Medicine 2024, October

Magnetic posture corrector "Magnetic Posture Support": reviews, prices, description

Magnetic posture corrector "Magnetic Posture Support": reviews, prices, description

The result of improper and uneven sitting will not be long in coming! Diseases of the spine and the muscles surrounding it begin. They are accompanied by aching, pulling or sharp pain. This forces one to turn to narrow specialists and undergo complex treatment, and sometimes turn to surgeons. To avoid such a development of events, the magnetic posture corrector Magnetic Posture Support was invented

Makhanov's clinic in Belgorod. Services, prices and reviews

Makhanov's clinic in Belgorod. Services, prices and reviews

In the work offered to your attention, Makhanov's clinic in Belgorod will be discussed. This center is popular due to its wide range of services at fairly reasonable prices

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood

Anemia patients often need to increase their hemoglobin levels. To do this, they are prescribed a special diet, as well as medications

What are bacteria and what is their role in nature

What are bacteria and what is their role in nature

Bacteria, despite their microsize, are of great importance both in the cycle of substances in the environment and in the life of other micro- and especially macro-organisms. Therefore, what are bacteria, their structure and morphology, cultural and biochemical properties are still being studied in detail by scientists around the world

Smell is Lack of smell. Heightened sense of smell

Smell is Lack of smell. Heightened sense of smell

Smell is a sense without which it would be difficult to enjoy life. The fragrance of flowers, the aroma of fresh buns and perfume - all this brings joy to a person

Motor skills are commonly called Development of motor skills in children

Motor skills are commonly called Development of motor skills in children

Motor skills are usually called the acquired ability to perform motional actions that arise on the basis of certain knowledge, experience and repetitions of the studied movements. From the side of motion control, skills and abilities are characterized by varying degrees of mastery of motor actions

Feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat

Feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat

Discomfort in the throat may indicate the development of neoplasms in the throat or adjacent tissues, diphtheria - a very serious disease, a panic attack, and so on. Therefore, the accompanying symptoms, causes and treatment of choking in the neck and throat must be considered in each individual case individually

Minister of He alth Veronika Skvortsova: biography and family

Minister of He alth Veronika Skvortsova: biography and family

Skvortsova Veronika is a MD, Professor, Neurologist, Neurophysiologist and Minister of He alth of Russia. She was born in the city of Moscow in 1960, on November 1

Common urinalysis in women: the norm and interpretation of indicators

Common urinalysis in women: the norm and interpretation of indicators

General urine analysis of a woman is part of any diagnostic measures, as it is quite easy to perform and provides comprehensive information about the state of he alth. Receiving the results of the study, the specialist makes a diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribes an additional examination, including visits to highly specialized specialists

Diagnosis of migraine: types and methods of examination

Diagnosis of migraine: types and methods of examination

Headache, localized in the same place and repeated several times a month, may be a migraine. Diagnosis of this disease requires specialized instrumental studies, since it is impossible to confirm the disease only by symptoms or external signs

Sinusitis on x-ray: the main signs of the disease, treatment features, doctors' recommendations

Sinusitis on x-ray: the main signs of the disease, treatment features, doctors' recommendations

Before considering what sinusitis is, you need to understand what sinuses are. They are special sinuses in the human skull that perform several functions at once. Due to the malfunction of these sinuses, various pathologies can develop, including sinusitis

What is a colonoscopy, preparation for the procedure

What is a colonoscopy, preparation for the procedure

Colonoscopy is widely used in instrumental diagnostics to detect pathologies of the large intestine. To obtain correct data for the procedure, you should carefully prepare, fully observing all the doctor's instructions

How to prepare for a bowel colonoscopy? Bowel cleansing with drugs and enemas

How to prepare for a bowel colonoscopy? Bowel cleansing with drugs and enemas

To figure out how to prepare for a colonoscopy of the intestine, the attending physician should help. But he can only give the necessary recommendations. And the success of the preparation for the procedure depends only on the patient

What is CT in medicine? X-ray computed tomography: indications for the study

What is CT in medicine? X-ray computed tomography: indications for the study

What is CT, not every patient who is prescribed a diagnostic method knows. Doctors are usually diplomatically silent about the fact that the popular informative method, among other things, is radiological. The specialist must weigh the pros and cons before deciding on the appropriateness of its implementation. The patient has the right to know in which cases it really makes sense to undergo an examination and what complications the procedure can provoke

