There are almost a hundred practicing dermatologists in the city of Stavropol, so when city residents have skin problems, they face the question - which of all these doctors is able to provide the most qualified help? This article will help you make the right choice, as it lists the best dermatologists in Stavropol - with patient reviews, skill levels and addresses.
Chebotarev V. V

The list of the best dermatologists in Stavropol is opened by a doctor of the highest qualification category with 26 years of experience, as well as a professor of medicine Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Chebotarev.
In the reviews, patients write that the professional data of this doctor speaks for itself, and you simply cannot find a better specialist in the city. He brilliantly understands all skin problems, simply and clearly answers any question, and the treatment prescribes effective, but not too expensive and competently combined with home procedures.

At the receptionyou can make an appointment with a dermatologist Chebotarev at the Regional Skin Dispensary on Dostoevsky Street, 52.
From the city center you can take bus No. 32A or fixed-route taxi No. 7, 21, 32, 48, 55. From the South-Western district, fixed-route taxis No. 32, 44 and 47 go there, and from the North-Western bus No. 37, trolleybus No. 7 and fixed-route taxi No. 42, 51, 59.
Stebletsova O. S
A very good adult and pediatric dermatologist in Stavropol, as well as a venereologist, gynecologist and trichologist is Olga Sergeevna Stebletsova - candidate of dermatological sciences and a doctor of the highest qualification level with 30 years of experience.
Numerous positive reviews on the Internet describe Olga Sergeevna's competence and her excellent work with both adults and children. They write that she is kind and cheerful, but she strictly follows the implementation of the recommendations, and this always gives quick results.
Dermatologist Stebletsova works at the "Expert" clinic on Dovatortsev Street, 39A.
From the center of Stavropol, a fixed-route taxi No. 3, 29 and 30, buses No. 32A and 4 go here. From the North, you should go by bus or minibus No. 12, 13. And those who are in the South can walk or also take bus number 13, 14.
Merkulova V. P
Valeria Petrovna Merkulova has been working in dermatology and cosmetology for over 35 years, has the highest category and a Ph. D. On medical sites it is nice to see not only good comments from patients, but also the answers to them left by Valeria Petrovna herself - warm, friendly and grateful. In the same spirit they write about her,informing that Valeria Petrovna is not just a professional in her field, but also a very good person who knows how to "treat even with a word".
On Dovatortsev Street, 3A, in the "First Private Clinic" of Stavropol, dermatologist Merkulova is waiting for her patients.
You can get there by transport of the same routes that were indicated by the previous specialist.
Malyshev R. A

Comments about the work of Roman Arturovich Malyshev are especially reverent, since he is not just a dermatologist, but also an oncologist. This specialist has been in the profession for 33 years and has helped so many people avoid or cure skin cancer, even beyond the early stages.
treatment and medical history. It is this attitude that helps Roman Arturovich to be one of the best in oncological dermatology.
41, trolley bus No. 8).
Fomenko O. A
Oxana Anatolyevna Fomenko, a specialist with 14 years of experience, enjoys a very good reputation among the dermatologists of the city.
From the reviews it follows that Oksana Anatolyevna treats her patients veryrespectfully, communicates affectionately, in an understandable language. He uses a lot of modern equipment and the latest techniques in his work, which greatly facilitates the treatment process.
In Stavropol, dermatologist Fomenko sees the following medical institutions:
- Medical center "First Doctor" on Rogozhnikova street, 38.
- Medcenter "S Class Clinic" on the street 50 years of the VLKSM, 91.
- Children's branch of the above medical center "S Class Kids" at the same address.
Neplyuev A. A

In Stavropol, dermatologist of the highest category Alexei Alekseevich Neplyuev has been successfully conducting his medical practice for 16 years, and is another oncologist on this list., gives competent appointments and knows how to cheer up.
Dermatologist Neplyuev is waiting for his patients at the Regional Oncology Center on Oktyabrskaya Street, 182A (routes No. 29, 55, 59), as well as at the Longevity Clinic on Kulakov Street, 12B (trolleybus No. 2, 7, 9, bus 37, 13, 14).
Lazaridi A. A

Another specialist of the highest qualification category with a serious, 35-year experience is Anna Anastasovna Lazaridi.
Judging by the comments, it is not so easy to make an appointment with Anna Anastasovna, sinceadults and children come to her from all over the Stavropol, as well as the Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkess, Chechen, Dagestan Republics and the Rostov Region. This is due to the fact that she provides treatment in such a volume, with detailed recommendations (sometimes therapy takes six months or a whole year), that the disease not only goes away, but never comes back.
In both branches of the Diagnostic Center of Stavropol, dermatologist Lazaridi is receiving. You can get to the center at 64 Western bypass street by bus number 41, and at Lenina street, 304 by bus number 46, 41 (in the other direction) and by trolleybus number 2, 4.
Sergeeva S. V

The list of the best dermatologists in Stavropol is completed by a doctor of the highest category with 23 years of professional experience Svetlana Vladimirovna Sergeeva.
In the reviews, patients write that they have never met such "doctors with a capital letter". If the matter is urgent, he can accept it without a coupon, and at half price, and without payment at all, he helps from the bottom of his heart, always carefully examining and prescribing a comprehensive, sparing treatment for the body.
Dermatologist Sergeeva sees here:
- "Clinic of Maria Popova" on Shpakovskaya Street, 88B (route taxis No. 2, 8, 29, 30).
- Regional Skin Dispensary on Dostoevsky Street, 52 (buses No. 32A, 37, route taxis No. 21, 32, 44, 48, trolleybus No. 7).
- Pyatigorsk Skin Dispensary at Lermontovsky junction, 5/5.
- Kislovodsk Skin Dispensary on Mira Avenue, 7.
Reviewsabout all doctors only positive. Patients note that, if necessary, they can find a qualified specialist in Stavropol and entrust their treatment to him.