The question of deciphering the fecal coprogram worries many people, because this is a common analysis. During the study, physical, chemical indicators of feces are revealed. The content of microparticles in it is also being investigated.
What the analysis shows
During the decoding of the fecal coprogram, it is determined which functional disorders are present in the gastrointestinal tract. The analysis allows to reveal inflammatory processes. As a rule, tests are prescribed for those who have suspected diseases of the digestive organs, who need to evaluate the results of therapy.

Given the fact that this is an analysis - a coprogram, it is important to take into account the fact that for accurate results of the study, competent preparation for the delivery of the material is important. For example, 10 days before the date of delivery, you will need to abandon drug treatment. It is forbidden to put enemas the day before. After an X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract was carried out, it is correct to prescribe a coprogram only two days later. For five days before it, you need to follow a diet. The diet should befrom dairy products, cereals, mashed potatoes, eggs, fruits.
How to properly collect material
The patients collect the material themselves. For this, a plastic container is used, it must be airtight. In no case do not allow a mixture of feces with urine. The container with the material must be brought to the laboratory on the same day. The results will be known in about six days.
What shows
Feces pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract, forming from the oral cavity to the rectum. For this reason, the data of analyzes of this kind speak very eloquently about the state of the body. Feces contain many trace elements, parts of undigested food, particles from the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.

Deciphering the analysis of the coprogram is indicated for suspected pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, for helminthic invasion. The study also determines the presence of dysbacteriosis in the body. As a rule, this analysis is combined with other studies.
Preparing for the surrender is not considered difficult. However, there are rules that must be followed. If they are violated, testing will be simply meaningless. Any trace element can radically change the composition of feces.
Before you collect a coprogram and give a woman a referral for such an analysis, you need to make sure that she does not have a period. Otherwise, the transcript will be incorrect, and the patient may even be mistakenly hospitalized.
Collection rules
Before collecting the material, it is necessary to empty the bladder. It is important to wash beforethis procedure. The material must be removed from different parts of the stool. It is not recommended to collect in wooden dishes. It is necessary to take about 20 g of biological material. It is best to collect feces in the morning. The faster the person delivers the material to the lab, the more accurate the results will be.
In children
Children's tests are somewhat different. In cases where they themselves go to the potty, of course, the rules will be the same. But if the baby is breastfeeding, you need to use a diaper. If he suffers from constipation, you need to massage the stomach. Sometimes a gas outlet tube is needed, and it will stimulate the emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. Only clean materials should be used. Hands during the procedure should be thoroughly washed. You can not collect feces from diapers.

Deciphering the results, doctors always pay attention to the appearance of feces, its density, color, smell. Without fail, during the decoding of the coprogram in adults and children, the closest attention is paid to the presence of blood in the stool. Sometimes pus is also detected - this is also important to note. If there are helminths in the body, they are also excreted through the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, tests of this kind can detect the presence of gallstones.
Microscopic analysis determines how well the body copes with the digestion of food. It is determined how much protein is contained in the material, because in the presence of inflammation, its content should be increased. The amount of protein may indicate the presencemalignant tumors in the body.
Normally, there is no protein in the stool at all. The presence of blood may indicate that the patient is in danger: internal hemorrhages are possible. It can also indicate that there are tumors in the body.
The number of leukocytes in the coprogram, the pigment stercobilin, must be taken into account. If its content is increased, the person suffers from anemia. If it is too small, this indicates that there are stones or a tumor.

If bilirubin appeared in the stool, this indicates that digestion has accelerated. This is typical for dysbacteriosis, acute inflammation, excessive mucus. If iodophilic flora is detected, this is a sign of the same dysbacteriosis.
If there is too little bile, then absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is impaired. This suggests that it is worth examining the pancreas.
Starch should be broken down, but if fecal analysis reveals its presence in the form of grains, it is concluded that food passes too quickly through the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the main symptoms of chronic pancreatitis.
In norm, soapy compounds should be contained in feces in a small volume. If their content is high, this indicates a violation of the activity of the intestines. As a rule, there are also stones in the pancreas.
If white blood cells are found in the feces, this is a violation. Their appearance is eloquent evidence that inflammation has begun in the body.
Fatty acids should normally be absent. But ifdigestive failure has begun, they begin to appear in the stool.
Vegetable fiber in the coprogram indicates that there is too little hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, there should be no fiber at all.
The norm is the presence of insoluble fibers in feces - fruit and vegetable peel, grain shells.
It is these elements that ensure the removal of cholesterol and toxic substances from the body. The number of them depends on how the patient eats.
Particles of connective tissue in feces are found when there are undigested remains of meat in the body. But normally, they should simply be absent. If they appear, this indicates the presence of gastritis in the body. Similar elements are also detected in pancreatitis.
If found in the material ammonia, it indicates the process of putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract. It is always found in stool, but in small amounts. If the content is increased, this indicates the presence of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, there is probably an inflammatory process.

