The best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg

The best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg
The best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg

One of the most important questions that a pregnant woman faces is where to give birth to her child. If the pregnancy goes well, there is no indication to give birth in a special maternity hospital, where, for example, women with a heart condition are relieved from the burden, then you will most likely be sent to an institution in your area at the antenatal clinic. If for some reason you do not like where you live, you have the right to explore all the maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg and choose the one that suits you.

Maternity hospital in St. Petersburg

In order for the birth to be successful, you need to take care of everything related to this in advance. Some serious decisions need to be made. If you are having your first childbirth, it is best to seek professional help. Only they will help to separate the main from the secondary. There are not many questions to think about in advance.

St. Petersburg maternity hospital
St. Petersburg maternity hospital

Where to give birth? Should I pay for childbirth? Do I need a partner during childbirth?

After you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to prepare for the process itself, and most importantly, choose the right place for childbirth. If you settled on what is the ideal option for the first meeting with youra baby - a maternity hospital, which means that you need to study all the maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg. Reviews, photos, qualifications of doctors: any information will be useful.

Ask your friends what institutions they chose and what they started from. Perhaps someone has relatives or acquaintances among the medical staff. Then feel free to go for a consultation.

Almost every maternity hospital has paid and free rooms, as well as the opportunity to give birth for money. It all depends on your financial situation and your idea of how the birth should go. If you definitely need a loved one nearby, then it will be paid childbirth and a paid ward.

In any case, after you have chosen a maternity hospital, it is best to go for a consultation with the head doctor and resolve further issues with him. Below we will consider some maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg.

Maternity Hospital No. 16

Maternity Hospital No. 16 has been in existence for a little over 20 years. This is the only maternity hospital in all of St. Petersburg that has an external observation. In addition, the maternity hospital has a number of standard departments: delivery, postpartum and neonatal.

St. Petersburg maternity hospital reviews
St. Petersburg maternity hospital reviews

Maternity hospital No. 16 in St. Petersburg provides assistance to women who, for some reason, did not attend a antenatal clinic during pregnancy and did not have time to pass important tests. Medical assistance is provided to women who are ill with tuberculosis or STIs, suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, or infectious diseases.

Maternity Hospital No. 18

It is located inNevsky district at the address: Solidarity, house 6. The maternity hospital itself positions itself as one of the best in St. Petersburg. Thanks to state-of-the-art equipment, the 18th maternity hospital in St. Petersburg annually delivers approximately 6,500 women with a positive outcome. It is equipped with diagnostic equipment, uses the latest methods of ultrasound diagnostics and treatment.

Roddom 16 St. Petersburg
Roddom 16 St. Petersburg

Medical staff - highly qualified workers, there are also candidates of medical sciences. In total, the team has approximately 400 employees.

Maternity Hospital No. 18 conducts individual births with the presence of family members and stay in the mother's room with the newborn. Also promotes breastfeeding as the basis for the he alth of babies and their further proper development.

Maternity Hospital No. 13

13 St. Petersburg maternity hospital accepts pregnant women with diseases of the cardiovascular system. You can get a referral here at the antenatal clinic, where the doctors conducted the pregnancy. A cardiologist monitors women in labor, which significantly reduces the risk.

13 maternity hospital St. Petersburg
13 maternity hospital St. Petersburg

The maternity hospital has existed since 1961, located at the address: Kostromskaya street, 4 (near the metro station "Chernyshevskaya"). Both paid and free services are provided. If a woman in labor chooses paid delivery, she is provided with a ward with increased comfort, an attending physician who is always in touch with her and the opportunity to give birth in the presence of her husband or relatives.

There are several standard departments in the maternity hospital:

  • outpatient;
  • maternity;
  • postpartum;
  • baby ward;
  • Pathology Department.

The hospital has polite, highly qualified staff who will advise you on all your questions.

What to pack

Maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg always offer different lists of things you need. This is because some institutions provide women in labor with everything they need. But there is still a standard set.

18 maternity hospital St. Petersburg
18 maternity hospital St. Petersburg

The first step is to make sure that all the necessary documents are with you. This is your exchange card, passport, medical policy and SNILS.

Here is a sample list of things to take with you to the hospital:

  • towel;
  • reusable diapers;
  • nightdress (2 pieces);
  • rubber slippers;
  • bottle of still water.

Things for a newborn can be brought by relatives after the baby is born.

Reviews about maternity hospitals

As a rule, when studying maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg, women in labor use reviews on the Internet. This is not entirely true, because there are different situations and cases. It is best to ask young mothers. After you have studied all the maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg, you can look at reviews about a specific doctor and then go for a consultation with him.

In any case, no matter which maternity hospital you choose, the main thing is that you do not get nervous and think only about the upcoming event, because childbirth is a happy start to a new life with yourbaby.
