The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment

The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment
The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment

A common complaint is discomfort on the right side of the body. This zone includes a large number of organs that can cause pain with problematic functioning. Sometimes, when asked why the right side of the body hurts, doctors may suggest inflammation of appendicitis, but this diagnosis will not always be correct. Consider other causes of discomfort.

pain on right side
pain on right side

What is in the right area of the body?

If you visually divide the human body into two parts, you will notice that some of them fall immediately to both the right and left areas. This is due to the fact that they are in the center. Such organs include the intestines, pancreas, stomach, bladder.

It is necessary to remember when diagnosing that sometimes it hurts in a completely different place, and not where inflammation occurs. Some diseases mainly appear only in a certain area. On the right side of the abdomenlocated gallbladder, right kidney, appendix and ureter. Pain can be provoked by diseases associated with the vessels, the abdominal wall and the right lower ribs.

pain on right side
pain on right side

Types of pain

If there is a problem with the liver or kidneys, then there is swelling, inflammation. These organs have a protective capsule of great thickness, in which there are a large number of nerves. Therefore, pain occurs with any negative impact on it.

If the problem is with the stomach, gallbladder or ureter, then with mild inflammation, pain will not occur. This is due to the fact that the nerves are located only in the submucosal layer. Accordingly, they will respond to spasms, sprains, ulcers, ruptures.

During the diagnosis, this fact will always be taken into account in order to make the correct diagnosis. This process will also be aggravated due to the fact that if the function of one abdominal organ is impaired, the entire digestion process will fail.

Character of pain

All patients describe what they feel differently. Therefore, doctors have to take into account all the information, ask leading questions. The specialist will ask how long ago the pains appeared, whether their character has changed.

If discomfort on the right side occurs when running or walking, this indicates a change in intra-abdominal pressure. Often this can occur if a person does not have regular physical activity. Sometimes severe pathologies appear during movement, so if the pain does notfades away after stopping movement, you need to see a doctor.

Unpleasant sensations may occur when traveling in transport. During movement, sitting or standing, a person's body shakes. This leads to the fact that stones, s alt deposits begin to move through the body. If the patient has urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, then he will experience pain during sudden movements (for example, emergency braking). Jumping and running also cause a similar effect.

Pain only on palpation is a common symptom. You need to understand that any pressure on the abdominal cavity provokes an increase in pressure. This is what leads to pain. Due to palpation and discomfort during it, the doctor is able to distinguish local inflammation from serious diseases such as a heart attack or pneumonia.

Diagnosis of diseases
Diagnosis of diseases

Additional types of pain

If it hurts in the lower part of the right side, then there is a possibility of inflammation of the appendix. When diagnosing in women, gynecological problems should be excluded. If it hurts on the right side under the ribs, then hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, and an intestinal ulcer can be suspected. An accurate diagnosis will be made after the examination.

Sometimes women experience pain not above the pubis and near the navel, but on the right side. This may indicate inflammation of the appendages. The strongest discomfort indicates a rupture of the cyst, an ectopic pregnancy. The pain is similar to that of appendicitis.

Pain may not be sharp and strong, but aching. Often it is inherent in an ulcer. In the evening comes after 2 hoursafter meals and may continue until the morning. If the patient feels dull pain, then he may have intestinal or gallbladder dyskinesia. Children, people with mental problems and neurasthenia are most susceptible to such a disease.

If the patient has acute sudden pain on the right side, then he describes them as cramping. Such complaints most often occur with intestinal obstruction, ulcers, Crohn's disease. For the inflammatory process, such sensations are not considered characteristic, because then they should increase gradually. Cutting pain occurs with problems with the intestines of an infectious nature. Sometimes provokes her food poisoning.

Pulsating pain occurs when there are problems with blood vessels. If the patient is elderly, then he may have an aneurysm. At the same time, the vessels become thinner and begin to expand. This is due to the increase in pressure. The pulsation is even. It can be heard above the navel.

Purulent inflammation on the right side, as a rule, is accompanied by jerking pains. If we are talking about appendicitis, then the occurrence of unpleasant sensations of this type may indicate that the process is already running. If the process comes off, then peritonitis may occur.

To correctly diagnose, you need not only to know the nature of the pain, but also to take into account the entire history collected.

stomach pain on right side
stomach pain on right side


If a person constantly hurts on the right side, then certain types of examinations are prescribed, depending on what suspicions the doctor has. Patientcan prescribe the delivery of blood, urine, feces. He will be sent for X-ray, tomography, ultrasound examination. Sometimes electrocardiography is prescribed.

why does my right side hurt
why does my right side hurt


There are three types of treatment for the causes of pain in the abdomen on the right side. A diet is prescribed. If there is a problem with the gallbladder, then you need to give up fatty, spicy and fried foods. In diseases of the intestine, coarse fiber and spices should be excluded. If the patient has acute pancreatitis, then he is assigned a hunger strike for several days.

Medication is being prescribed. If there is inflammation, then antibiotics are prescribed. With lichen, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs, which are the only ones that bring an effect. If the patient has cancer, then it is necessary to carry out radiation, radio- and chemotherapy. Additionally, antispasmodics and analgesics may be prescribed.

Surgical intervention is prescribed in extreme cases, and also when other methods of treatment do not bring the desired effect. For appendicitis, torsion of the tumor stem, apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy, Crohn's disease, tumors, gallstone disease, surgery is considered the only method of treatment.

pain in ribs on right side
pain in ribs on right side


Whatever the pain, you should definitely see a doctor. Doctors warn that ignoring it can lead to the development of severe pathologies, especially if the ribs on the right side hurt. You should not self-medicate, this will also lead to not the best consequences.
