Medicine 2024, October

Batalov duct. Non-closure of the Batal duct. Congenital heart disease

Batalov duct. Non-closure of the Batal duct. Congenital heart disease

The problem of diagnosis and treatment of congenital malformations year by year is becoming increasingly important. This is due to their increasing frequency, which is due to various reasons and factors

What is a vaccine? What is vaccination?

What is a vaccine? What is vaccination?

Modern medicine in the twentieth century was able to defeat many deadly diseases, preventive methods such as vaccinations played a significant role in this. What is a vaccine and when should it be used?

Classification of receptors. Taste, visual, pain receptors

Classification of receptors. Taste, visual, pain receptors

What is anatomy? It is a science that studies the characteristics of the human body. The classification of receptors and stimuli also belongs to the questions of this discipline. How are the first related to the second? Everything is very simple. The body is constantly exposed to a large number of various stimuli, our receptors respond to them selectively, it all depends on their location and structure

Plasma glucose: analysis decoding, norm, pathology and doctors' recommendations

Plasma glucose: analysis decoding, norm, pathology and doctors' recommendations

Carbohydrates are required by the human body to replenish energy reserves. They enter the body together with food, are absorbed in the digestive tract. Under the influence of a hormone secreted by the pancreas, they are distributed to tissues and cells

Why children have bad breath. Causes

Why children have bad breath. Causes

Bad breath is a pathology that brings very unpleasant sensations not only to the owner of this smell, but to the people around him. Indeed, in most cases, a person does not even feel this smell, because the olfactory receptors, in the end, just get used to it

Increased tone in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment. Massage for children with hypertension

Increased tone in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment. Massage for children with hypertension

To talk about increased tone in a child as a disease, first you need to figure out what hypertonicity is and at what age it is a problem, and at what it is the norm. Increased muscle tension, expressed in their overstrain, is hypertonicity. If we turn to statistics, then in 90% of babies, muscle tone is increased

Why are Mantoux vaccinated?

Why are Mantoux vaccinated?

Mantoux reaction is a procedure carried out by almost all children. This article will tell you all about this process

General anesthesia - what is it? Types of anesthesia. Drugs for anesthesia

General anesthesia - what is it? Types of anesthesia. Drugs for anesthesia

When using general anesthesia, analgesia, amnesia and relaxation are provided. During general anesthesia, the patient relaxes all the muscles of the body, in addition, he does not feel pain and does not remember the operation process

Elevated blood chlorine: symptoms, causes and consequences

Elevated blood chlorine: symptoms, causes and consequences

Sodium and chlorine are the osmotic forces of the body. These substances, like glucose, create the necessary conditions for maintaining the osmolarity of biological fluids (plasma in particular) at the required level. If their performance is elevated, then this is not a cause for concern. However, this phenomenon is considered a reason for contacting a doctor for advice. Because a change in the level of macronutrients often indicates pathologies of internal organs. Which ones? This should be discussed in more detail

Symptoms of angina in adults: how not to make a mistake?

Symptoms of angina in adults: how not to make a mistake?

Symptoms of sore throats in adults can sometimes be confused with the common cold, but in fact this disease is much more serious and can lead to serious complications

Maholda inhaler: instructions for use and reviews

Maholda inhaler: instructions for use and reviews

Mahold's inhaler was developed by Oscar Mahold in the middle of the 20th century. The device allows you to use essential oils, which is not always possible in modern models of nebulizers. Maholda inhaler has been widely popular among the population for many years

Fluorographic surveys of the population: the purpose of the passage and the results

Fluorographic surveys of the population: the purpose of the passage and the results

The relevance of chest x-ray examination is that at present this procedure is one of the most accessible and widespread, allowing timely determination of the presence of doubtful, potentially diseased areas in the respiratory system

Increased blood creatinine: causes and treatment

Increased blood creatinine: causes and treatment

Creatinine is the end product of the creatine phosphate reaction. An increase in the metabolite in the blood is of great diagnostic value in nephrological ailments, pathologies of the muscular system. The treatment of hypercreatininemia requires an integrated approach using the methods of traditional and informal medicine

The bite of a hornet. Warning. First aid

The bite of a hornet. Warning. First aid

If ordinary bees collect nectar, then hornets are avid insect hunters. If in ordinary bees the sting is sharpened so that it can be used against ordinary vertebrates and humans, then in the hornet it is sharpened for hunting other insects. However, this does not prevent him from attacking a person. How to prevent a hornet bite and how to provide first aid in this case, read our article

