Medicine 2024, October

Prevention of posture disorders in children of different ages

Prevention of posture disorders in children of different ages

An important factor in the development of the body is the formation of correct posture. Prevention of spinal disorders includes special exercises, massage, sports and proper nutrition

How to insert earplugs correctly: features of use and varieties

How to insert earplugs correctly: features of use and varieties

A compact pair of devices to protect your ears from loud sounds and water is called earplugs. They are considered little helpers for big people. But many, especially before the first use, ask themselves the question: “How to insert earplugs correctly?”. This article discusses the features of the use of devices, it is told for what purposes they are used, and whether there are contraindications

Detox foot patch: description, action, reviews

Detox foot patch: description, action, reviews

Currently, there are many methods of cleansing cells from toxins and other decay products. The most popular non-traditional method is the use of detox patches. According to reviews, their use significantly accelerates the process of cleansing the body, which is manifested by a significant improvement in overall well-being

The norm of erythrocytes in men and women: table, main indicators and decoding

The norm of erythrocytes in men and women: table, main indicators and decoding

The rate of red blood cells in men and women is different. This indicator is very important, since erythrocytes are the most important blood cells and a change in them indicates either a breakdown or a serious illness

How to store creatine? Shelf life after opening

How to store creatine? Shelf life after opening

Creatine is a nitrogen-containing organic compound of the carboxyl group. With the help of it, energy metabolism is carried out in nerve and muscle cells. Carboxylic acid is widely used by athletes to increase the efficiency of exercise and muscle mass. For convenience, bodybuilders purchase sports nutrition with creatine in relatively large quantities. At the same time, many do not even think about the shelf life of creatine. The shelf life depends on the shape of the product

Analysis for HPV in men: how to pass, decoding the result

Analysis for HPV in men: how to pass, decoding the result

Analysis for HPV in men allows you to detect human papillomavirus infection in the body. The virus is widespread and causes serious illness. The most common way of sexual transmission of papillomavirus is from a sick woman to a man. How to get tested for HPV and what types of research are available, you need to know every person who is sexually active

Bishofite baths: indications and contraindications, application features and recommendations

Bishofite baths: indications and contraindications, application features and recommendations

Man is always inclined to believe that a miracle will happen and his problems will dissolve by themselves. Many apply this formula to their he alth. But it is worth thinking about the fact that even for the greatest miracle it is necessary to create conditions. At least ask, maybe it is very close, you just need to pay attention to it. Here, for example, bischofite. Well, why not a miracle?

How to get a spa card in a clinic: conditions for obtaining, tips

How to get a spa card in a clinic: conditions for obtaining, tips

Any person who has finally waited for a ticket to a medical institution begins to look for information on how to get a he alth resort card in a clinic for an adult or a child, and also wants to know what is needed for this. This process takes a lot of time, so knowledgeable people do not advise postponing the solution of this important issue

Vascular surgeon in Chelyabinsk: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Vascular surgeon in Chelyabinsk: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

How to tell a good specialist in the field of vascular surgery from the best. It is necessary to find out the qualification data about the doctor, information about his experience and seniority. Also, an important criterion is the opinions of patients published in the format of Internet comments. The article presents a list of the best vascular surgeons in Chelyabinsk. Where these specialists are accepted, you will find out by reading it

Rh-negative child in Rh-positive parents: causes, genotypes of people and opinions of doctors

Rh-negative child in Rh-positive parents: causes, genotypes of people and opinions of doctors

The Rh factor is a specific protein compound that is located on the surface of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Most of the world's population (75%) has it. The rest do not have a protein compound in the blood. The Rh factor is a dominant trait. It is included in the human genotype and, accordingly, is inherited. However, in practice, there are cases when a child is born to Rh-positive parents, in whose blood there is no protein compound

Infectionist in Novosibirsk: an overview of the best specialists, qualifications, reviews

Infectionist in Novosibirsk: an overview of the best specialists, qualifications, reviews

There are a lot of good infectious disease specialists in Novosibirsk. Those who are currently interested in finding such a specialist - no matter for treatment or a planned examination, should pay attention not only to the level of qualification, but also to the reviews left on the Internet about the work of a particular doctor. And in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you can familiarize yourself with the list of the best infectiologists in Novosibirsk presented below

Hyperechoic formation in the gallbladder: causes, diagnosis and therapy

Hyperechoic formation in the gallbladder: causes, diagnosis and therapy

Hyperechogenic formation in the gallbladder is detected during ultrasound diagnostics. This is a section of a tissue or organ that has a high density for ultrasonic waves. It could be a stone or a tumor. Early diagnosis and treatment is important

Child psychologist in Yekaterinburg: review, features and reviews

Child psychologist in Yekaterinburg: review, features and reviews

How to find a good child psychologist in Yekaterinburg? This question is asked by many parents who are faced with the mental problems of the child. Of course, first of all, you should pay attention to experience and qualifications, but you should also read reviews about a specialist - they can sometimes be more eloquent than professional data. The list of the best child psychologists in Yekaterinburg will help you make the right choice

