One of the most common problems is headache, which affects so many people. In addition, it can recur very often, sharply reducing the comfort of life, but it is not a sign of the disease. Often, a change in the nature of painful sensations signals an illness. In particular, they become more frequent and severe. Depending on the localization of the headache, one can recognize the peculiarity of the course of the disease.
If pain occurs very often, then you should definitely consult a doctor for a diagnosis.
Causes of pain
Causes and localization of headaches can be very different. However, it is very important for making the correct diagnosis. Among the main provoking factors are the following:
- alcohol, tobacco and coffee abuse;
- frequent stress and depression;
- infectious diseases;
- intoxication with harmful substances;
- injuries and bruises of the spine;
- significant physical activity;
- cardiovascular disease;
- sciatica, osteochondrosis.

Many people experience tension headaches or migraines, which is due to overwork and prolonged exposure to stress. In some cases, pain can be observed due to the presence of diseases of the nose, eyes, teeth, ears, or with increased pressure.
Nature, duration and localization
Headache is a complex biological process associated with various chemicals. That is why by nature it can be:
- pulsating;
- compressive;
- stupid;
- compressive;
- spicy;
- bursting.
The causes and localization of headaches can be very different, and they largely affect the duration of this condition, which can be short-term or chronic. Painful sensations can cover the parietal, temporal, occipital, frontal zone, part of the head or the entire circumference.
Pain in the temples
Localization of headache in the temples is quite common, and the reason for this may be:
- drinking;
- change of weather;
- colds;
- psychic overstrain;
- stress condition;
- eye strain.

In some cases, pain can occur during the course of the inflammatory process in the jaw joint, ear, teeth. In this case, to eliminate painfulsensations, it is imperative to eliminate the main provoking factor by visiting a specialist.
More serious causes include vasoconstriction, migraines, pinched nerve endings, and circulatory disorders. Diagnosis will help determine the cause.
Pain in the back of the head
Patients who complain of pain in the back of the head say that they are quite sharp, and are also permanent. Sometimes it is quite difficult for a person to even turn his head, since any change in the position of the body causes a severe attack of nausea or a deterioration in well-being. Basically, there is such a localization of headache in cervical osteochondrosis, as well as provoking factors can be:
- disturbances in the neck area;
- hypothermia;
- neuralgia;
- stroke;
- new growths.
With swelling of the brain, there are strong painful sensations associated with intracranial pressure. In addition, there may be severe vomiting and impaired coordination. In he althy women, the localization of a headache in the back of the head may be associated with pregnancy, hormonal disorders, or menopause. In this case, you need to additionally contact a gynecologist and solve this problem comprehensively.
Pain in the frontal part
When a headache is localized in the frontal part, a person feels very unwell. Painful sensations are quite intense, pressing, accompanied by nausea. This condition makes it difficult to concentrate. In he althy people, headaches can be related to stress,eye fatigue, mental strain. If this condition is observed constantly, then you should definitely contact a neurologist. Among the main reasons are:
- migraine;
- hypertension;
- inflammation of the facial nerve;
- sinusitis;
- colds.
With hypertension, the headache covers the frontal part, the parietal zone, and then gradually spreads to the entire head. In this case, you need to be especially careful, since pain provokes clouding of consciousness, nausea. All of these signs can indicate a stroke.

With sinusitis, there may be additional nasal congestion, as well as fever. Almost the same symptoms are observed in the presence of colds. If such a localization of a headache is very common, then it is advisable to additionally contact an ophthalmologist.
Other types of pain
Localization of a headache can be very different, and the peculiarity of the course of various diseases largely depends on this. Painful sensations in the region of the skull can spread only to part of the head or completely to its entire circumference. Often they occur with severe overexertion, in which case the pain is not pulsating, but is permanent, and is also accompanied by tension and discomfort in the neck.