Motor skills - what is it? Motor skills exercises

Motor skills - what is it? Motor skills exercises

What is fine motor skills? This is the use of the muscles of the hands, fingers and wrists. Children use these skills when writing, holding small objects, buttoning clothes, eating, cutting with scissors, and typing. Gross motor skills develop slightly faster, examples include controlled actions such as throwing a ball, as well as walking and jumping

Puncture of the spine: purpose, features, possible consequences

Puncture of the spine: purpose, features, possible consequences

Puncture of the spine - what is it? Why are they taking it? What are the contraindications for the procedure? How should the patient prepare? How is the procedure carried out? What are the tests on the sample taken? Normal indicators, explanation of deviations from them. What are the patient's feelings during the puncture? What are the complications after the procedure?

Radiation dose for X-rays. Radiation exposure in X-ray diagnostics

Radiation dose for X-rays. Radiation exposure in X-ray diagnostics

X-ray radiation dose: is it dangerous to conduct x-ray examinations? How many times a year you can do x-rays and dosages when irradiating various organs. Determination and registration of radiation exposure. X-ray of children and pregnant women. Risks when working in x-ray rooms

Grabbed the lower back: what to do at home?

Grabbed the lower back: what to do at home?

Lower back pain can develop to such an extent that a person cannot walk, move, sit down, stand up, sometimes even speak. Pain paralyzes not only motor functions, but also deprives a person of the ability to think rationally. At the moment when a person’s lower back is seized, one must know firmly what to do in such a situation, and help the patient in all available ways

How to measure pressure without a tonometer: the most famous methods

How to measure pressure without a tonometer: the most famous methods

Today, a large number of people suffer from low or high blood pressure. The fault is the wrong lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, in particular the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking, an unbalanced diet, or eating "on the run", the wrong daily routine, etc

How to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer: step by step instructions, recommendations and reviews

How to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer: step by step instructions, recommendations and reviews

Currently, two types of blood pressure monitors are used, namely mechanical and automatic. To measure pressure with the latter device, no skills are required. And how to measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer? This needs to be learned, since it is much more difficult to carry out this action

Testosterone is common in men: the norm and possible deviations

Testosterone is common in men: the norm and possible deviations

Testosterone in the blood of men. The value of the hormone for the male body. Key factors and regulatory indicators. Possible deviations and consequences. Ways to normalize hormonal concentration. Testosterone and the possibility of becoming a father

What happens if papilloma is torn off: medical practice

What happens if papilloma is torn off: medical practice

What will happen if you tear off the papilloma during pregnancy? It is better not to do this on purpose, because such actions can sometimes trigger the mechanism of malignant tissue degeneration. If this has already happened, then you need to carefully treat the wound and seal it with adhesive tape. You should definitely inform your doctor about what happened and show the place where the neoplasm was. Immunity during pregnancy is somewhat weakened, so you need to be careful about your own he alth

How to donate blood for cholesterol and glucose?

How to donate blood for cholesterol and glucose?

Many diseases in the initial stages are asymptomatic. Therefore, it is advisable even for he althy people to donate blood periodically so as not to miss the first signs of illness. Sometimes a person feels some kind of malfunction in the body, and the doctor gives a referral for blood donation for further research

Medical certificate for replacing a driver's license: the procedure for issuing

Medical certificate for replacing a driver's license: the procedure for issuing

Medical certificate for replacing a driver's license - a document for which you will have to go through several specialists at once

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination: the concept, the necessary doctors, mandatory procedures, the detection of the disease and whether it is worth refusing

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination: the concept, the necessary doctors, mandatory procedures, the detection of the disease and whether it is worth refusing

Periodically taking tests and undergoing a minimum of research is the normal behavior of a person who cares about his he alth. Therefore, the concept of medical examination has recently returned to Russia - a system of measures aimed at protecting the he alth of the population, preventing new cases of diseases, reducing the incidence of complications, mortality and improving the quality of life

Headaches in menopause: symptoms, causes, treatment

Headaches in menopause: symptoms, causes, treatment

Features of the menopause period, the main causes of headaches during its course. The main and side symptoms of headaches during menopause. Symptoms of other diseases, which should not be confused with signs of menopausal headaches. Methods of treatment with medicines and folk remedies. Correction of lifestyle and diet. Preventive preventive measures

"Omron" (nebulizer): reviews. Nebulizer "Omron" compressor: reviews

"Omron" (nebulizer): reviews. Nebulizer "Omron" compressor: reviews

Today, perhaps, it is already difficult to find families who would not have purchased a nebulizer for themselves, also known as an inhaler. This is especially true for families with small children, where the nebulizer becomes simply an indispensable thing. Should I buy an inhaler for myself, which one and how to choose a manufacturer?

