Feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat

Feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat
Feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat

The causes of the feeling of choking in the neck can be different. Such a symptom of moderate or slight strength accompanies SARS and other colds, and most often is a sign of bronchial asthma.

Discomfort in the throat may indicate the development of neoplasms in the throat or adjacent tissues, diphtheria - a very serious disease, a panic attack, and so on. Therefore, the accompanying symptoms, causes and treatment of choking in the neck and throat must be considered in each individual case.

Reasons for discomfort

What causes choking in the neck and throat? What to do? A symptom can accompany many diseases and disorders, so only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis. You should immediately contact the clinic to a general practitioner (therapist), who, if necessary, will refer the patient to narrow specialists.

sensation of suffocation in the neck and throat
sensation of suffocation in the neck and throat

Diagnosis is based on medical history (if the patient has neurological disorders, thenoften discomfort can appear during a panic attack, so this option will be considered as the main one), complaints and the clinical picture, the results of additional examinations.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of suffocation in the neck and throat is bronchial asthma - a fairly severe chronic disease, which is characterized by bronchial hyperactivity and obstruction of the respiratory tract. A moderate feeling of suffocation may appear with a cold. Such a symptom after recovery goes away on its own and does not require separate treatment.

At any age, the cause of this condition can be diphtheria. The feeling of suffocation in the neck in this case is caused by the blocking of the lumen of the breathing tube with films. In the absence of medical attention, this can provoke suffocation. An unpleasant sensation of discomfort may be a consequence of the development of a neoplasm that captures the throat itself or nearby tissues and organs.

Significant discomfort appears when a foreign object enters the throat when inhaling. The patient feels suffocation, spasms, difficulty breathing, severe pain. If it is impossible to remove the foreign body on your own, you need to provide the victim with medical care as soon as possible. It is not uncommon for a symptom to occur in neurological disorders.

sensation and feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat
sensation and feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat

In addition, a feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat may be due to swelling of the larynx, which is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some other pathology. The reasons may be mechanical injuries, infectious diseases, severe chemical or thermal burns, allergens. Laryngeal edema develops with allergies in the form of anaphylactic shock.


An attack of suffocation, which occurs due to irritation of the receptors by some non-allergic factor or when exposed to an allergen, often accompanies bronchial asthma. The attack begins with a feeling of congestion in the nose, accompanied by a dry cough and heaviness in the chest. In the presence of any concomitant diseases, all symptoms appear and increase gradually.

In general, an attack consists of three successive stages. The period of precursors begins a couple of hours or minutes before the attack itself, sometimes even a few days. This stage is characterized by sneezing and the release of liquid secretions in large quantities, a feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, itching of the eyes, and shortness of breath. Itching may occur, accompanied by headache, indigestion, general weakness and nausea.

choking in the neck and throat causes
choking in the neck and throat causes

The very sensation of suffocation in the neck and throat often prevents the patient from breathing freely. Such an unpleasant feeling can arise suddenly, often in the middle of the night. In this case, the attack develops without a period of precursors. At the last stage, the patient is forced to take a position in which the feeling of lack of air worries him less. The attack is gradually disappearing.

Several methods of therapy are used: drug multilevel treatment,prevention of exacerbations (compliance with the regimen and diet, control of chronic diseases), rehabilitation of patients (clear adherence to the therapy plan, teaching the patient to control their condition). In most cases, the prognosis for the patient is favorable.

Respiratory viral diseases

A moderate sensation of suffocation in the neck and throat accompanies various colds. The flu develops rapidly, and the symptoms of SARS increase gradually. The body temperature rises (with the flu - up to 39 degrees, with SARS it is below 38.5), there is aches all over the body, chills, runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough. Feeling of suffocation due to swelling of the throat.

Treatment is indicated medication. The doctor will prescribe immunomodulatory drugs, antipyretic, symptomatic drugs. The patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids. It helps the body get rid of toxins and replaces fluid loss. Do not forget about folk remedies: tea with lemon and raspberries, honey and warm milk.


Corynebacterium infection is most commonly diagnosed in children, but can affect patients of any age. After infection, a film is formed that covers the respiratory organs. This provokes oxygen starvation. During coughing, sputum is separated. Delayed provision of qualified assistance can cause airway obstruction and lead to death.

choking in the neck and throat reasons what to do
choking in the neck and throat reasons what to do


Spasms and feelings of suffocation can cause swelling inlarynx, which also affects neighboring tissues. The patient fails to take a full breath, panic and anxiety increase. To determine the correct diagnosis, you must definitely consult a doctor, because the prognosis directly depends on when adequate treatment is started.

The presence of a malignant neoplasm is accompanied by the following symptoms: swallowing disorders, significant weight loss, bad breath, hoarseness.

In most cases, the cause of the symptom is the occurrence of nodes or cysts of the thyroid gland, hypertrophy. Very often, such dangerous diseases do not manifest themselves for a long time, and patients learn about the terrible diagnosis only at the last stage. That is why periodic monitoring and diagnosis is so important.

choking in the neck and throat causes symptoms and treatment
choking in the neck and throat causes symptoms and treatment

Foreign body hit

Most often this phenomenon affects young children when foreign objects enter the nasopharynx during the game. This can cause a feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Parents should be alerted by blue lips, drooling, coughing with gagging.

Neurological disorders

The causes of feeling and feeling of suffocation in the neck and throat can be various neurological disorders. This symptom is typical for panic attacks, depression, neurasthenia, hyperventilation syndrome. In such cases, the patient experiences a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, increased heart rate,limb numbness, tinnitus and other symptoms. The sensation of suffocation itself lasts no more than 30 minutes, but causes a strong anxiety in the patient.

Emotional overstrain or stress is enough to provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon. At the same time, the person begins to breathe often, the frequency of heart contractions increases, general weakness appears. Such attacks can occur not only in stressful situations, but also in a calm environment. If the cause of suffocation is in neurological diseases, then you should definitely visit a therapist, a neurologist, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist.

stress as a reason
stress as a reason

As a symptom of laryngeal edema or allergies

The feeling of suffocation is a direct sign of laryngeal edema, which is not a separate disease, but a symptom of another pathology. The causes of edema can be infectious diseases, mechanical damage and trauma, severe chemical and thermal burns, the ingress of various allergens.

Swelling often occurs with a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. In this state, it is difficult for the patient to breathe. An allergic reaction develops very quickly, so it is important to take the right antihistamine at the right time.

As for intoxication, the accompanying symptoms are a regular cough, which often worsens at night, a sore throat and a burning sensation in the throat.

Treatment for feeling of choking in the neck

Treatment of a symptom varies considerably depending on which disease the patient is diagnosed with. In the presence of a foreignbodies in the larynx carry out emergency endoscopic intervention, in case of allergies, the effect of an irritating factor on the body is excluded, antihistamines are prescribed, it may be necessary to wash the mucous membranes.

choking in the neck and throat
choking in the neck and throat

In case of diphtheria, treatment is carried out in a hospital, antibiotics are used. If a tumor is detected, then radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed for a malignant neoplasm, and surgical intervention is indicated. In diseases of the thyroid gland, treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist.

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive medical examination. It is very important to consult a doctor in time, it is necessary to exclude self-medication. Only a specialist will prescribe adequate therapy.
