Lumbar puncture: indications and description of the procedure

Lumbar puncture: indications and description of the procedure
Lumbar puncture: indications and description of the procedure

Lumbar puncture is an important diagnostic procedure during which cerebrospinal fluid is collected. To date, this study is the most accurate, as it helps the doctor determine the state of the body, as well as the presence of certain diseases.

lumbar puncture
lumbar puncture

Lumbar puncture technique

This procedure is really very important for diagnosing a number of very dangerous diseases and conditions. It is worth noting that such a study has been known for quite a long time - it was first performed in 1891.

The technique is quite simple. As a rule, a lumbar puncture is combined with an X-ray examination. In such cases, the patient needs proper preparation. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. If X-ray is not needed, then there is no need for any special preparation.

The lumbar function is performed either in a sitting position or lying on your side with your legs bent to your chest. To begin with, the doctor must treat the skin on the back of the patient with an antiseptic, as well aswash your hands thoroughly. Remember that only disposable, sterile needles are used to collect cerebrospinal fluid, which must be unsealed during the procedure.

lumbar puncture technique
lumbar puncture technique

The puncture is carried out between the third and fourth vertebrae. First, the doctor inserts a thin needle through which an anesthetic is delivered to the puncture site. After that, a thin needle is removed and a thicker puncture needle with a stylet is inserted into the same place. Thus, the liquor is taken. The procedure usually does not take much time.

Lumbar puncture - does it hurt? This question interests many patients. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia, so you should not worry about severe pain. However, there may be discomfort during the puncture.

Lumbar puncture: indications for adduction

Doctors use research results to diagnose many diseases. The sampling of cerebrospinal fluid is carried out in case of suspicion of:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, including meningitis, myelitis and meningoencephalitis;
  • outflow of cerebrospinal fluid into the nasal cavity and ears (liquorrhea);
  • hemorrhages with severe contusions of the spinal cord and brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • change in intracranial pressure;
  • arachnoiditis.

In addition, lumbar puncture is used during X-ray examinations - ozone, oxygen or some kind of contrast agent is injected through the puncture. ATin some cases, this is the way drugs are administered.

Lumbar puncture is it dangerous?

lumbar puncture hurt
lumbar puncture hurt

Many patients refuse to undergo such a procedure. The fact is that over the years a lot of myths have formed around this study, which are far from always true. For example, it is believed that when CSF is taken into the spinal cord, an infection can be introduced. Yes, there is always a risk of infection, but in this case it is too small, as doctors use modern antiseptic preparations and disposable, sterile needles.

There is an opinion that lumbar function is fraught with damage to the spinal cord. In fact, this is almost impossible, since the spinal cord in an adult ends at the level of the second lumbar vertebra, and the puncture is made between the third and fourth vertebrae.
