Quite a large number of people are wondering what the rate of pressure a person has. To date, the optimal value of this parameter is considered to be 110 to 70. Moreover, it is worth noting that the question of what is the norm of pressure is also of concern to people for the reason that its limits are not limited to these indicators, but are within a fairly wide range. As for its systolic component, its physiological values for humans are at the level of 90 to 139 mm Hg. Art. inclusive. If we talk about diastolic pressure, then it is considered normal in cases where it does not drop to 59 mm Hg. Art. and below, and also does not rise above 89. With a more significant increase, we can talk about a disease such as arterial hypertension. If these parameters are reduced, then this indicates that a person has hypotension.

How to achieve normal blood pressure?
People are more and more concerned about the problem of arterial hypertension every year. Modern medicine has long recognized it as very serious. As a result, scientiststried to find ways to achieve the norm of pressure. People now often try to teach this at receptions therapists. Moreover, they most often have to deal with an increase in this indicator.
Sometimes you can do without medicines in order to achieve normal pressure. People are not always satisfied with such treatment, since it is possible only with a slight increase in pressure (up to 150/90). To return the indicators to the physiological limits helps to reduce body weight to normal values. The fact is that each extra kilogram is able to add 0.5 mm Hg. Art. In order for a person to lose weight, doctors recommend a diet. In addition, the patient must increase his physical activity, since without this it is extremely difficult to reduce weight.

A person with high blood pressure should also adjust the amount of table s alt they consume. The thing is that this substance increases the pressure in the vessels of the body. It is recommended that you try to reduce your s alt intake to 3 grams per day.

Also, some people should limit their water intake. The fact is that too much of its volume can also contribute to some increase in pressure. 2-2.5 liters is enough for any person.
Often, such non-drug methods fail to achieve normal pressure. People are not always able to be persuaded to change their lifestyle. In these cases it is necessaryprescribe them drugs that lower blood pressure. The most common drugs are from the group of ACE inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers, and calcium channel antagonists.
If the pressure falls below the level of 90/60, then it is customary to talk about hypotension. You can increase blood pressure by drinking coffee, strong tea, and chocolate. In addition, there are tonic drugs that help restore the physiological level of pressure. We are talking about all kinds of tinctures (ginseng root, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis and others).
It is worth remembering that the normal blood pressure of a he althy person does not exceed 139/89. At the same time, even such figures are a serious reason to think about weight correction or reducing the amount of s alt consumed.