The venous system is an important part of the circulation of the human body. Thanks to it, toxins and toxins are removed, the fluid balance in the cells is regulated. Here the movement of blood goes to the heart and lungs to enrich the lean mixture with oxygen.
General definitions
The arterial and venous system provides the body with oxygen, minerals, and useful substances. There are protective cells in the blood that allow to destroy foreign inclusions: bacteria, viruses, decomposition results. It also removes carbon dioxide.

The venous system is the reverse branch of the bloodstream. Through it there is a movement to the heart. Here, the pressure in the vessels is minimal, fluid accumulates, and as a result, the venous walls stretch.
Vessels of the venous system have check valves that prevent the reverse movement of blood. Veins contain a huge amount of bacteria when inflamed. Therefore, congestion in the vessels is the cause of inflammation in most cases.
Small veins drain blood from the skin, joints, muscles. They merge into larger vessels passing through the entire body - these are the superior and inferior vena cava. Firstcollects small veins from the head, cervical region, upper limbs. The second connects to the leg area, the internal digestive organs, the hip area.
After passing through the heart, the blood returns to the pulmonary artery, where it is again saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide is released here. In this area, oxygen particles are completely absent. This is the only depleted part of the circulatory system.
Circulation principle
The pressure in the veins is less. If blood pumps the heart in the arteries, then the outflow of venous blood occurs due to muscle contraction. If this does not happen, the veins are stretched. Accumulated blood contains carbon dioxide, and it poses a threat to the he alth of the whole organism.

Veins have valves. To overcome them, the blood requires an effort from the outside, and the heart often cannot cope with this. The photo clearly shows how this happens. Due to this, the blood cannot flow back.
Orthopedic stockings help compress veins. But this is only useful when the person is moving. With a sedentary lifestyle, stockings speed up the work of the heart. He needs more effort to push the blood through the artificially created extra pressure.
It is better to wear orthopedic stockings for walking, running, physical education until the muscles themselves can put pressure on the vessels. Another negative factor that impedes the movement of blood through the vessels is gravity. When a person is standing, the load is maximum due to body weight and hydrostatic pressure. In recumbentposition, tissue tension is reduced. Therefore, before putting on orthopedic stockings, it is recommended to raise the legs up for a few minutes, allowing the veins to free up as much as possible.
The blood flows through the arteries easier and faster, without stretching the walls of the vessels. Therefore, they are less visible under the tissues of the skin. Diseases of the venous system are manifested externally due to the dark color of the blood. This becomes especially noticeable when the vessels are on the surface of the skin.
The venous system serves to store blood and return depleted volumes to the heart and lungs. However, its functions do not end there. Vessels carry nutrients to the tissues, perform the functions of blood circulation, and the saturation of tissues with carbon dioxide is of no small importance.

The outflow of blood through the veins of each person is different and depends on the conditions of existence, as well as the individual characteristics of the body: gender, lifestyle, nutrition, hereditary diseases of the venous system. Chronic inflammatory processes in the internal organs, infections, and deviations in the immune system also have an impact. The reverse vessels remove decay products from the following cells:
- tumor;
- inflammatory;
- fat;
- leukocytic.
The venous system of the lower extremities suffers more often. If there is a predisposition to vascular disease, then such people should take precautions. Otherwise, by adulthoodeven athletes get veins in their legs.
The venous system transports blood from the organs: stomach, kidneys, intestines. Stagnation in the vessels affects the digestibility of food. Useful substances should be carried to all parts of the body. With a saturated-fat diet, thrombosis is formed, which we observe on the surface of the skin.
The venous-vascular system experiences tissue pressure from blood circulation, it has several layers:
- Collagenic: tissues resist the internal pressure of blood flow.
- Muscle protection tissues: muscle contraction and stretching helps blood flow and at the same time protects blood vessels from external influences (temperature, pressure, mechanical damage).
- Longitudinal fibers have elasticity, they work constantly when the body moves: flexion and extension of the torso, arms or legs, while tilting the head.
When the veins are stretched, the outflow is difficult, but when the muscles contract, there is additional force to push the blood. The speed of movement through the vessels is higher due to a set of the following factors: heartbeat, movement of the chest during breathing, flexion of the limbs, changes in body position in space, blood thinning due to digestion or the action of drugs. Also, blood flow increases due to an increase in the temperature around the body: in a bath, a hot bath.

