You can find out the condition of the mucous membrane of the large intestine using a special procedure - colonoscopy. It is carried out in medical institutions with a special fiber-optic device - a colonoscope. But the success of the procedure depends on how well the patient prepares for it.
Change in diet

In order for the doctor to examine the mucous membrane, there should be no stool in the large intestine. Otherwise, the procedure will be meaningless. Therefore, it is important to understand how to prepare for a colonoscopy.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause an increase in the volume of feces and provoke gas formation. The diet should be slag-free. In addition, the preparation includes the use of a large amount of clean liquid. It can be water or weak tea.
The attending physician should tell each patient how to prepare for a bowel colonoscopy. Attention is drawn to how the diet should be changed. You also need to know that at least foriron preparations must be stopped two days before the colonoscopy. Vaseline oil is also not recommended.
Basic rules

First of all, you need to adjust your diet. The menu should be designed in such a way that it does not include foods containing an increased amount of fiber. Meals are changed 2-3 days before the scheduled procedure. It is important to eat easily digestible foods that do not contain indigestible elements. The last meal should be no later than 12-00 hours on the day preceding the procedure.
In addition to changing the diet on the eve of the study, it is mandatory for everyone to carry out a mechanical bowel cleansing. This can be done with an enema or special laxatives.
But if the patient suffers from chronic constipation, then it is necessary to wonder how to properly prepare for a colonoscopy of the intestine, it is necessary even earlier. It is important to change the diet 5 days before the planned mechanical cleaning. Those people who regularly use a laxative should continue taking the usual drug. If constipation continues for 6-7 days, then the dose of laxatives should be doubled.
Allowed menu
A few days before the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the list of products that will help prepare for it. It is allowed to use flour products, rice dishes. Do not give up wholemeal white bread, pasta, oatmeal and rice porridge, bagels(without poppy seeds) or other non-rich biscuits.
Soups can be cooked in low-fat broth without adding vegetables. The meat consumed must be lean, chicken, beef, veal are allowed. For example, you can boiled chicken, soufflé, meatballs, cutlets.
Low-fat fish species allowed: perch, pike, cod zander.

The diet can be diversified with calcium-containing foods. It can be low-fat cottage cheese, cheeses, fat-free kefir, pure (without any additives) yogurt.
Vegetable broths are allowed, potatoes can only be consumed without peel.
You should drink mostly plain clean water. But, telling how to prepare for a colonoscopy of the intestine at home, the doctor may allow weak tea or coffee, juices and jelly in small quantities, provided that they are transparent and without pulp.
Sweet lovers should know that only regular sugar, honey, jelly is allowed.
Forbidden foods
It is important to figure out what your diet should be like in preparation for a colonoscopy. After all, 3-6 days before the procedure (depending on the tendency to constipation), you need to find out what you can’t eat.
All grain-containing dishes are banned. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon cereals, black bread and products that contain whole or crushed grains. It is also necessary to refuse vegetables and fruits in fresh and dried form. Avoid raisins and berries, especially those that contain small grains. Greens are also banned: lettucelettuce, basil, dill, parsley and others.
Make sure your diet does not include cabbage, smoked foods, pickles, canned food, pickled mushrooms, seaweed. Cream soups, milk soups, yoghurts with filling, ice cream, fatty cottage cheese, cream, sour cream are prohibited. When figuring out how to prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy, remember that you will have to give up fatty fish and meat, including goose and duck, alcoholic beverages, soda, dried fruit compotes. You can not seasonings, sauces, which include herbs or grains, legumes.
Mechanical cleaning

Until recently, people knew about only one method of freeing the intestines from feces - an enema. To achieve maximum effect, it must be done several times. For the first time, it is done in the evening and repeated in the morning on the eve of the study. The evening enema is done twice, each time you need to pour about 1.5 liters of water.
But those who are figuring out how to prepare for a colonoscopy with an enema should know that there is more to come. It is also important to take a laxative in the evening. It must be taken 3-4 hours before the start of the cleansing procedures. You can opt for castor oil or a solution of magnesia. In the first case, about 40-60 g of the drug will be needed, and in the second - 100 ml.
If you took a laxative at about 4 pm in the evening, then you can do an enema after 7 pm. Repeat the procedure after an hour. As a result, clean water should come out of the intestines.
2 enemas are also done in the morning. They are recommended to be held at 7 and 8 hours. But if your examination is scheduled for later hours, then you can independently choose the optimal time so that the intestines have time to completely clear and you can get to the hospital.
Modern methods
If you are one of those people who are terribly afraid of enemas, then you have another option. Modern advances in the pharmaceutical industry allow you to get rid of the contents of the intestine without any mechanical procedures. Your doctor will be able to tell you how to prepare for a bowel colonoscopy. Reviews of each of these drugs will allow you to choose the most suitable option for you.
For these purposes, you can use the drug "Fortrans". In some cases, doctors advise combining it with Duphalac. An alternative drug is Lavacol.
At the same time, other laxatives can be used with these medications. It can be Regulax, Pursennid, Senade, Laxbene, Dulcolax. You can reduce the discomfort caused by intestinal spasm with the help of Ditsetel. But the popular antispasmodics "Spazmolgon", "No-shpa" and others in these cases are ineffective.
Using Fortrans