Headache localization in hypertension may be inmainly in the back of the head, forehead and gradually passes into the eyes. It is usually accompanied by pressure, nausea, dizziness.
Localization of migraine headache can be very different. However, it mainly extends only to half of the head. At the same time, nausea, vomiting, as well as excessive sensitivity to light are additionally observed. Pain is greatly aggravated by any kind of activity. Some patients may have bright flashes of light in their eyes during an attack, as well as various odors.
With osteochondrosis, the localization of the headache is mainly observed in the back of the head. In addition, the pain may be excruciating. The nature of this pain is compressive, external, and there is a feeling that the head is squeezed by a hoop. In this case, you need to visit a therapist and surgeon, as the cause of discomfort may be triggered by other factors.
The most dangerous are dull, slowly increasing pains inside the head, without a clear localization. The causes of this condition may be associated with increased pressure in hematomas or brain tumors.
Leak severity
Types and localization of headaches largely depend on the course of the disease. In addition, the feelings that a person experiences are of great importance. Headache can occur in a mild form and at the same time the quality of life does not decrease, the ability to work does not worsen. Sometimes the pain goes unnoticed, in some cases you just need to take painkillers and a littlerelax.
A moderate headache requires the use of medications, as this condition knocks a person out of his usual rhythm. Painful sensations that occur in a severe form lead to severe suffering. This could be a good reason to visit a doctor.
To make a correct diagnosis, you need to consider the types of headaches and their localization. According to the degree of manifestation and nature of painful sensations, they are divided into several different types, namely:
- tension pain;
- migraine;
- cluster;
- burning.

The pain of tension is aching and intense, and it manifests itself after a strong mental and physical exertion. Cluster is characterized by the fact that painful sensations are localized only on one side. In addition, there may be signs such as:
- lacrimation;
- runny nose;
- red eyes.
This state is very difficult to endure. Men often suffer from such pain. Migraine is characterized by a significant intensity of painful sensations and occurs mainly on one side only. However, it is distinguished from the cluster type of headache by a pulsating character.
Burning painful sensations cover the entire part of the head and are one of the first signs of osteochondrosis or sclerosis. In addition, they may be associated with mental disorders.
Pregnancy headache
Painful sensations for this condition are quite characteristic. Headache and nausea in some cases are the first signal to a woman about upcoming changes. In pregnant women, this condition is observed quite often, as the body begins to rebuild in order to prepare for childbirth, so it becomes especially sensitive and begins to react much faster to the situation.
Due to changes in hormonal levels and an increase in the volume of blood required to feed the fetus, women may experience fluctuations in blood pressure, and exacerbate chronic diseases, especially in the later stages. It is worth remembering that the period of bearing a child can trigger a migraine.
It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since such a condition can adversely affect the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Do not use medications on your own, as this can harm the unborn child.
Headache in children
A common cause of acute headaches is various infectious diseases, as well as sinusitis. It can be functional or symptomatic. Functional headache can be triggered by various disorders in the body. Symptomatic are constantly present in the course of other diseases.
In babies, sudden headaches manifest as constant irritability and intense crying. At an older age, they are manifested by tearfulness or constant complaints. During adaptation at school, children very oftenheadaches occur, which are associated with psycho-emotional stress.
During puberty, they are due to the restructuring of the body. Be sure to take into account the condition of the child and contact the doctor in a timely manner to receive qualified assistance.
To determine the cause of a headache, you should definitely visit a therapist who can refer you to narrow specialists:
- otolaryngologist;
- neurologist;
- orthopedist;
- oculist;
- osteopath.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes a long-term diagnosis, the methods of which largely depend on the existing signs of the disease. To determine the inflammatory processes in the body, a blood test is performed for the presence of antibodies. You may also need:
- ophthalmoscopy;
- encephalogram;
- angiography;
- spinal tap.
One of the best diagnostic methods is MRI, as this method allows you to determine the presence of diseases of the circulatory and nervous system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. It allows you to determine the most minor violations and deviations in the work of internal organs.
Medicated treatment
Many people very often have a severe headache, which is simply impossible to endure. That is why it is important to know how you can deal with it yourself. Pain caused by spasmsvessels that arise as a result of overvoltage can be eliminated with the help of the drug "No-shpa". Headache with a cold, sinus or flu will help to remove such medicines:
- "Aspirin";
- "Paracetamol";
- "Diclofenac";
- Nurofen.

With reduced pressure, which is accompanied by intense pain, "Citramon" or "Axofen" will help well. With the occurrence of pathological processes in the joints of the jaw and teeth, "Ketanov", "Analgin" and "Ibuprofen" are prescribed. In all other cases, drugs are prescribed only by the attending doctor.