removal should be started no earlier than a year after the intervention. These procedures do not eliminate the scar completely. They only make it less visible.

Subsequent pregnancies
Gynecologists do not forbid women to give birth again after the intervention. However, there are certain nuances here.
The most common problem is that the incision after a caesarean section hurts and causes discomfort. Unpleasant sensations can be so pronounced that a woman will think about his divergence. For many inexperienced mothers, this feeling is accompanied by panic. If you know what is dictated by the pain syndrome, all fears will immediately disappear.
Doctors recommend keeping the period between surgery and subsequent pregnancy at 2 years. Only in this case, the divergence of the seam is excluded. It's all about the adhesions that form during the restoration of soft tissues. They are stretched by the growing belly. Therefore, there are unpleasant sensations. When a pain syndrome appears, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination. The doctor may recommend pain relief ointment.

You need to understand that the process of healing soft tissues after surgery is very individual. It depends on several factors: the state of he alth of the woman, the type of incision, the correct care after cesarean. If the new mother takes into account these nuances and follows the doctor's recommendations, complications can be avoided and a new pregnancy can be planned.