Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
With normal development from birth, a person has two completely identical kidneys. However, in case of serious diseases or injuries, one such organ can be destroyed. In this case, with appropriate treatment and recovery, the patient will continue to live a full life with one kidney. But there are also more complex clinical cases when, for some reason, a person loses both paired organs. In this case, transplantation is required and kidney donors are being sought
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
This article will focus on an iodine-free diet before treating thyroid disease. Recommended and prohibited foods will be listed, as well as those that should be used when compiling the menu in limited quantities
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Every year, citizens of the Russian Federation are recommended to conduct a fluorographic study. This procedure is carried out with a preventive purpose. In addition, it can be used to diagnose pathologies of the respiratory organs at an early stage. It is known that there are a number of rules and restrictions that a person must adhere to before some medical manipulations. This article talks about whether you can eat before fluorography
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
One of the most common serious problems affecting both women and men is varicose veins. It is known that about 60% of the population suffers from this disease. It takes a lot of effort and time to cope with vascular disease. Phlebologists usually prescribe medications. In addition, you can wear compression stockings for varicose veins and do useful exercises
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Magnetotherapy is one of the most effective ways to treat all sorts of ailments. It is prescribed by doctors of almost all speci alties. But, like any other method of physiotherapy, the method has a number of contraindications. They must be taken into account in order to avoid negative consequences
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In our brain there is a slender, proven by centuries of evolution, system - adenohypophyseal. Its work is largely influenced by the posterior appendage - the epiphysis. Together, these structures - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland, adenohypophysis - are responsible for controlling hormones throughout the body. If the slightest imbalance of the system is observed, then irreparable changes occur in the development of a young organism
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Mammary coronary bypass surgery is a method of surgical intervention, during which an additional vessel is created around the affected. This restores the normal blood supply to the myocardium. During the operation, the mammary arteries are used, which serve as a shunt for a very long time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The color and smell of vaginal secretions can tell a lot about a woman's he alth. Often, patients go to the doctor with complaints that the discharge smells like fish. Why does bad odor occur? Most often, its cause is a serious imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the genital tract. Doctors call this condition vaginosis or dysbiosis. In the article, we will consider in detail the causes of microflora disorders and methods of treating pathology
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
After the surgery, the patient feels discomfort for some time. Normally, this condition passes quite quickly. If a person performs all the necessary rehabilitation measures, his he alth will soon improve. The article provides information on why legs hurt after leg surgery, as well as ways to reduce discomfort
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Metallic taste can occur for a variety of reasons. It could be a symptom of a serious illness, a side effect of certain medications, or a signal that it's time to reevaluate your diet. Be that as it may, the question “If the taste of iron in the mouth is a sign of what?” occurs in people who are faced with this phenomenon, for quite understandable reasons. Therefore, now it is worth discussing this topic in detail
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What to do if you need the help of a urologist? Turning to the first institution, you can get an appointment with an insufficiently competent specialist. A first-class doctor is distinguished by qualification data with a high certification level, as well as the presence of positive feedback from patients, thanks to which one can learn about ordinary cases in the doctor's practice. The list of the best urologists in Bryansk is presented in the article below
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to choose a pulmonologist in Nizhny Novgorod? When it comes to lung diseases, in no case should you hesitate. But it’s not worth rushing headlong to the first doctor that comes across - an incompetent specialist will come across, and the problem can develop into a chronic disease. The list of the best pulmonologists in Nizhny Novgorod, presented later in the article, will help you not to make a mistake with the choice
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Before we talk about how often x-rays are taken, let's first understand the general issues. Many people do not pay due attention to this examination, which can result in very serious consequences. According to medical statistics, every third person is a carrier of the causative agent of tuberculosis
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to distinguish a good vascular surgeon from the best? This question is asked by those who decide to use the services of this specialist and want to be sure of his competence. The professional characteristics of a doctor consist of such items as work experience, qualifications, academic degree and, of course, the presence and number of positive feedback from patients. The list of the best vascular surgeons in Kazan is presented in the article below
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If a child has skin problems, consult a qualified dermatologist. Information about his professionalism and work experience will help you find the best doctor. An important point in the characterization of the doctor is the positive feedback from patients. List of the best pediatric dermatologists in Nizhny Novgorod - in the article below
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to choose a good dermatologist in Cheboksary? There are many specialists in the city who are able to diagnose and treat skin diseases - among them there are paid and free, young and highly experienced. But choosing the best dermatologist in Cheboksary is most correct not by qualification, but by rating and feedback from patients
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
For the normal life of any person, it is important that he be he althy. This also applies to the spine. Sometimes people simply do not know how to lift and move weights correctly, which is traumatic for the intervertebral discs. According to statistics, every third person in the world has problems with the spine, and as a result, disability appears. It all depends not only on how much the things that we lift weigh
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to choose a child psychologist in Voronezh? When faced with mental he alth disorders in a child for the first time, parents may be confused, but it is not worth taking a baby or teenager to the first specialist who comes across. The following list of the best child psychologists in Voronezh will help you make a choice: with reviews, prices, addresses and qualification information
