Balneotherapy - what is it? Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications and contraindications

Balneotherapy - what is it? Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications and contraindications
Balneotherapy - what is it? Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications and contraindications

Balneotherapy - what is it? The name itself came to us from ancient Greece. In the literal sense, it means - bath, bathing, treatment. It is in bathing that the therapeutic effect of balneotherapy consists. This procedure is prescribed both as an additional physiotherapy in the treatment of various diseases, and during rehabilitation activities.

History of occurrence

The art of balneotherapy has come to us since ancient times, however, having undergone many changes. Previously, baths for therapeutic purposes were taken throughout the day. Food and drinks were served directly into the pools, and submerged patients made small talk with each other. There was even a procedure called "skin eater". Its essence was that due to a long stay in the water, deep and, by the way, quite painful cracks appeared on the skin, through which the disease “came out”.

what is balneotherapy
what is balneotherapy

Now wellness baths are taken for 5-20 minutes, depending on the type of procedure. And, of course, no one serves drinks with food anymore. The procedure calledbalneotherapy indications and contraindications are quite strict. Failure to comply with them can only harm.

Balneotherapy. Types of balneotherapy procedures, indications

There are a lot of various water procedures in physiotherapy. These include: hydrotherapy, mud therapy and inhalations with washings. All these methods are used in an individual approach to a specific disease and strictly according to indications. In physiotherapy, such a procedure as balneotherapy has found wide application. The indications for the use of this method of treatment are quite extensive and affect absolutely the entire body

So, hydrotherapy, in other words - balneotherapy, is used as an additional treatment for the following ailments:

  • various disorders in the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology of bones and muscle tissue;
  • disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • respiratory problems;
  • disturbances in the reproductive and urinary systems, kidney disease;
  • failure in the endocrine system and metabolism;
  • weight problems;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with the organs of vision.
  • balneotherapy indications and contraindications
    balneotherapy indications and contraindications

What does balneotherapy look like? Photos of the procedure leave only pleasant impressions, and the process itself contributes to relaxation and relaxation.

Doctors do not recommend

Despite such an extensive list of diseases for which various baths are indicated, we assure you that thisfar from harmless hydroprocedure. Balneotherapy has the following contraindications:

  • presence of various inflammatory processes, especially in the acute stage;
  • pressure problems, in particular grade 3 hypertension;
  • various malfunctions of the heart (arrhythmia), pre- and post-infarction condition;
  • impeded blood flow through the vessels, especially with thrombophlebitis;
  • serious foci of inflammation on the skin, such as furunculosis and fungal growths;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy from 2nd trimester;
  • recent stroke and cerebrovascular problems.

Balneotherapy - baths

The most common and well-known method of balneotherapy is bathing in mineral waters. Such procedures have a very beneficial effect on the human body. Many people, especially the elderly, often go to sanatoriums where balneotherapy is carried out.

Types of bathtubs:

  • General - differ in action on the whole body due to the complete immersion of the body under water.
  • Local - used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • Contrasting - excellent help with circulatory disorders caused by varicose veins. Such procedures are very useful for boosting immunity and for problems with being overweight.
  • balneotherapy types
    balneotherapy types

The baths are filled with mineral water from natural sources. Sometimes the liquid is obtained artificially. Self-creation of mineral water for baths makes it possible to use themmore widely, including for home therapy.

Types of mineral baths and their effect on the body

Water for mineral hydrotherapy can be completely different in composition. And the therapeutic effect of balneotherapy in most cases is determined precisely by the chemical composition of the fluid used. Consider some of the most common procedures.

  • Carbonic mineral baths have a very strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the entire bronchopulmonary system: ventilation in the lungs improves, breathing itself deepens, bronchial patency increases. Thanks to this, the body is better supplied with oxygen. All oxidative processes are greatly enhanced in it.
  • Hydrogen sulfide baths are very similar to carbon dioxide baths in terms of their effect on the body, but have a wider range of effects. They improve skin nutrition, enhance all metabolic processes in the body, and have an extremely beneficial effect on the female genitourinary system.
  • Nitrogen baths have a strong relaxing effect. They are used as a sedative, relieve muscle tone, give an analgesic effect, normalize the endocrine system and metabolic processes.
balneotherapy types of balneotherapy procedures indications
balneotherapy types of balneotherapy procedures indications
  • Radon baths due to radioactive substances in their composition have a moderate vasoconstrictive effect. These procedures are the weakest, therefore they are prescribed for severe pathological diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They soothe and relieve painin the joints.
  • S alt baths stimulate metabolism, affect metabolic processes and are used to reduce pain. Such treatments relieve muscle tension and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

We have considered only the 5 most common and almost universal baths, but there are a huge number of them. Each of these procedures will differ from the others in its action and have its own narrowly focused specialization. What kind of bath you should take, only the doctor should decide.


