Medicine 2024, October

Alcohol sensitization: concept, definition, types, effect of drugs, pros and cons of treatment

Alcohol sensitization: concept, definition, types, effect of drugs, pros and cons of treatment

What is sensitization, what are its types? What is alcohol sensitization? Why is such a procedure carried out? Scheme of treatment with sensitizing drugs. What drugs are used, what are their features? The need for psychotherapeutic treatment. Complications after the procedure, contraindications to it

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the internal organs of an adult?

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the internal organs of an adult?

Ultrasound of the internal organs makes it possible to detect malformations along with the general condition, thanks to which it is possible to detect hidden pathologies. Often, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to confirm or refute a presumptive diagnosis, and, in addition, to control the therapeutic process, in order to note the negative or positive dynamics

Fixer "Valufix": reviews of doctors, negative and positive reviews

Fixer "Valufix": reviews of doctors, negative and positive reviews

Almost all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity want to be beautiful and attractive. They wear sophisticated clothes and prefer shoes with heels, which make the figure more feminine and graceful. However, not everyone thinks about what they will have to pay for their love for uncomfortable shoes

Endocrinology Center on Academicheskaya (Moscow, Dmitry Ulyanov St., 11): reviews

Endocrinology Center on Academicheskaya (Moscow, Dmitry Ulyanov St., 11): reviews

Citizens of the capital can receive quality medical care by contacting the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. We will tell you in more detail about the location and structure of the institution, the services it provides and the feedback from patients who have already managed to undergo treatment in this place

What kind of doctor is a geriatrician? Geriatrics - prevention and treatment of diseases of senile age

What kind of doctor is a geriatrician? Geriatrics - prevention and treatment of diseases of senile age

The body of an elderly person has its own characteristics. Geriatrics studies them both in the absence of diseases and in the presence of diseases

Prostate massage: harm and benefit. Proper prostate massage technique

Prostate massage: harm and benefit. Proper prostate massage technique

Prostate massage has been used in medical practice for over a hundred years. In recent years, the debate about the validity of his appointment has intensified

How to steam in the bath for he alth? Bath with a broom: rules, indications and contraindications

How to steam in the bath for he alth? Bath with a broom: rules, indications and contraindications

The bath serves not only for washing, but also for improving he alth. Like any procedure that affects the body, it requires compliance with the rules

Hernia bandage. Features of use

Hernia bandage. Features of use

Hernial bandage - a device used in therapy and surgery. It is intended to prevent the passage of the intestinal loop into the scrotum

Cough inhalers: types and features

Cough inhalers: types and features

Cough inhalers serve for effective and simple treatment of various bronchopulmonary diseases. A special nebulizer device should be in every home medicine cabinet for treating colds and relieving attacks of false croup that occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections, measles, chicken pox, stomatitis, scarlet fever

Thyroid ultrasound is normal. The size of the thyroid gland is normal. Thyroid hormone levels are normal

Thyroid ultrasound is normal. The size of the thyroid gland is normal. Thyroid hormone levels are normal

Today, thyroid ultrasound is considered by many experts to be the most informative method for studying the state of this organ. Moreover, ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accessible today. Its undoubted advantage should be considered the ability to examine patients at any age

Location of the thyroid gland (photo)

Location of the thyroid gland (photo)

Before considering the features of the location of the thyroid gland in the body, you need to understand what kind of organ it is. The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system that stores iodine and produces three iodine-containing hormones involved in metabolism

T4 (free): normal. Hormone T4 (free): blood test for thyroid hormones

T4 (free): normal. Hormone T4 (free): blood test for thyroid hormones

The hormone T4 (free) contributes to the regulation of normal development and growth, ensuring the maintenance of body temperature and maintaining heat generation. The compound affects all stages of carbohydrate metabolism, partly vitamin and lipid metabolism

Perinatal center, Lipetsk: address, phone, medical services, reviews

Perinatal center, Lipetsk: address, phone, medical services, reviews

There is a regional perinatal center in Lipetsk, equipped with modern high-precision medical equipment. The medical staff of the center is highly qualified and has extensive experience and work experience

Vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg: reviews. Where can you get expert advice?

Vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg: reviews. Where can you get expert advice?

Diagnosis of vascular diseases in Yekaterinburg. Prevention and treatment by the best specialists in the category of vascular surgery. Causes and preconditions of vascular diseases

Cardia does not close completely: what is it, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Cardia does not close completely: what is it, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Kardia is a ring-shaped sphincter. It is located between the stomach and esophagus and is normally always closed

Fiber is a panacea?

Fiber is a panacea?

What benefits can be found in natural cellulose? Fiber is the youth and he alth of the skin, clean blood vessels and normal blood sugar levels, as well as much, much more, which is not customary to talk about out loud. After reading this article, we decide which is better: fiber in tablets or in products

Treatment in Turkey: reviews and tips

Treatment in Turkey: reviews and tips

Get rid of he alth problems is not easy. Many turn to foreign experts for help. Can Turkish doctors help restore he alth?

24/7 Ivan Fillmore Veterinary Clinic. Fillmore Clinic: address, reviews

24/7 Ivan Fillmore Veterinary Clinic. Fillmore Clinic: address, reviews

One of the best in St. Petersburg is the Ivan Fillmore Clinic for Pets and Homeless Animals. The clinic is equipped with the latest equipment, which allows you to accurately diagnose patients and conduct effective treatment

Moscow Homeopathic Center: description, services, specialists, contacts and reviews

Moscow Homeopathic Center: description, services, specialists, contacts and reviews

Ever since the time of Hippocrates, people began to make rules for treatment and taking medicines. Doctors of antiquity were sure that everything that surrounds us can heal us. This is how homeopathy appeared, the significance of which has long and often been argued

Homeopathy - what is it? Basic homeopathic remedies. Feedback on homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy - what is it? Basic homeopathic remedies. Feedback on homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy is one of the methods of alternative medicine. It can cure the patient of the disease in cases where traditional methods of therapy are powerless

We get rid of the mistakes of the past: laser tattoo removal

We get rid of the mistakes of the past: laser tattoo removal

The desire to be fashionable at a young age can have a negative impact later, when a person fully enters adulthood. And here the mistakes of youth will make themselves felt. One of them is tattoos. What to do if the drawing on the body is no longer needed? Which method of information to choose: laser tattoo removal, surgery, or can everything be done at home?

Gastroscopy for a child: where and how they do it, contraindications and reviews

Gastroscopy for a child: where and how they do it, contraindications and reviews

Gastroscopy for a child is prescribed by a gastroenterologist with frequent complaints of pain in the organs associated with the digestive system. The procedure is quite unpleasant, but it is considered informative for identifying lesions in the mucous tissues of the upper gastrointestinal tract (stomach, esophagus, duodenum)

53 Moscow hospital. City Clinical Hospital No. 53 - polyclinic department

53 Moscow hospital. City Clinical Hospital No. 53 - polyclinic department

Hospital 53 was opened over 60 years ago, in 1955. At that time it was a small hospital, located in the building of a former school. From the very beginning of its foundation, the medical institution specialized in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and surgical problems underwent a course of therapy here

Consent to Anesthesia Benefit

Consent to Anesthesia Benefit

The patient's consent to anesthesia (anesthetic support, provision and anesthesia) is reflected in the medical form confirming the patient's voluntary consent to the appropriate procedure. Such a form, given to the patient, informs him of the upcoming type of anesthesia, possible risks or complications, and, in addition, of the consequences in case of refusal of anesthesia. The patient's consent form for anesthesia must be filled out with a planned and emergency form of this medical

What is a Genchi test? Stange's test and its technique

What is a Genchi test? Stange's test and its technique

Functional test of Genchi is performed with breath holding. This test helps to understand how well the body is provided with oxygen

58 polyclinic (children's) in Moscow: address, reviews, opening hours

58 polyclinic (children's) in Moscow: address, reviews, opening hours

Children's Clinic No. 58 in Moscow: where is it located and how does it work. What specialists accept. Description of school and he alth center. Special services for children with disabilities. Reviews of visitors about the work of the clinic

