Motor skills are usually called the acquired ability to perform motor actions that arise on the basis of certain knowledge, experience and repetition of the studied elements.

From the side of management, skills and abilities are characterized by varying degrees of mastery of the physical actions carried out.
Motion Skill
Motor skill is the level of mastering the action, which is accompanied by control with the help of thinking. Among the characteristic differences between skill and skill, the following can be distinguished:
- manual control;
- subconscious control;
- slowness of action;
- presence of a significant degree of fatigue due to wasted energy;
- presence of relative dissection of elements;
- instability;
- lack of strong memory.
The process of further masterymotor actions turns skill into a habit. Thus, motor skill is a kind of degree of mastery of actions, for which thinking is actively used. The ability to perform new elements lies in the presence of such prerequisites as the necessary amount of knowledge about the execution technique, experience and sufficient physical fitness. Creative thinking also plays an important role in motion control processes.
Basic motor skills are characterized by the power of mastering technique, which is distinguished by increased concentration of attention. The concentration of thinking focuses on each element of the performed actions included in the studied movement.
Skill characteristic
Motor skill is, first of all, a great educational value, because it has the main thing - the activation of creative thinking, aimed at the synthesis and analysis of each movement. From the point of view of physical education, skills have different goals. On the one hand, they bring to skills, if necessary, to achieve a perfect technique for mastering actions. On the other hand, the development of motor skills is possible without the transition to skills later. In this case, they are an auxiliary factor. For example, to master the material of the school curriculum in physical education, it is enough to master the initial knowledge.
Thus, a skill is the improvement of motor actions, which, with repeated repetition, stimulates the activation of their implementation. This process is nothing more than the transition of skill into skill. This can be achieved only if the movements are constantly refined and corrected. The result is the stability and coherence of each executed element, and, most importantly, the emergence of an automated nature of motion control.
There are two types of movement skill:
- the first type is expressed in the implementation of a holistic activity;
- the second type implies the performance of separate movements, different in structure and complexity.
Comprehensive motor activity is directly related to the need to make decisions spontaneously, for example, during a game or fight.

In this case, motor skills are based and characterized by the creative use of previously learned physical qualities and actions.
Performance of separate movements, different in complexity and structure, gradually turns into a skill. This process is accompanied by the development of actions with knowledge of the initial technique of execution, which leads to a gradual improvement of skills. The movements memorized to automatism are of great didactic value, because they are formed as a result of the active participation of the student and accustom to the analysis of the essence of the tasks. The material of any written program should be mastered at the level of skills, since they are not only useful, but also necessary.
In the further process of mastering motor actions at the skill level with a mandatory increase in the number of repetitions, memorization of each element and action is carried out more firmly. Byas you memorize and master the skill gradually turns into a skill.
The concept of the formation and development of motor skills

A motor skill is a certain degree of mastery of movements, subject to the automation of their implementation. At the same time, minimal control of consciousness over the actions performed is carried out, since it is aimed exclusively at controlling the key components of each element: the perception of the environment and the final result. The concept of "motor skill" consists, for example, in focusing on controlling speed when running or changing terrain when moving with the help of skis. A defining and valuable feature of a motor skill is the automation of movement control. At the same time, consciousness is freed from the need for constant control over the details, which allows you to focus on the result and condition of the actions performed.
The development of motor skills depends on the following factors:
- giftedness - the presence of abilities for certain types of activities;
- motor experience - the possession of certain knowledge;
- human age - in childhood, the development of movements occurs much faster;
- coordination - complex movement technique takes more time to learn;
- teaching skills;
- the level of awareness, activity and motivation of the student.
Motor skill is the highest level of mastery of actions, which is important inphysical culture and sports, educational, household and labor activities. Acquired opportunities can persist for quite a long time (for several years). This is confirmed by the fact that people who have stopped playing sports can accurately reproduce the technique of sports actions in a few years.
What are the skills
The concept of "motor skill" today there are two types of awareness of the activity performed. First of all, we are talking about the technical side of actions, when a person takes into account all the constituent elements of movements. The second type can be attributed to the execution stage, when the elements have already been mastered to some extent. In this case, basically only the goal is realized, that is, attention is directed to the result.
Motor skill is the ability to perform automated components of movements with awareness of purposeful activity. This does not require special attention. In this case, only consciousness is active, which affects the quality of the performance of private actions.
The processes of physical perception are associated with the formation of motor skills. Depending on the conditions in which they were formed, the following types of skills can be distinguished:
- unformed, formed;
- old, young;
- complex, simple;
- complex, disparate;
- flexible, template.