Many doctors, telling how to prepare for a colonoscopy of the intestine, recommend the use of iso-osmotic agents. These drugs include "Fortrans". It's an electrolytebalanced solution based on polyethylene glycol. It passes through the intestines without being absorbed into its walls, and provides an effective cleansing.
The package is diluted in 1 liter of water. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to drink it based on this calculation: 1 pack of the drug per 20 kg of weight. That is, to cleanse the intestines of a man weighing 80 kg, you will need 4 bags.
There are two schemes for how to prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy with Fortrans. The first option involves starting preparations from 15-00 on the day preceding the examination. The entire amount should be drunk in the evening, distributing it evenly.
You can use the second method only if your examination is not scheduled for earlier in the morning. He assumes that half of the prescribed volume is drunk the night before. And the rest (1-2 packets) are postponed for the morning. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the time so that more than 3 hours pass from the last appointment to the procedure.
Combination of the drug "Fortrans" with other means
There is also another way to prepare for a colonoscopy. Drugs that have a laxative effect can be combined. This allows you to reduce the required amount of iso-osmotic agents. So, for example, for cleaning, you can use the drug "Duphalac". To do this, a 200 ml bottle of the product is dissolved in 1.5-2 liters of water and drunk in 2-3 hours. After an hour (maximum after 3 hours), emptying begins. It passes, as a rule, gently and painlessly, without concomitant spasms.intestines.
But for more effective cleaning, you still need to drink another packet of Fotrans. It is advisable to repeat the cleaning with the last preparation and in the morning. When combined with Duphalac, 1 packet of Fortrans will be enough in the evening and in the morning.
If increased gas formation is observed with the indicated cleaning method, then you can drink the prescribed age dosage of Espumizan. Remember, it is better to figure out in advance how to prepare for a colonoscopy with Fortrans than to repeat the procedure later due to poor cleaning.
Drug "Lavacol"

Each patient can choose which iso-osmotic solution he wants to drink. On sale you can also find the drug "Lavacol". The pharmacy sells packages in which there are 15 bags of the product. This amount is designed to cleanse the intestines of a person weighing about 80 kg. When choosing an individual dose, keep in mind that 1 package should go to 5 kg of weight, it dissolves in a glass of water. Drink each dose slowly, in small sips. The glass should be drunk in approximately 20 minutes.
Cleansing starts about 2 hours after taking the remedy. The process ends no later than 3 hours after the last sip of the diluted drug. If you choose this remedy, you can additionally ask your doctor how to prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy with Lavacol. Reviews about this drug indicate that when using it, you can avoidenema.
Fleet Tool
Pharmacists have developed another drug to cleanse the intestines. Thanks to him, patients no longer need to drink 3-4 liters of tasteless iso-osmotic solution. Means "Flit" is taken twice. For the first time, 45 ml of the product is diluted in ½ glass of water and drunk after breakfast. Repeat the procedure in the evening according to the same scheme. If the examination is not scheduled for the early morning, it is advisable to take another dose a few hours before the examination.
But at the same time, on the day of taking it for breakfast, there should be water, and lunch should consist of any liquid - meat broth, juice, tea. Each dose of Fleet is washed down with water. Consume 1 to 3 glasses.

Many are worried about what can and cannot be done after the procedure. Doctors say that immediately after a colonoscopy, the patient can eat. If the feeling of fullness in the stomach persists, then you can drink up to 10 tablets of crushed activated charcoal.
In most cases, the examination does not cause any side effects. If polyps were removed or a biopsy was performed during the procedure, slight bleeding is possible. But it is usually minor and stops quickly.