Donor Day in Russia and around the world. When is Donor Day celebrated?

Donor Day in Russia and around the world. When is Donor Day celebrated?
Donor Day in Russia and around the world. When is Donor Day celebrated?

Today we will tell you about when and how Donor Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation and around the world. Also, from the presented article, you will know why it was installed and to whom it is dedicated.

donor day
donor day

General information about Donor Day

Blood Donor Day is one of the social holidays, which is not only national, but also international. According to the founders, this event is dedicated primarily to the donors themselves. On such a day, people are congratulated and thanked who donated blood for a long time or once to save the life or preserve the he alth of completely unfamiliar patients. In addition, this holiday is dedicated to doctors who take blood samples, as well as other medical professionals who develop various methods, carefully examine the donated material, control the operation of equipment and the sanitary condition of transfusion centers.

Donor Day in Russia

Every year on April 20, one of the most important social holidays is celebrated in the Russian Federation. Its name is as follows - National Donor Day.

For uninitiated people, it is very interesting why for suchholiday was chosen exactly this number? As you know, the reason for its establishment was a rather humane event. The fact is that on April 20, 1832, a young obstetrician from St. Petersburg, Andrey Martynovich Wolf, performed the first successful blood transfusion of one of the women in labor with obstetric bleeding. Thanks to the competent work and professionalism of the doctor, the woman's life was saved. It should be noted that the patient's husband became the donor of the blood used during the operation.

blood donor day
blood donor day

Some statistics about blood donation

Donor Day was established for a reason. Every year in our country more than one and a half million people are in dire need of a blood transfusion. According to experts, about 200 liters of donor material is required daily in the capital of the Russian Federation. By the way, more than 35% of blood for transfusion in Moscow and the Moscow region comes from other regions of our Motherland.

According to statistics, since the late 1990s, the urgent need for donated blood has increased several dozen times. This is due to the fact that since that time various emergency situations (terrorist acts, man-made disasters, earthquakes, etc.) have become more and more frequent. This situation in the country also contributed to the fact that the number of donors has also increased markedly (by about 17 times).

Why donate blood?

world donor day
world donor day

Donor Day was established not only to thank the Honorary Donors of Russia and those who have direct processing of the materialattitude, but also to remind people again how sick people desperately need their blood.

It should be noted that not everyone knows why donation is needed at all. The fact is that blood and its components are needed, firstly, by patients with severe oncohematological diseases. By the way, among such patients there is a fairly large percentage of younger and older children.

Secondly, blood donation is urgently needed for those people who have been involved in a serious traffic accident.

Thirdly, women after childbirth and patients of various speci alties, associated with a great risk to life and he alth, are in dire need of the material.

Are there stocks of donated blood? Finding out together

donor day in russia
donor day in russia

Donor Day was established after several tragic events. After all, it was explosions in the subway, terrorist attacks at airports and plane crashes that showed that a huge number of patients who find themselves in a difficult situation need donated blood. As practice shows, there are a lot of sympathizers and those who want to help the victims in our country.

According to experts, there is a strategic stock of donated blood in Russia in case of an emergency. This is a reserve of red blood cells that are in a deep frozen form. The number of strategic dosages is approximately 3500-5000 units. In addition, about 35 tons of fresh frozen plasma are stored in special centers.

Features of the national holiday

donor day when
donor day when

Events dedicated to the National Donor Day are officially held in all Russian regions on April 20th. On this day, questions are raised about the problems of donation in the Russian Federation, as well as an exchange of experience.

It should be noted that the most important problem today is a noticeable reduction in the number of donors. That is why over the past few years, all kinds of events have been actively carried out to help revive the donor movement in Russia. Thus, a federal program for the development of the blood service was developed.

Donation Law

In 2013, on January 21, the law "On donation of blood and its components" came into force. According to it, gratuitous blood donation is encouraged in the Russian Federation. The reward is that volunteers are given the opportunity to dine for free. However, for deficient blood groups, the fee still remained. Moreover, the Ministry of He alth issued an order that allows a citizen who submits his material to write an application and receive money instead of hot meals.

By the way, according to the same law, the list of benefits that was previously provided to donors was reduced. However, these changes did not affect Honorary Volunteers.

Who are the Honorary Donors of the Russian Federation?

Honorary donors in our country are those people who donated blood and its components at least 40 times or donated plasma at least 60 times in their entire lives.

In addition to the usual "Honorary Donor" badge, such volunteers are encouraged by the annualvacation at a convenient time for them (according to the TKRF), receiving medical care out of turn in state institutions and the right to purchase vouchers to any Russian sanatorium at the place of study or work.

It should also be noted that annual payments intended for honorary donors have increased by about 1.5 times. Now this amount is approximately 9959 Russian rubles. At the same time, donor payments will be indexed according to inflation every year.

June 14 Donor Day
June 14 Donor Day

World Donor Day

As mentioned above, the day of donors is not only national, but also international. So, in May 2005, during the 58th session of the World He alth Assembly, which was held in Geneva, the date of the social holiday was approved - June 14th. Donor Day is celebrated around the world at this time. The named number was chosen for a reason, because it was on this day in 1868 that the Austrian immunologist and physician Karl Landsteiner was born. In 1930, he received the Nobel Prize for such an important discovery as the determination of human blood groups.

Features of the international holiday

Just like the national one, International Donor Day is celebrated quite actively. So, every year on June 14, millions of people come together to hold events that call on the world's population to help each other in difficult situations.

international donor day
international donor day

In all large and small cities of the Russian Federation and the world, press conferences, promotions and exhibitions are held, inwhich are actively attended by medical workers, and Honorary Donors, and representatives of the authorities (the public), and the media. As a rule, such events are aimed at highlighting the existing problems and tasks of donation. Press conferences and other meetings decide how to improve the work of donation centers, as well as exactly how to encourage people to donate blood.

It should be especially noted that on this day, medical stations and blood transfusion centers are open to everyone. As statistics show, on June 14, the points of delivery of materials receive an incredible number of volunteers. Each of them strives to contribute to the development of blood donation around the world. Thanks to such people, millions of lives are saved every year.