Main veins have a significant diameter. The movement of fluid inside the vessels occurs in a certain direction due to the presence of numerous valves. They consist of fabrics of increased elasticity and strength. Withstand a huge number of compression cycles throughout a person's life.
The venous system cannot function effectively without valves. During their weakening, pathological conditions called varicose veins can form. The most common place of its appearance is the lower limbs.
He alth abnormalities
The venous system of the lower extremities is vulnerable due to high loads while walking, running and even in a normal position - a standing position. Diseases of the venous system appear for many reasons, not only physical. This refers to, for example, malnutrition. Excessive consumption of fried, s alty, sweet leads to the formation of plaques in the blood, sticking into huge clots. Thrombosis is dangerous for any person.
First, blockages occur in small veins. But growing, clots can get into the main vessels leading to the heart. Severe cases of illness lead to its stop. Blood clots should be removed in a timely manner - this is how a dangerous complication is prevented.

The most common varicose veins. More than half of the female population suffers from this disease. With age, the elasticity of the veins decreases, but the load remains the same. Often, excess weight leads to the formation of stretched walls of blood vessels. The size of the heart does not change, and the volume of blood transfer increases with the acquisition of additional kilograms.
An additional negative factor is the immobile lifestyle. blood stasisprovokes not only the appearance of vascular diseases, but also complications in other parts of the body. Oxygen starvation affects the appearance of the skin of the face, hands, neck.
Types of complications
The cause of varicose veins and thrombosis of the legs is a disturbed venous system. The anatomy of the body is arranged in such a way that with a passive lifestyle, the weakening of the walls of blood vessels is inevitable. Similar deviations in he alth occur with inadequate and malnutrition, the presence of bad habits, professional stress.
Among the numerous diseases of the circulatory system, there are:
- Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process on the walls of the veins, which subsequently closes the entire vessel. Thrombi are dangerous during the period when they break away from the vessel and begin to wander through the circulatory system. A blood clot can get into almost any part of the body, causing a serious condition. This is possible when small lumps move to the heart or head.
- Varicosis is an outwardly unpleasant change in the venous channels. This is due to the thinning of the walls of the veins, the loss of their plasticity. The vessel increases its capacity, where dark blood accumulates. It is easy to see through the skin of a sick person. The affected areas take chaotic forms. The degree of pathology depends on the characteristics of the organism.
- Atherosclerosis of the veins - occurs due to a violation of lipid metabolism. Atherosclerotic plaques form in the lumen of the veins, making it difficult for the normal outflow of blood. Advanced stages of the disease in the main veins may result in the loss of part of the limb. Leg fatigue is a sign of complications.when walking, lameness.
- Teleangiectasia - describes the condition of the expansion of small veins, due to this, stars appear on the skin. This process is lengthy: he alth deviations often take several years to form.
Provocateurs of diseases
For women, high heels and a passive lifestyle have always been negative factors in the formation of problems with blood vessels. Stagnation in the legs appeared due to swelling that appears as a result of a long position in a standing position. Compressed veins restrict blood flow and reduce the ability to exchange oxygen and nutrients.

