A medical mask is perhaps the simplest means of preventing the spread of an infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Thanks to her invention, it was possible to protect both patients and medical workers from unnecessary contact with bacteria and viruses.

What does a medical mask usually consist of?
In the vast majority of cases, it is made of multilayer gauze. The fact is that this material, laid in one row, cannot become a reliable barrier to infection. In addition, such a medical mask is very quickly saturated with moisture and becomes useless. That is why their single-layer varieties, despite all the economic attractiveness, are not used. Most often, pharmacies sell a medical mask 3-layer and 4-layer. They, if used according to all the rules, can be an excellent protection for many people.

Gauze is often covered with a small layer of a protective substance, which increases the life and efficiency of its service. Also here there is either an elastic band or speci alties to quickly attach the mask to the face.
The use of such a protective attribute is very beneficial from an economic point of view. The fact is that for a product such as a disposable medical mask, the price is set at a level of 2 to 3 rubles. Finding something as useful in the field of protection against the spread of infection and as inexpensive is simply not possible.
How to use?
It is worth noting that if used incorrectly, a medical mask can even be harmful to humans. First of all, it must be remembered that it is the patient who is the carrier of the infection that should wear it. The fact is that this practically eliminates the transmission of bacteria and viruses by airborne droplets.

It must be remembered that the gauze mask is disposable, that is, after the first use, it should be thrown into a medical waste container. Moreover, today it has been reliably established that this piece of protective clothing can be worn for no more than 3 hours. This is due to the fact that any gauze eventually becomes saturated with moisture emitted during breathing. As a result, the mask becomes not protective, but, on the contrary, a very unfavorable attribute. Being saturated with moisture, it not only does not prevent the infection from entering the human respiratory tract, but also creates a condensation effect, which facilitates infection.
When is a medical mask needed?
As noted earlier, it should definitely be worn by thosewho has an infectious disease that can be transmitted by airborne droplets. In addition, it is highly recommended to wear a mask in he althcare facilities during influenza epidemics. It also needs to be worn in the operating room: both by surgeons and other medical personnel. When performing manipulations in the treatment room, you should also wear a gauze mask. At the same time, do not forget to change it every 3 hours.