Anti-nuclear antibodies: testing, indications, interpretation of results, norm and pathology, possible diseases and doctor's advice

Anti-nuclear antibodies: testing, indications, interpretation of results, norm and pathology, possible diseases and doctor's advice

Antinuclear antibodies are a category of autoantibodies that, when reacted with the nuclei of body cells, begin to destroy them. Therefore, the study of ANA is considered a rather sensitive marker in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders, most of which are accompanied by lesions of the connective tissue. Some of the types of antinuclear antibodies are also found in diseases of non-immune origin

Maternity hospital on Vavilovykh (Russia, St. Petersburg): description, specialists and reviews

Maternity hospital on Vavilovykh (Russia, St. Petersburg): description, specialists and reviews

Choosing a place for childbirth is very problematic. This article will tell you everything about the maternity hospital No. 17 on the Vavilovs. What services does this organization offer? Where is she? Are the patients satisfied with the service here?

Children's sanatoriums in Evpatoria: addresses, descriptions, treatment, reviews

Children's sanatoriums in Evpatoria: addresses, descriptions, treatment, reviews

Recreation in the resorts of Evpatoria is a great opportunity to improve your he alth during the summer holidays. Various options for he alth resorts for children's groups are offered

Mean arterial pressure formula

Mean arterial pressure formula

In order to find out if your blood pressure is normal, high or low, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. It will be enough to calculate the average arterial pressure using a certain formula, and you will be able to independently monitor your he alth. And here's how to do it, we have prepared material for you

Why does my knee crackle when I squat?

Why does my knee crackle when I squat?

Often, even very young people, when bending their limbs, can make a completely senile crunching of the joints. This is not a very pleasant phenomenon both for the person himself and for his environment. The reasons why the knee crunches when squatting can be varied - from completely innocent to very serious he alth problems

Fat in urine: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Fat in urine: causes, diagnosis, treatment

In a he althy person, fat in the urine can only be contained in small amounts (no more than 2 mg per 1 liter). An increased concentration of lipids in urine most often indicates he alth problems, less often - malnutrition. Doctors call this disorder lipuria. How dangerous is it? And what to do if a fatty admixture is found in the urine test? We will answer these questions in the article

Elevated uric acid is the main cause of gout

Elevated uric acid is the main cause of gout

Often, elevated uric acid provokes the development of kidney stones and kidney failure, and its excess amount is deposited in cartilage tissue and joints, leading to painful inflammatory processes

HIV tests: transcript, types

HIV tests: transcript, types

Everyone has an idea about HIV since schooldays. There was a time when the infected were feared, but now all this is in the past. The media has taken a big step towards meeting HIV-infected people

The best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg

The best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg

Every pregnant woman will be affected by the question of where to give birth to a child. There are different options. Someone prefers to give birth at home, someone in a paid clinic. But most often they choose an ordinary maternity hospital

If a lymphocyte is elevated in the blood - what does it mean?

If a lymphocyte is elevated in the blood - what does it mean?

One of the most important components of the immune system are lymphocytes. These blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and play a special role in the human body. Thus, lymphocytes are responsible for the recognition of foreign cells and develop immunity to them. And an increased rate of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) in the blood signals that something is wrong with the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for a general analysis in order to recognize any dangerous disease in time

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?

Hydrogen peroxide is often used in the treatment of inflammation in the ears, as well as to get rid of sulfur plugs. This affordable tool is available in any home first aid kit. It has antiseptic and hemostatic properties. However, a concentrated solution of this drug is a rather aggressive substance. So is it possible to pour hydrogen peroxide into the ear? Will this remedy burn the delicate mucous membrane of the ear canal? We will consider this question further

How to achieve the norm of pressure, people care more and more

How to achieve the norm of pressure, people care more and more

Many are wondering how to achieve a stable pressure rate. People have been concerned about this problem for more than a decade. Modern medicine today is able to offer a person several ways to achieve this goal at once

Vanillylmandelic acid: definition, structure, functions and significance in medicine

