Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?
Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?

Hydrogen peroxide is often used in the treatment of inflammation in the ears, as well as to get rid of sulfur plugs. This affordable tool is available in any home first aid kit. It has antiseptic and hemostatic properties. However, a concentrated solution of this drug is a rather aggressive substance. So is it possible to pour hydrogen peroxide into the ear? Will this remedy burn the delicate mucous membrane of the ear canal? We will consider this issue further.

Hydrogen peroxide formula
Hydrogen peroxide formula

Healing properties of the drug

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer and antiseptic. This liquid effectively fights pathogenic microflora. In addition, the drug stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, thereby contributing to the healing and restoration of damaged mucosa. The drug also has slight immunomodulatory properties.

If you pour peroxidehydrogen into the ears, this liquid will dissolve wax plugs and other impurities in the ear canal. Unlike many other local antiseptics, the solution does not cause burning when it comes into contact with the wound surface. When applied, the drug forms a foam, which helps to remove foreign particles from the wound and ear canal.

Indications for use

You can drip hydrogen peroxide into your ears with the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the ear canal. Most often, this disease has a bacterial or fungal origin. Pain occurs in the ear passage, mucous or purulent discharge appears. The solution effectively destroys bacteria and fungi. In such cases, hydrogen peroxide is usually used as part of complex therapy and complements other medications.
  2. Inflammation (otitis) in the outer and middle part of the ear. Pathology is caused by viruses or bacteria. The source of infection in this case is usually located in the nasal cavity. From there, microorganisms enter the middle ear. The disease is accompanied by shooting pain and discharge from the organ of hearing. Timely treatment with hydrogen peroxide will prevent the infection from moving to the eardrum.
  3. Sulfur plugs. With rare or insufficient cleaning of the ears, earwax accumulates in the ear canal. Over time, this substance becomes solid. Clogs are formed that clog the passage. A person's hearing deteriorates and there is a sensation of tinnitus. Hydrogen peroxide softens sulfur plugs, making them much easier to remove with water or cotton swabs.
Sulfur plug in the ear
Sulfur plug in the ear

In the treatment of these diseases, it is very important to observe the dosage and concentration of the solution.


Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear with an internal form of otitis media? This drug can be used only if the inflammation is localized in the outer or middle part of the hearing organ. With internal otitis (labyrinthitis), when the pathological process affects the cochlea, the use of the solution is useless. The drug will not help in any way, since inflammation develops behind the eardrum. The liquid cannot penetrate into such deep parts of the ear.

Often, patients are interested in: "Can I drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear if hearing has deteriorated?" First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the resulting hearing loss. Hearing loss may be associated with a rupture of the eardrum, and then the use of peroxide is strictly prohibited. The solution can pass through the hole in the eardrum into the inner ear. This is fraught with complete hearing loss. Dropping hydrogen peroxide into the ear is possible only with a whole eardrum.

Hearing loss
Hearing loss

You also need to be careful when treating children. For a child under 1 year old, it is better not to bury the solution in the ear. In the treatment of infants, the drug should be applied to cotton swabs and carefully insert the turundas into the ear canal. If the baby is older than 1 year, then a pipette can be used to instill hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Filling the solution with a syringe is not recommended.

Giving hydrogen peroxide to a child
Giving hydrogen peroxide to a child

Whatdrug form to be used

In pharmacy chains you can find hydrogen peroxide in tablets and solution. To treat the ears, you need to choose the finished liquid form of the drug. The tablets are designed to prepare a concentrated solution that is used when lightening hair.

If you want to pour hydrogen peroxide into your ear, it is recommended to choose a drug with a concentration of no more than 3%. A stronger solution can cause chemical burns and overdrying of the mucous membrane.

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide

How to get rid of wax plugs

Hydrogen peroxide usually helps with small light-colored traffic jams. If there is a severe blockage of the passage with dark-colored earwax, it is better to consult a doctor. It is very difficult to remove such a cork at home.

When cleaning the ears from wax, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. The patient should be laid on their side with the ear plugged up.
  2. The solution must be warmed in the hands to keep it warm.
  3. Drip 10-15 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear and lie down for 10 minutes.
  4. Roll over to the other side. Place a towel or tissue under your ear. Fluid should drain completely.
  5. Remove the softened cork with cotton swabs.
Ear cleaning with cotton swabs
Ear cleaning with cotton swabs

After instillation of the solution, hissing and warmth may be felt in the ears. This is normal. If an excessive amount of hydrogen peroxide is poured, then foam may come out. For old traffic jams, the procedurehave to repeat three or four times.

Using peroxide for otitis media

The use of the drug for otitis and inflammation of the ear canal is possible due to the disinfectant properties of the solution. The algorithm of actions during treatment is approximately the same as when cleaning the ears from traffic jams:

  1. The person lies on one side, up with a sore ear.
  2. The solution is warmed in the hands for about 2 minutes.
  3. Pour 2-3 drops of the solution into the sore ear.
  4. The auricle is massaged, and after 10 minutes the head is tilted to the other side.
  5. You need to wait for the peroxide to drain completely.

This procedure is carried out 5-6 days 2-3 times a day.

How much solution can be applied

Pour hydrogen peroxide into the ear with sulfur plugs is allowed no more than 5 days. If during this period congestion in the ear persists, then you should contact an otolaryngologist. The doctor will flush the ear canal with a special syringe for Janet.

Treatment of inflammation of the ear canal and middle ear is also continued for about 5-6 days. Prolonged use of the solution is not recommended, as this may cause overdrying of the mucosa.

Can hydrogen peroxide harm your ears

Usually, instillation of hydrogen peroxide does no harm. The use of the solution will be safe if you follow simple rules:

  1. Do not clean your ears with the solution too often. Apply peroxide only when traffic jams form. Earwax is needed to protect the ear canal from pathogens. Constantly flushing out this substance,can deprive the hearing organ of protection against infections.
  2. You can not increase the allowable concentration of the solution. It will not speed up the healing process. Too strong a solution can cause a burn or excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.
  3. Some patients have an individual intolerance to hydrogen peroxide. In this case, the use of the drug is contraindicated. If, after applying the solution, the patient has allergic reactions, then it is necessary to urgently stop treatment.

Before instillation of hydrogen peroxide, you should consult with an otolaryngologist. With internal otitis and rupture of the tympanic membrane, the use of the solution is categorically contraindicated. Therefore, before treating otitis media, it is necessary to undergo an accurate diagnosis.