Orthopedic foot pillow: types, characteristics, tips for choosing

Orthopedic foot pillow: types, characteristics, tips for choosing

Orthopedic foot pillow is used as a prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Its features allow you to normalize blood circulation in the lower extremities. Consider the features, types, options for fillers and what to look for when choosing

When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness

When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness

Toxicosis is a very common problem faced by many expectant mothers. That is why pregnant women are interested in questions about when the malaise will begin and how long it lasts

Surgical sutures: types and methods of application

Surgical sutures: types and methods of application

Surgeons must use surgical sutures in their work. Types are different and the type is selected depending on the wound, its location and depth

The sour smell of sweat. Causes of Bad Smell

The sour smell of sweat. Causes of Bad Smell

Excessive sweating and sweat odor is a serious and frustrating problem faced by many people around the world. However, few people know that the appearance of a sour smell of sweat is associated with the occurrence and development of a disease or infection in the human body, which require immediate investigation and treatment

First aid kit is a necessary thing at the enterprise and in the office. What should be included in a first aid kit?

First aid kit is a necessary thing at the enterprise and in the office. What should be included in a first aid kit?

Unfortunately, in life we often find ourselves in dangerous situations, from which we often leave with bruises, fractures, bruises and other injuries. Therefore, every office and home should have a first aid kit. Find out how to fit it right

X-ray is a method of studying the internal structure of objects using x-rays. Reviews, contraindications

X-ray is a method of studying the internal structure of objects using x-rays. Reviews, contraindications

Almost every adult visited the X-ray room, undergoing preventive examinations. Radiography is an important diagnostic method of research and quite informative

Sterilization box: description, types and classification, filters, stands, purpose and use in medicine

Sterilization box: description, types and classification, filters, stands, purpose and use in medicine

The issue of sterilization of instruments and products is in the first place in any medical institution. They are used in such fields of medicine as dentistry, gynecology, otolaryngology, surgery and therapy. Sterilization boxes are selected depending on the type and size required by a particular department

Academician Petrovsky Boris Vasilyevich: biography, contribution to medicine

Academician Petrovsky Boris Vasilyevich: biography, contribution to medicine

The future surgeon and scientist Petrovsky Boris Vasilyevich was born on June 27, 1908 in Essentuki. His father was a doctor - a medical career was a family tradition. Shortly before the revolution, the Petrovskys moved to Kislovodsk

World Cancer Day: history

World Cancer Day: history

According to the World He alth Organization, cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. You can learn more about this disease from this article

How to get rid of acne scars?

How to get rid of acne scars?

Acne and blackheads are a very unpleasant phenomenon that can poison anyone's life. You can and should fight them. However, this must be done correctly, so that later the question does not arise about how to get rid of scars after acne

Allergen tests: where to take, decoding, reviews

Allergen tests: where to take, decoding, reviews

Allergy symptoms can easily be confused with other diseases - intestinal infection, colds. Antihistamines do not eliminate the cause, they stop the attack for a while. It is impossible to establish the diagnosis of "allergy" based only on the patient's complaints. In addition, in order to accurately determine the substance that is an irritant, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study. There are a number of research methods, the doctor can prescribe them either individually or in combination

The causative agent of leptospirosis: infection, signs and treatment, vaccination and prevention

The causative agent of leptospirosis: infection, signs and treatment, vaccination and prevention

The disease leptospirosis is considered one of the most severe. She is difficult to treat. This article will discuss what the causative agent of the infection is, as well as how the disease manifests itself. Find out the causes, stages of the disease, full symptoms

Platelets - norm and deviations

Platelets - norm and deviations

CBC is often ordered by a doctor and is mandatory in many cases. One of the interesting parameters of this analysis is platelets. The norm for a he althy person is purely individual and depends on age. Let's look at this parameter and try to understand what it is being investigated for

TTG - transcript. Blood test, TSH - transcript

TTG - transcript. Blood test, TSH - transcript

Thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland and regulates all functions of the thyroid gland. Its indicator is very important, since any deviations from the norm can have serious consequences for the human body