Formation of motor skills
Skill building has itscharacteristics. They are characterized by uneven and gradual development, the ostentatious dynamics of the formation of which is presented graphically by A. Ts. Punin:
- "Negative acceleration" - is a steep rise in the curve at the very beginning of the learning process. Further, the rise becomes insignificant due to the slowdown in the course of learning. This means that it is typical for a person to quickly master the basics of actions, and much more time is required for the details. A similar type of formation is observed in the study of simple motor elements, when simple movements are mastered instantly.
- "Positive acceleration" - the formation of motor skills and abilities is carried out with great difficulty due to the occurrence of inaccuracies and errors. Further, the rise of the quality curve rises sharply. This type of development is inherent in complex long-term actions, in which seemingly imperceptible qualitative changes subsequently give a big leap.
- "Plateau" - the formation of skills stands still. There is a clear delay in progression. The emergence of this process is twofold: firstly, it may cause the presence of factors that hinder the progress of improvement (illness, lack of physical fitness), and secondly, there may be a change in the structure of a certain skill (introduction of new techniques into the execution tactics).
The development of motor skills and abilities occurs from childhood, so it is important for a child to correctly lay down the basics of such skills. Motor skills and motor qualities in childrenage is the primary sign of the level of development of the baby. These criteria are considered leading for assessing the overall development of the child.
Motor skills in children
Methods of teaching motor skills must be chosen very carefully. It is important to pay special attention to the physical activity of a child between the ages of 3 and 5.

It is during this age period that the formation of skills, respectively, and the skills of the child takes place, which in the future affects the general perceptions of human consciousness. Over the course of 2 years, the development of the muscles necessary for making movements takes place. At this age, the formation of fine motor skills and motor skills. To achieve maximum efficiency of the child's physical development, you should use the tactics of training in a playful way.
Game methods of teaching motor skills allow you to influence not only the muscles, but also the child's subconscious. This increases the efficiency of the technique used several times.
Developing general skills for preschoolers
The development of motor skills in preschool children should occur through properly organized activities aimed at activating thinking, training memory, showing initiative, developing imagination and independence. This contributes to the formation of not only motor skills, but also patriotism, internationalism, collectivism, resilience, determination, courage and determination. Motor skills and abilitiesformed in preschoolers are the foundation for future improvement. This makes it easier to master more complex movements and helps to achieve high sports results in the future.
Skills and skills accumulated in childhood contribute to the improvement of physical qualities and he alth promotion. This allows you to strengthen the body and master labor actions. The collective performance of physical exercises, the harmony and cohesion of all actions, the expressiveness and beauty of each movement, the free possession of all parts of the body and good posture are factors that develop the aesthetic needs of a person.
Features of the formation of skills in children
Motor skills are usually called the development of human activity of a theoretical and practical nature. From the point of view of pedagogical experience, such formation of motor skills in children is a complex process, during which a lot of difficulties have to be overcome. In certain cases, it is almost impossible to achieve accuracy and differentiation in the movements performed.
There is a possibility of developing inert skills that are not flexible enough, which the child can hardly transfer to new conditions. In order to develop rational methods for teaching skills to children, in-depth psychological and physiological research should first be carried out, which should be aimed at identifying general patterns in the formation of skills and the age aspects of this process.
SFrom a pedagogical point of view, motor skills and abilities are usually called the development of basic movements, the effectiveness of which is meaningful and structural and functional changes. The orientation of this process is based on the search for conditions, means and mechanisms of a developing environment that promotes the physical development of a person from childhood.
Lack of physical activity due to the lack of proper skills significantly affects children's he alth and leads to abnormal changes in posture and deformities of the feet. According to studies, about 60% of diseases are laid down in childhood. Motor skills at any age act as a healing factor. This is due to the fact that the correct psychological and pedagogical approach is a powerful optimizing factor, the leading side of the effectiveness of which is an increase in emotional and muscle tone.
Motor skills and abilities are usually called motor activity in any form, constituting the child's age capabilities and representing a healing factor. This explains the high efficiency of various forms and methods of conducting classes, which are based on the overall effect on the child's body in combination with physical exercises.
Improvement of motor skills and abilities
There are many ways to improve children's motor skills and abilities.

Among the widerange of possibilities, the following should be highlighted:
- systematic physical education;
- various outdoor games;
- daily excursions and walks;
- scheduled physical education sessions during training sessions;
- physical entertainment and holidays.
The method of developing skills and abilities includes conducting continuous, socially organized cohesive work of the family and preschool institutions. An important role in this process is occupied by purposefulness, consistency and consistency in the use of various ways of development and formation of physical qualities. These include daily routine, hardening, exercise, personal hygiene and rational nutrition.
With properly designed training points, you can organize an effective methodology that includes everything necessary for the development of the child's physical qualities. For each age period, an appropriate learning option should be used so as not to stop the process of developing the child's capabilities. It is not recommended to take educational measures ahead of time, because this can lead to a misperception of the goals set for children.
Theoretical foundations for the formation of motor skills and abilities
Motor skills are commonly called, from a theoretical point of view, a powerful biological stimulator of the vital functions of a growing organism. The main physiological feature of the child is the need for movement, which is a condition for normal development andformation of the body as a whole. Today, the relevance of this topic has increased significantly, which is associated with a lack of movements (physical inactivity). Motor activity is a powerful biological stimulator of the vital functions of the body, the need for it is the main physiological feature of the child and is an important condition for the normal development of the body.
The most important tasks that determine the importance of physical education include:
- formation of a he althy, hardened, strong, responsive, enterprising and cheerful child;
- development of automatism of mastery of movements and love for physical and sports exercises;
- increasing learning abilities in general education institutions;
- development of active creative abilities.

The formation of motor skills and abilities is carried out from birth. Taking into account the regularity of the potential abilities of children in each age period, the theory of human physical education provides for a whole list of requirements related to the scientifically based program of the generally accepted educational complex. The assimilation of this program provides each child with the proper level of physical fitness.