Triglyceride analysis: normal. Triglycerides: norm and deviations

Triglyceride analysis: normal. Triglycerides: norm and deviations

Triglycerides are fatty acids, which are one of the main energy materials for the body. An excess of these substances increases the risk of a heart attack. What threatens to increase their level in the blood?

Vacuum washing of tonsil lacunae. Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils

Vacuum washing of tonsil lacunae. Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils

In the chronic form, the need for antibiotics is recognized, as well as other treatments. These include washing the lacunae of the tonsils - a medical procedure that consists in removing the bacterial flora present in the lymphoid tissue

Moscow City Polyclinic No. 170: photos and reviews

Moscow City Polyclinic No. 170: photos and reviews

City Polyclinic No. 170 provides qualified medical care to the adult and adolescent population of the district for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various diseases, conducts medical examinations of the population, and takes measures to prevent and reduce morbidity

Diamniotic dichorionic twins - what is it? Problems of development of diamniotic dichorionic twins

Diamniotic dichorionic twins - what is it? Problems of development of diamniotic dichorionic twins

Diamniotic dichorionic twins are not uncommon these days. Statistics show that most often such a multiple pregnancy occurs in women aged 35 to 39 years. The reasons for such fertilization are hormonal disorders in the body, including hormonal stimulation in the treatment of female diseases. Such twins are born in 30% of cases of multiple pregnancies

How is the suture treated after the operation? Tips and Instructions

How is the suture treated after the operation? Tips and Instructions

Surgical sutures must be treated daily, but not earlier than one day after surgery. In a medical institution, this procedure is carried out by a qualified medical worker. But it is not always possible to come to the clinic for dressings. You need to know how to handle stitches after surgery. After all, at home, the processing of seams and dressings has to be done independently

How to put droppers? What for?

How to put droppers? What for?

Dropper is the method of drug administration that provides the most effective treatment. Everyone should be able to put the drip correctly

The medulla oblongata. Anatomy. The structure and functions of the medulla oblongata

The medulla oblongata. Anatomy. The structure and functions of the medulla oblongata

The brain performs the most important functions in the human body and is the main organ of the central nervous system. Anatomy of the medulla oblongata: structure and location in the cranium. Protective and food reflexes. Symptoms in lesions, alternating syndromes

Free and trusted by patients breast center on Taganka

Free and trusted by patients breast center on Taganka

Description of the work of the State Mammological Medical Center, located on Taganka, along Goncharnaya street, building 23

Adrenaline is an "emotional" hormone. All the most interesting about this topic: benefits, harms, sensations and adrenaline addicts

Adrenaline is an "emotional" hormone. All the most interesting about this topic: benefits, harms, sensations and adrenaline addicts

What is adrenaline? It is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is also called an emotional stimulant. Why? And because when the body releases adrenaline into the blood, a person experiences a real storm of emotions. Why is this happening? In which cases? What is the effect of adrenaline in general on our body? These are very important and interesting questions. So I would like to elaborate on this

High-tech medical care - a new level of service

High-tech medical care - a new level of service

High-tech medical care and treatment are provided free of charge in a hospital (including daytime) by specialist doctors. Activities include diagnosis, prevention and therapy of pathologies and conditions

Antibiotic sensitivity test: the essence, how to pass, decoding

Antibiotic sensitivity test: the essence, how to pass, decoding

Antibiotic susceptibility testing is done to better prescribe drugs in the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, pyelonephritis, phlegmon and abscesses

Soviet military surgeon Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich: biography

Soviet military surgeon Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich: biography

Today our article will be devoted to the famous surgeon of the times of the USSR Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich. Consider his biography, life's ups and downs, learn about how his memory is honored at the present time. Read all the details below

Respiratory system: structure of organs. The pleura is The pleural cavity of the lungs

Respiratory system: structure of organs. The pleura is The pleural cavity of the lungs

The pleura is an organ of the respiratory system that covers the lungs from the outside and lines the chest from the inside. Despite the fact that this is just a thin serous sheet, it performs important functions in the human body