What happens if you tear off a wart: possible consequences, first aid

What happens if you tear off a wart: possible consequences, first aid

What happens if you tear off a wart? With proper first aid, the risk of developing serious complications and diseases is significantly reduced. In case of damage to the skin formation, measures should be taken to disinfect the injured area. This is best done with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine

At what pressure do they give sick leave: maximum allowable indicators, sick leave period

At what pressure do they give sick leave: maximum allowable indicators, sick leave period

It often happens that people experience pressure surges, but employees still continue to perform their duties at work. But no one dares to go to the clinic, because there is an opinion that doctors are unlikely to give sick leave for such an ailment. I must say that such self-sacrifice is not always justified. Find out at what pressure a sick leave is given

Bricker operation: postoperative period

Bricker operation: postoperative period

What is the essence of the Bricker operation method? In general, this is a surgical intervention with the removal of the bladder, when all its functions are taken over by an isolated loop of the ileum. Its one end is removed and sewn (implanted) to the front wall of the abdomen

What is the lethal body temperature for humans?

What is the lethal body temperature for humans?

In the human body there are special mechanisms of thermoregulation. They allow you to maintain body temperature in a stable state. However, under the influence of various adverse factors, the thermoregulatory function may be impaired. Deadly body temperature for a person is considered to be such indicators at which the body can no longer function. What can cause this condition? And at what indicators of the thermometer is it necessary to sound the alarm? Let's try to figure it out

The best cancer clinics in Moscow

The best cancer clinics in Moscow

Cancer is not a death sentence if the disease is detected in time and then immediately treated. And it is best to be treated not by charlatans, but by real professionals working in the best cancer clinics in Moscow, which we will tell you about now

Heel spur patches: overview, principle of operation and reviews

Heel spur patches: overview, principle of operation and reviews

Heel spur, also called heel fasciitis, is an extremely unpleasant disease that should not be left to chance. Without treatment, this pathology only progresses, delivering a lot of uncomfortable and painful sensations to a person. There are several treatments for heel spurs. One of the most effective are specially designed patches that are sold in pharmacies and on foreign websites

Flow cytometry - essence and application

Flow cytometry - essence and application

Flow cytometry: the principle of the study, its advantages and disadvantages. Classical and imaging cytometers. Scope of flow cytometry. The use of this method in immunology and oncohematology

How amnesia is obtained: causes, severity, medical opinions

How amnesia is obtained: causes, severity, medical opinions

Amnesia is a pathological process associated with the loss of memories of past events. Violations can be associated with craniocerebral or psychological trauma. Amnesia can also develop against the background of certain neurological diseases

Treatment of hemorrhoids in Yekaterinburg: a list of clinics, addresses, working hours, a list of medical services, doctors' appointments and patient reviews

Treatment of hemorrhoids in Yekaterinburg: a list of clinics, addresses, working hours, a list of medical services, doctors' appointments and patient reviews

Hemorrhoids - an unpleasant disease associated with the formation of varicose veins in the rectum. It will be possible to cope with unpleasant symptoms with timely seeking medical help. In Yekaterinburg, many clinics provide services in this area

Does fluorography show smoking and is it possible to identify a smoker in this way?

Does fluorography show smoking and is it possible to identify a smoker in this way?

Doctors recommend undergoing a fluorographic examination once a year. This diagnostic procedure is included in the mandatory medical examination program. It helps to identify the initial signs of such dangerous pathologies as tuberculosis and cancer. Does fluorography show smoking? This question is especially often asked by young smokers. They fear that, based on the results of the examination, parents will guess about their bad habit. Is it possible to understand from a fluorographic image that the patient smokes?

Genitalia - what is it?

Genitalia - what is it?

Genitalia - what is it? Hearing an unfamiliar beautiful word, many of us will not understand what it is about. Turns out it's the sex organs. The human genitalia are used for procreation. With their help, mating of male and female individuals takes place. This word comes from the Latin ginger, which means "to give birth." Therefore, these organs themselves can be called reproductive in another way

Kirov Clinical Diagnostic Center: addresses, activities, services, reviews

Kirov Clinical Diagnostic Center: addresses, activities, services, reviews

The largest medical organization in the city of Kirov and the region is the Kirov Clinical and Diagnostic Center, whose specialists provide primary he alth care and medical care in a hospital and day hospital

Children's dermatologists of Voronezh: a list

Children's dermatologists of Voronezh: a list

How to find a good pediatric dermatologist in Voronezh? It is necessary to be guided by criteria such as qualifications of a specialist, experience and work experience, as well as the number of positive reviews on the Internet. The article below provides a list of the best pediatric dermatologists in Voronezh with the necessary professional information

Deciphering the tests: Rubella IgG is positive, what does it mean in medicine?

Deciphering the tests: Rubella IgG is positive, what does it mean in medicine?