Decoding in children
In addition to the fact that the nuances of how to properly take a coprogram differ in children and adults, the age of patients is also taken into account when deciphering. For example, in many children, the results should show a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
If an alkaline reaction is detected, it means that putrefactive processes are intensified in the body. Undigested food is stored in the intestines for too long, therefore, the situation requiresintervention. Up to 3 months of life, the presence of bilirubin in the feces is the norm. After passing through this age stage, the presence of this element is considered a sign of pathology.
Additional information
Taking into account all the specified data, it becomes clear what it is - a coprogram. However, the consistency of the feces will complement the picture directly. In particular, it is important to take into account differences in consistency between adults and children. If a child is older than infancy, eats ordinary food, his stools become formalized. They are brown, the consistency is moderate in density. Abnormal is the situation in which the feces are excessively dense.
If it's too thin, it indicates a problem with the pancreas. Also, it is likely that bile enters the body in limited quantities. Too liquid stool indicates problems in the small intestine.
Mushy stool also indicates fermentation processes in the body. If foams are detected, this indicates that the intestines have been infected. "Sheep" feces indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines.
It must be taken into account that parents should not decipher the child's coprogram on their own. Even a professional will not be able to quickly diagnose a person, looking only at the study forms. The thing is that the results are only part of the clinical picture. The doctor, making a diagnosis, takes into account the complaints, the patient's medical history.

It's not so difficult after following all the rules to collectanalyzed material. It is much more difficult to ensure its timely delivery to the laboratory. For this reason, materials are handed over only in the morning. If the feces have to be stored, do it in the refrigerator, leaving it for more than 8 hours.
Before collecting samples, it is important to make sure that the jar is sterile. It is not recommended to make major changes to your diet on the eve of the test. Before the act of defecation, the child must be washed. It is important for adults to empty their bladder.
Role of analysis
Stool analysis is the most important part in the diagnosis, which allows you to track the treatment process, to identify many pathologies at an early stage. Feces are the end product of digestion.
First of all, macroscopic studies of stool particles are carried out. The analysis often reveals the presence of starch grains, muscle fibers, fat fractions.
Many pathologies are detected due to the non-standard color of human feces. Finding out what it is - a coprogram, you need to take into account this fact. So, the brown color of feces is considered normal. While the black color indicates internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. If the feces are dark brown, this indicates digestive disorders - putrefactive processes, colitis, constipation.
A light brown hue indicates that the digestion process is going too fast. Gray stools indicate that there is not enough bile in the body.
Those who find out what it is - a coprogram, must take into accountthat the smell also indicates the condition of the internal organs. For example, if the aroma from the feces comes from a specific, but there are no features in it, this is considered the norm.
The admixture of putrid notes indicates diseases of the stomach, intestinal disorders may well occur. The stench indicates that the activity of the pancreas is difficult.
It is worth paying attention to cases when the bowel exudes an excessively weak aroma. This suggests that food passes too quickly through the digestive organs. If the smell is not too strong, it may be a symptom of colitis. A sour smell is an indication of dyspepsia. If there is butyric acid in the stool, this is also considered a manifestation of too rapid passage of food through the digestive tract.
Iodophilic flora in feces is considered a sign of disorders of the pancreas. Mucus in the feces appears due to colitis, constipation, putrefactive processes.
Normal state
Those who wondered what it is - a coprogram, you need to know what is the norm of feces. Normally, feces do not contain neutral fat. The secretions of food residues are in the form of soap. If there are violations in the absorption of fats, this is usually associated with lesions of the pancreas. There are also problems with the content of fat in stools in cases where intestinal motility is excessively accelerated.

Where to get tested
Tests are taken both in public clinics and in private ones. For example,the delivery of the coprogram in "Invitro" is carried out. It will not be difficult to do this - just call there by the phone number listed on the official website and follow the recommendations.