What is a trauma center? You will get the answer to this question from the presented article. In addition, we will tell you why such centers are needed and what tasks they perform.

General information
A trauma center is a department of a polyclinic, which is intended to provide the necessary medical care to patients who have been injured. It should be noted that such centers should be present in every city or large settlement.
Main Tasks
Why is a city trauma center needed? This outpatient department is required for:
- provision of primary sanitary or medical care, including emergency, for various injuries, as well as diseases of the bone or muscle systems;
- providing primary medical or sanitary care to children, including emergency, for various injuries;
- providing emergency dental or surgical care in the evening or at night;
- carrying out a number of measures to restore the function of systems and organs that were violated inas a result of injury;
- education (and if impossible, recovery) of patients and their next of kin to self-service in accordance with the new living conditions that have arisen as a result of injuries to the skeletal or muscular system.

Medical indications for emergency care
Adult or pediatric trauma center in Moscow and other cities of Russia can be contacted if available:
- non-infected wounds of soft tissues without damage to muscles, tendons, large vessels, nerve trunks, which are accompanied by a general satisfactory condition of the patient;
- bruises;
- sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the joints, which are not complicated by hemarthrosis;
- traumatic dislocations in the joints of the upper limbs, as well as feet and fingers;
- single rib fractures without any damage to the pleura;
- contusions of the spine, chest, etc.;
- closed bone fractures that are accompanied without displacement or with displacement, but only if the fragments can be held and repositioned;
- limited burns, but less than 5% of body surface;
- frostbite that does not require surgery.
Which doctors are involved
The trauma center is able to quickly organize the rehabilitation treatment of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system in specialized physiotherapy departments. At the same time, traumatologists for these purposes caninvolve relevant specialists, namely: rheumatologist, cardiologist, internist, neurologist, physiotherapist, surgeon, etc.

It should also be noted that all round-the-clock trauma centers in Moscow and other cities of Russia are equipped with everything necessary to provide fast qualified medical care for any animal bites, injuries of the skin and musculoskeletal system that do not require hospitalization.
What is included
Any trauma center includes:
- primary patient reception room, where 1-2 traumatologists should be seen;
- registration where patients are recorded for re-admission (as a rule, the primary is carried out without contacting the registration window);
- children's re-admission room;
- adult re-admission room;
- one or two dressings designed to treat wounds, as well as burn surfaces;
- gypsum cabinet designed to apply various plaster casts;
- operating room designed for primary surgical treatment of wounds, as well as other surgical interventions;
- Vaccination room designed to administer drugs that are essential to prevent dangerous infections such as rabies or tetanus;
- dental office where dental surgeons should see;
- separate x-ray room, which is equipped with a modern x-rayequipment.

What do you need
It should be noted that in large settlements it is provided for the presence of not only general centers, but specially directed ones. So, if necessary, in Moscow or other large cities, you can contact the eye trauma center. However, in any of them, the following procedures are carried out:
- wound treatment followed by suturing;
- X-ray diagnostics for any injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
- preventive rabies vaccination course after being bitten by animals;
- treatment of bruises, fractures and sprains;
- reduction of dislocations of bones, reposition for fractures with displacement of bone fragments;
- emergency tetanus prophylaxis;
- providing first aid for burns that have formed on a small area (except when treatment is needed in a burn center);
- provision of emergency dental or surgical care;
- removal of any foreign bodies that have entered the soft tissues.

Custom cases
In case of urgent need, patients from the trauma center are referred for hospitalization in the department of traumatology, surgery or neurosurgery.
It should be noted that in such centers medical care is provided free of charge to absolutely everyone who applies, regardless of the absence or presence of a policyand registration.