Laboratory testing of a blood sample for the presence of antibodies to rubella is mandatory during pregnancy. The interpretation of the analysis should be carried out by a qualified specialist. Rubella is an acute infectious disease. Most often, this infection affects children aged 1-7 years

How to cause sneezing in an adult: causes, effective methods and remedies

How to cause sneezing in an adult: causes, effective methods and remedies

Sneezing is inherent in human nature, while it refers to unconditioned reflexes. Thus, the human body cleanses itself. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a process, but the goal will be common - to get rid of something that is dangerous to the body. Sometimes people need to know how to induce a sneeze in an adult. This is what we will talk about in our article

Essential oil of fir: properties and uses

Essential oil of fir: properties and uses

Essential oil of fir is a product with a rich composition, which determines its beneficial properties. Use this product in traditional medicine and cosmetology. With the help of fir essential oil, you can quickly heal wounds, cure coughs, rejuvenate the skin and simply cheer up

Medicine in Cuba: rating, benefits and features

Medicine in Cuba: rating, benefits and features

The state gained independence about 80 years ago. After the end of the war and the revolution, the government gained control over all sectors and spheres of the country's life. Medicine in Cuba is also under the jurisdiction of the state. The high level of its development is evidenced by the average life expectancy: according to the latest statistics, it is 76 years

The best cardiologists of Yaroslavl: reviews. Cardiology centers in Yaroslavl

The best cardiologists of Yaroslavl: reviews. Cardiology centers in Yaroslavl

How to find a good specialist in cardiology? When looking for a doctor, not only information about qualifications and experience will help, but also reviews of those who have already managed to evaluate the professionalism of the doctor and the quality of the prescribed treatment. However, turning pages on the Internet can take a long time. The list of the best cardiologists in Yaroslavl, presented in the article below, will help speed up the search process

Proctologist, Kirov: list, rating of the best, appointment times, clinics, medical centers, city hospitals and patient reviews

Proctologist, Kirov: list, rating of the best, appointment times, clinics, medical centers, city hospitals and patient reviews

How to choose a good proctologist in Kirov? It is no secret that this medical profession is very specific, and not all institutions provide proctological services. There are few such specialists in the city, and even fewer good ones. The following list of the best Kirov proctologists will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of the necessary doctor

Kardiologists of Khabarovsk: reviews. Cardiology centers in Khabarovsk

Kardiologists of Khabarovsk: reviews. Cardiology centers in Khabarovsk

How to find a good specialist in cardiology? In order to make a choice, you need to find out the doctor's qualifications and information about his experience, as well as read patient reviews left on the Internet. The list of the best cardiologists in Khabarovsk can be found in the article below

Maternity hospital on Surova in Ulyanovsk: address, departments, list of medical services, doctors' schedules and patient reviews

Maternity hospital on Surova in Ulyanovsk: address, departments, list of medical services, doctors' schedules and patient reviews

Birth is the most important event in the life of every person. And even if, when being born, the baby does not realize what happened, and, in general, he doesn’t care where and how it happened, but for his parents, especially his mother, this process is extremely important. And of course, you want everything to go smoothly and as perfectly as possible. In our material, we understand how such wishes correspond to the maternity hospital on Surova in Ulyanovsk

How to put cans on your back: an algorithm of actions, benefits and harms

How to put cans on your back: an algorithm of actions, benefits and harms

Many who lived in the era of developed socialism know about the setting of cans for medicinal purposes. In those days, it was a fairly effective, albeit slightly uncomfortable, method of treatment. Nowadays, this method is practically not used, but nevertheless, the fashion of recent years for everything Soviet has returned this treatment option. Putting cans on the back: is this method effective, and what are the sides of the same coin? Let's try to figure it out

When, how and which teeth are cut first in a baby?

When, how and which teeth are cut first in a baby?

Caring mothers have repeatedly asked the doctor about when the long-awaited teeth of the baby will come out and which teeth are cut first. Thanks to our article, the answers to these questions have become publicly available

What does a neurologist treat: 3 reasons to visit a doctor

What does a neurologist treat: 3 reasons to visit a doctor

What does a neurologist treat? For what symptoms should you call a doctor? You will find answers to all your questions in this article

Do you want to know the difference between a neurologist and a neuropathologist?

Do you want to know the difference between a neurologist and a neuropathologist?

You have a referral to a neurologist in your hands. You are moving along the corridor in search of the cherished door, and then the mother suddenly pulls by the hand to the neurologist's office. But you need a completely different specialist! Who is right? What is the difference between a neurologist and a neurologist?

Leukocytes 6.6 - norms, interpretation, causes of deviations

Leukocytes 6.6 - norms, interpretation, causes of deviations

White blood cells are the main component of the body's defense against disease. For example, the rate of leukocytes in the blood at 6 years old is 5–12. They protect the body from invading microorganisms and cells with mutated DNA and cleanse the body

What is office hysteroscopy? Description, indications for carrying out

What is office hysteroscopy? Description, indications for carrying out

Modern gynecology uses a lot of ways to study the female body. During life, every representative of the weaker sex has to undergo manipulations such as ultrasound and gynecological examination. A deeper diagnosis can be carried out using an operation such as office hysteroscopy