Almost all pathologies occur due to the appearance of provoking factors:
- Clots and weakening of vascular tissues occur due to smoking. Smoke deprives the blood of oxygen and saturates with toxins.
- High cholesterol in the blood is more often formed as a result of malnutrition of saturated fat food.
- Hypertension, diabetes contribute to the expansion of veins.
- Overweight.
- Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
- The hereditary factor is the main source of problems with the vessels of the legs. The presence of hemorrhoids in parents indicates the risk of varicose veins in children.
- A sedentary lifestyle, combined with the above factors, accelerates the formation of diseases.
- Excessive physical activity or doing the same type of work.
To exclude problems with blood vessels, it is required to conduct a periodic examination of the circulatory system and engage inhe alth: a complete and balanced diet, moderate exercise, respect for the feet.
Diagnostic Methods
The venous system of the legs can be checked by the following methods:
- Doppler study - recommended for hidden symptoms, problems with veins. It is carried out at the initial suspicion of pathology. If there is no doubt that varicose veins or thrombosis have formed, then this method becomes optional.
- Ultrasound duplex examination - combines the possibilities of ultrasound and Doppler scanning methods. The resulting indicators allow you to evaluate the speed of blood flow through the vessels, their geometry, the quality of the walls and the overall operation of the venous system.
- Angiography is an X-ray examination using contrast. The state of the vessels is being assessed.
Problems with the lower parts can be detected by primary symptoms:
- Detection of a network of vessels on the legs, a blood clot or external vein defects.
- Fatigue and pain in the legs in the muscular or vascular part. Periodic swelling, inflammation.
- Asymptomatic external defects.
- Dilation of veins, distortion of the shape of blood vessels, swelling of the ducts.
- Fatigue pain in the popliteal area or other part of the venous ducts.
- Cramps, aches, pinching.
Based on the results of the examination, an effective course of individual treatment is prescribed, and measures are taken to prevent pathologies. Pathological venous lymphatic system may not bother a person throughout life. But the disease will definitely manifest itself at an older age.
Development of pathologies
The weakened venous system of the extremities goes through several stages of varicose veins. Scientists divide the disease into 6 stages according to the degree of danger: from unfavorable to resuscitation. Severe stages are already treated surgically.
Determine the well-being of a person at each stage of the disease:
- Zero passes imperceptibly outwardly, but the state of the legs is already starting to bother. There is a burning sensation of the upper layers of the skin of the muscles. Puffiness is often formed, there is fatigue from walking.
- The first stage. A grid of small vessels, asterisks and the states listed above are visible.
- Second. Swollen veins and dark-colored nodules are palpable. The size of the pathology area changes during the day. With a stationary lifestyle, the affected areas hurt and ache.
- Third. Evening and night puffiness are added to the listed conditions.
- Fourth. The top layer of the skin is damaged. There are dimples, tubercles of impressive size. Trophic ulcers often form.
- The fifth stage. Residual effects after trophic ulcers are visible to the naked eye.
- Sixth. Trophic ulcers are difficult to heal and practically do not heal.
Based on the established stage of the disease, doctors decide on the choice of treatment. The last, 6th (complicated) form of varicose veins ends on the operating table. There may be external defects that require the intervention of plastic surgery. Disability becomes a severe outcome, deprivationlimbs.
How are vascular problems treated?
The venous circulatory system affects all areas of the body. Vascular diseases should be treated immediately. To exclude the formation of complicated stages of varicose veins or thrombosis, preventive measures are used. Dilated veins try to remove partially or completely. Blood clots are often cut out to prevent accidental entry into the bloodstream.

Common vein treatment methods help to exclude further vessel growth, remove pathological areas, and reduce the risk of complications. Sclerotherapy is used in beauty salons and clinics. The procedure is safe and takes only a few minutes. A substance is injected into the affected vessel, gluing the walls together.
The body gets rid of the glued vein on its own. It dissolves, in its place clarified tissues form. There are no external defects. The procedure can be performed without anesthesia. This method is tried to be applied on small veins. Abundant bluish areas appear on large vessels.
The laser coagulation method is chosen when the affected veins are large. The procedure is painful and requires local anesthesia. After that, a light guide is introduced into the affected vessel, the radiation of which brews the liquid contents of the vein. Subject to the recommendations of the doctor after the operation, the resulting area is absorbed.