Shower balneotherapy - what is it. Along with baths, other treatments are very common. They have found wide application in physiotherapy, as they contribute to the effective elimination of the symptoms of many unpleasant diseases. Types of healing showers:

  • Local is used pointwise, for example, on the head with dandruff.
  • Ascending is prescribed for diseases of the genital organs.
  • Massage is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and problems with weight.

Rules for performing procedures

Despite the fact that the methods of balneotherapy can differ greatly from each other both in technique and in result, there are certain general rules that must be observed. All water procedures have a strong influence on the body, and if they are neglected, they can cause significant harm to he alth.

Rules for balneotherapy:

  • Clearly adhere to the doctor's instructions for the temperature regime of water and the time of holdinghydrotherapy.
  • Check for any changes in how you feel after the procedure - you should not feel tired.
  • Follow a bath or therapy shower schedule. Do not skip treatments, as balneotherapy is cumulative. With regular skips, you simply will not achieve the desired healing effect.
  • Women should not take baths on critical days. Bleeding is a direct contraindication.
  • balneotherapy methods
    balneotherapy methods
  • Don't swim on a full stomach, wait a couple of hours.
  • The same applies to strong physical exertion - wait until your body returns to normal, and only then proceed to therapy.
  • The temperature in the room where balneotherapy is performed should be around 22 degrees.
  • The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, it is calculated depending on the degree of impact on the body.
  • The water temperature is set in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and taking into account a specific disease.
  • The course of balneotherapy lasts 8-12 procedures.

Mechanism of action

Balneotherapy - what is it in a nutshell? This is the therapeutic effect of mineral waters on the body. It has three components:

  • Mechanical impact. Everyone knows that the body is much lighter in water. This is due to the decrease in gravity by increasing the density of the environment. As a result, all our muscles relax, including the tissues surrounding the internal organs,their blood supply increases. If there are gas bubbles in the water, the relaxing effect of the procedure becomes even greater.
  • Thermal effect. Warm water, along with a relaxing effect, accelerates blood flow through the vessels and, accordingly, starts metabolic processes in the body. At this time, our body intensively releases energy, gets rid of toxins and excess calories.
  • balneotherapy indications
    balneotherapy indications
  • Chemical impact. Mineral water contains a huge amount of trace elements that are extremely beneficial for our body. Through the skin, they penetrate into the general blood stream and have an indelible effect on us, improving the nutrition of all tissues in the body.

Drinking mineral water

Drinking balneotherapy – what is it? Mineral water can not be used just like that, when you want. This is the same physiotherapy as bathing or irrigation. Water intake is prescribed by a doctor and requires strict adherence to the rules. Such products also differ in their chemical composition and are used as medicines.

Natural mineral waters are bottled. The peculiarity of their positive properties comes from the combination of thermal and chemical components. Treatment of the whole body begins through the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system. You need to carefully monitor any changes in your well-being, so that in case of any deterioration (for example, pain in the stomach, pancreas and kidneys), immediately stop the course of treatment and consult a doctor.


Balneological reaction is the body's response to water treatments. It can manifest itself as an exacerbation of an existing disease.

There are several degrees of balneological reaction:

  • Slight exacerbation is characterized by general poor he alth, emotional instability, increased pain of various origins and increased pressure. Implies further control over well-being.
  • balneotherapy contraindications
    balneotherapy contraindications
  • A pronounced exacerbation of the disease. Has the same clinical symptoms. The pains are increasing. Balneotherapy continues under strict control, the level of impact of the procedure is being reviewed.
  • Extreme adverse reaction. There are violations of the functions of some organs and systems of the body. The inflammatory process begins. The temperature can rise up to 39°C. With such a reaction, balneotherapy is immediately stopped and desensitizing treatment is started.

Of course, any balneo-reaction is not desirable. Each case is considered individually, and the termination of such procedures is possible at any stage. That is why you should not self-medicate without the supervision of a doctor.