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Electronic blood pressure monitors are more susceptible, so more often mechanical ones show incorrect results. To minimize the error, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of the tonometry technique with an electronic tonometer. These conditions must be observed, because otherwise the doctor may, on the basis of incorrect data, make an incorrect diagnosis and prescribe ineffective treatment. How are measurements taken and how often should they be taken?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
How to choose the right urologist in Lipetsk? Diseases of the kidneys, urinary or reproductive system - all these are the reasons for contacting such a doctor. The sphere is delicate and fragile enough not to risk trusting an unverified specialist. The list of the best urologists in Lipetsk presented in this article will help you make the right choice
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The histology of the tongue suggests that it is a muscular organ in which the body, tip and root are isolated. The basis is transverse muscle fibers running in three mutual directions - perpendicular to each other. They allow the tongue to be mobile in different directions. The muscles are divided into right and left halves symmetrically by a connective tissue septum. On the histology of the tongue, it can be seen that the muscle fibers alternate within themselves thin layers of fibrous loose connective tissue (PCT)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If you live in a constant multitasking mode, have a lot of responsibility at work, don’t go out in the sun much and are generally tired so much that you want to howl at the moon, there is a great way - a pressure chamber, in Moscow or another city. A wonderful way to restore the body and restore vigor
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In today's society, hypertension is one of the most common diseases. The prevailing part of patients belongs to the pension age category. However, each time it is either not possible or inconvenient to seek help from a doctor, so everyone is interested in how to lower blood pressure at home. Ardent opponents of drugs argue that this can be done through the use of natural remedies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
To know what not to do with frostbite of the limbs, face and other parts of the body, any person living in a more or less cold region should know
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Diagnostics on high-quality equipment, as well as timely tests help to avoid the development of serious diseases. All types of research are offered by the Gemotest laboratory. Work is carried out at a high level
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A diagnostic method that allows you to study the structure of cells, including the mucous membrane, as well as to detect the presence or absence of pathological processes, is called cytology. The main objective of this type of research is to identify oncological pathology, bacterial or viral infection. Cytology of the cervix is a common type of examination in gynecological practice
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Before we get into the main differences, let's first find out what nicotinic acid and nicotine actually are. The latter substance is a natural alkaloid, which is extracted from a huge number of plants of the nightshade family. The highest concentration is found in tobacco and shag. Nicotine is one of the most powerful insecticides of natural origin, which is why it was previously widely used to control insects
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Every day, medicine strives for the latest developments to protect human he alth. So, one of the most effective and most popular ways to prevent people from getting sick is to vaccinate. It is customary to vaccinate children who were born a few hours ago in the maternity hospital. From this article you will learn how the diphtheria vaccine is given to adults
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The pathologies of the hip joint cause a lot of inconvenience. Any movement, even sitting, causes pain to a person. Many patients are forced to constantly take painkillers, but the situation is still aggravated. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to restore the ability of a person to move without pain. The main method to achieve this is gymnastics for the hip joint
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Capillary flaw detection (that is, capillary inspection) is designed to detect and inspect invisible or barely visible to the naked eye through and surface defects. We are talking about cracks, pores, lack of penetration, intercrystalline corrosion, shells, fistulas, and so on
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Today, modern medicine and the latest technology can eliminate the many problems that arise in the female body. Particular attention is paid to the reproductive system. Those representatives of the weaker sex who despaired of giving birth decades ago can now endure and give birth to a baby. Two procedures have become a breakthrough in gynecology - laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The most important diagnostic method in gynecology is a gynecological smear on the flora. For research, secretions of the urethra, vaginal mucosa and cervix are taken. It makes it possible to study the pathogenic microflora of the genitourinary system and assess its condition
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
This article will tell you all about the cholesterol test. What is this study? How to prepare for it? What are the standards for blood cholesterol in men and women?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Most people believe that cholesterol is a dangerous substance for the body. Indeed, its excess has a negative impact on he alth, but its deficiency does not lead to anything good. Each person needs to donate blood annually for a cholesterol test to detect deviations from normal levels
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The Omron S-24 nebulizer will help to cope with colds. Ensures maximum availability for medicines, so recovery is much faster
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Turmanium ceramics is a stone of complex composition, in the production of which crushed rocks are mixed: tourmanium, natural germanium, volcanic rocks. The powder is dried, sieved in the wind, given a disk shape and kept in an oven at 1300 ° C and above
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What is adrenaline? It is the main hormone of the medulla, which is produced by the adrenal glands. Adrenaline also acts as a neurotransmitter. However, according to the chemical structure, this substance is still referred to as catecholamines. Adrenaline can be easily found in the organs and tissues of our body
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pasta Amosova is a storehouse of natural vitamins and useful trace elements that are needed for human he alth. The use of this product improves immunity, strengthens the nervous system and reduces the risk of heart disease. Pasta is very easy to prepare and delicious
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is the author of books on the healing method of treating the spine and the body as a whole, a follower of alternative medicine. According to him, the basis for the treatment of many diseases is 99% in the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of a person, and only 1% in the system of physical exercises developed by him
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Many people currently suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can significantly help in the treatment and prevention of this disease