Vanillylmandelic acid: definition, structure, functions and significance in medicine

VMK laboratory test (for vanillylmandelic acid) is prescribed quite often. The substance is usually found in the urine along with other hormones that are produced to combat stress by the adrenal glands. According to some observations, in patients with a tumor that secretes catecholamines, the level of this acid is higher than normal

Non-specific and specific immunity: mechanisms, differences

Non-specific and specific immunity: mechanisms, differences

Immunity is a word that for most people is almost magical. The fact is that each organism has its own genetic information peculiar only to it, therefore, the immunity of each person is different

T-helpers, what are they? Find out what it means T-helpers are increased or decreased

T-helpers, what are they? Find out what it means T-helpers are increased or decreased

T-helpers perform a number of functions in the body, thanks to which the defense system is activated. In addition, they are a link between cellular and humoral immunity

Coprogram - what is it? Description, order of material collection, interpretation of results

Coprogram - what is it? Description, order of material collection, interpretation of results

Coprogram is the study of human bowel movements. It allows you to supplement the diagnosis of many diseases. When taking tests, several important rules must be observed, otherwise the clinical picture will be false

Phenolphthalein test - control element

Phenolphthalein test - control element

It's no secret that after using medical instruments and products, they must be carefully processed in order to remove any kind of contamination. Various methods are used for this. After treatment with detergents in accordance with the Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of He alth 28-6 / 13 of 06/08/1982, a phenolphthalein test must be performed

Pathophysiology of blood: definition, properties

Pathophysiology of blood: definition, properties

An article about various pathologies that lead to changes in blood composition. The most common ailments are considered, including blood loss and other phenomena

Balneotherapy - what is it? Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications and contraindications

Balneotherapy - what is it? Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications and contraindications

Balneotherapy - what is it? The name itself came to us from ancient Greece. In the literal sense, it means - bath, bathing, treatment. It is in bathing that the therapeutic effect of balneotherapy consists

Functions and structure of platelets

Functions and structure of platelets

To understand how they look and to examine in detail the structure of platelets is possible only under a microscope. These cells are designed to form special plugs that can close the vessel in case of damage

Features and benefits of soap massage

Features and benefits of soap massage

Soap massage is a type of Turkish massage. The name comes from the fact that this procedure is performed on thick soapy foam. In addition to relaxation, this massage also has the effect of peeling and healing. Turkish massage is very useful after physical exertion as a restorative procedure, as well as for recovery from varicose diseases, muscle pain, osteochondrosis and other ailments

Where is the appendix? What is an appendix? Appendicitis: symptoms, how to check

Where is the appendix? What is an appendix? Appendicitis: symptoms, how to check

Experiencing pain in the lower right corner of the abdomen, we often think: what if the appendix? Many people know what appendicitis is, therefore, when pain appears in the area of u200bu200bits location, people immediately begin to wind themselves up and make false diagnoses

Cardiocenter, Barnaul: patient reviews

Cardiocenter, Barnaul: patient reviews

Cardiocenter (Barnaul) serves patients throughout the Altai Territory. The modern equipment of the clinic allows for high-tech operations, increasing the number of beds for inpatients, and providing remote consultations for remote areas of the region. The clinic is the leading center for cardiac surgery in Altai

What to do if the legs are swollen, and why is this happening?

What to do if the legs are swollen, and why is this happening?

Swelling of the legs is a rather uncomfortable phenomenon, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition to external shortcomings, such a state entails other problems. So, the state of the cardiovascular system worsens, the load on the heart increases

Dermatologist, Stavropol: addresses, reviews, how to get there

Dermatologist, Stavropol: addresses, reviews, how to get there

There are almost a hundred practicing dermatologists in the city of Stavropol, so when city residents have skin problems, they face the question - which of all these doctors is able to provide the most qualified help? This article will help you not to make a mistake in choosing, as it lists the best dermatologists in Stavropol - with patient reviews, skill levels and addresses

Gidfly bites - like a red-hot iron

Gidfly bites - like a red-hot iron

Gidfly bites are usually palpable, but not dangerous. However, to prevent itching or swelling, it is best to rub this place with dry soda powder, and then treat the wound with any antiseptic, such as brilliant green