Medical manipulation causes panic in many patients. They do not understand the terms and the essence of the procedure is unclear. Some even refuse the necessary tests, guided by the opinion of homegrown neighbor experts or falling under the influence of stereotypes. But all you need to do is talk to the doctor, ask for a more detailed explanation of the essence of the appointment. For example, if a skin biopsy is offered to a patient, then he should understand that this procedure is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis and to be able to overcome the disease at an early stage.

Skin biopsy - what is it?
A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure in which a piece of living material is taken for further study of its cellular composition. Accordingly, a skin biopsy is an excision to examine a piece of skin.
Research material can be obtained in several ways:
- shaving;
- trepanobiopsy;
- existential.
The choice of method depends on the suspected disease, but in all cases the procedure is performed with a sterile, most often disposable instrument.

Indications for skin biopsy
Histological examination of biopsy material (biopsy) can be ordered in the following cases:
- in the diagnosis of bacterial, fungal, viral diseases;
- to identify benign lesions;
- to clarify malignancy;
- to check the result after tumor removal;
- if lupus is suspected;
- if skin tuberculosis is suspected;
- for psoriatic plaques;
- with scleroderma, amyloidosis, reticulosis;
- in the presence of deep mycosis;
- in case of nodular periarteritis;
- for diagnosing Darya's disease;
- as a treatment control.
The maximum number of appointments is the detection of oncological neoplasms. Having noticed a change in pigmentation or deterioration in the healing of the integument, the doctor prefers to prescribe a biopsy in order to be able to treat at an early stage of development.

Who makes the appointment?
With skin diseases, you should consult a dermatologist. If the problem is not obvious, but the patient feels discomfort, then he should consult a therapist. After the examination, the therapist-diagnostician will refer you to the right specialist. He will also tell you where to take a skin biopsy.
What instrument is used for biopsy?
As already mentioned, there are several methods by which a biopsy is performed. Depending on this, the necessary equipment and tools are selected. In most cases, this is an individual kit that contains a cannula with an opening, a probe, and a movable tube with a protrusion to hold the tissue sample.
Puncture biopsy is performed with a needle of the required diameter. It can be a special thin syringe, an automatic system with a spring mechanism or a vacuum needle.
In many cases, a skin biopsy is performed by curettage. In this case, the instrument is an annular curette or a surgical spoon. These tools differ in the diameter of the gripping surface.

Methodology. Shaving skin biopsy
A shaving biopsy is performed with a scalpel or medical blade. In this case, a superficial cut is performed in the center of thickening. The cut protruding part of the pathological neoplasm is placed in a container with a formalin solution. And the area of manipulation is covered with a sterile napkin. The procedure, as in other cases, is performed under local anesthesia.
In this case, a histological examination of the biopsy material taken from the center of the affected area is performed. A column of skin and subcutaneous fat is pierced with a trepanation needle, rotated and removed. Then it is picked up with tweezers and notched at the required level. A sterile patch is applied to the wound surface, not exceeding 3 mm. With a larger diameter of the wound, a suture is applied.

Excision biopsy
According to this method, the lesion is excised with an adjacent he althy area of skin. The method is effective for detecting malignant tumors. The remaining wound is covered with a sterile drape, but if the wound area is large, then it is sutured or covered with a skin graft.
The individual skin biopsy instrument is not reused. All dressings must be sterile. The result of the analysis is ready in 1-4 weeks. The term depends on the complexity of processing the biopsy.
Biopsy for psoriasis
Many patients believe that psoriasis can be diagnosed without testing by its characteristic appearance. However, a skin biopsy in psoriasis is necessary to exclude other pathologies. In the severe course of the process, Reete's bodies are present in the biopsy, which are a manifestation of histological immaturity and a thickening of the keratinocyte layer.

When removing the material for research, pinpoint bleeding is visible under the plaque. This is evidence of a pathology of vascular permeability at the site of injury. Additionally, this allows to detect accelerated angiogenesis.
Preparing for the study
Complex preparation for a skin biopsy is not required. Before the procedure, the doctor should be informed about the anti-inflammatory drugs taken, allergic reactions and bleeding tendencies. Women should tell their doctor if they are pregnant.
Recovery after procedure
To the place of removal of a sample it is possible to touch only thoroughly washed hands with soap and water. The dressing or other surgical material is removed one day after the manipulation.

For washing the wound, soap without dyes and flavoring additives is used. After washing, petroleum jelly or a bactericidal ointment is applied to the wound surface. Re-bandaging of the wound is performed according to the doctor's prescription. If there were no additional instructions, then it is worth applying a sterile napkin or bandage if the wound is located in places that are rubbed with clothes. The place where the skin biopsy was performed must be moistened with special ointments several times a day. This will avoid the appearance of a scab.
If the biopsy is red or swollen, you should see a doctor. This may be a sign of infection.
For at least a week after the procedure, limit your intake of foods with vitamin E, do not drink alcohol, do not take aspirin and ibuprofen. Failure to do so may result in bleeding.