Laser therapy is a method based on the use of a light beam with certain characteristics for medical purposes. Translated from English, the word "laser" is interpreted as an increase in light through stimulated emission. The first quantum generator was developed in the sixties of the last century. The device for laser therapy in Russia was approved for use in medical practice in 1974. Laser treatment of joints has recently been gaining popularity.

A bit of the history of laser radiation
Already at the end of the nineteenth century, treatment with artificial sources of light waves was practiced. A similar method of therapy was developed and introduced by the physiotherapist N. R. Finsen from Denmark, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903. For the entire period of study of thismethodology and its development, several stages were successively passed:
- heliotherapy;
- healing with light;
- laser therapy.
The benefits and harms of laser joint treatment will be discussed in this article.
Efficiency recognition
The effectiveness of the technique was recognized on the territory of the former USSR in 1974. In 1986, the Institute of Laser Medicine was opened in Moscow, now called the Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. Here, the features of the action are carefully studied, and modern therapeutic methods are being developed. At the moment, Russia is the world leader in the scientifically sound, practical use of laser therapy, the indications and contraindications for it have been studied to the maximum. In the US and Europe, this technique was officially recognized in 2003, and this was the impetus for a boom in the use of laser for disease diagnosis and therapy, as well as research on its effects.

When using laser joint treatment, consistent and careful observance of the type of technique, parameters, pulse frequency, wavelength, mode and power of LILI functioning, frequency, localization and time of exposure is required. Only if all these signs are taken into account, the treatment will be really safe and effective. That is why it becomes clear that the professionalism and skill level of a specialist who works on a laser system,is of key importance. Despite the fact that the methodology and technology of this kind of therapy is simple, a very clear understanding of the specifics of the applications of the laser treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is necessary.
Positive properties of laser therapy
One of the significant advantages of this method is a small number of absolute contraindications. If in most other cases pregnancy, oncology and advanced age of patients act as strictly prohibited, then with laser therapy they are relatively limited and taken into account when choosing its variety. The method of laser joint treatment is included in the therapeutic standards of more medical areas.

Mechanisms of laser action
Due to the impact of LILI and as a result of the absorption of light energy, a list of photobiological processes is formed. An increase in the content of free calcium in the composition of cells for a short time triggers a further series of body responses to its influence:
- activation of metabolic and proliferative processes occurs;
- the action of the immune system returns to normal;
- the condition of the vessels is improving, including the expansion of their walls;
- anesthesia effect appears;
- humoral and cellular immunity is adjusted;
- increased resistance of an indiscriminate type of organism;
- improve such propertiesblood as rheological;
- microcirculation is enhanced;
oxygen and blood transport functions return to normal;
- metabolic processes are improving;
- increases proteolytic and antioxidant blood activity;
- tissue regeneration is activated;
- hematopoiesis is stimulated;
- an anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and anti-allergic effect, and a large number of other positive signs can be traced.

Contraindications for laser therapy
In no case should laser treatment of joints be performed in the following cases:
- intolerance of an individual nature;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- open TB;
- pathology of the thyroid gland;
- hematopoietic defects;
- anemia;
- bleeding tendency and low blood clotting.

Relative contraindications for knee laser treatment are:
- serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- cerebral circulation defects;
- renal and liver failure, which are in the stage of decompensation;
- malignant and benign tumors;
- tuberculosis in chronic form (when the isolation of bacteriamissing).
The process of laser therapy
The patient does not experience any significant sensations during laser treatment of the joints. Special preparation is not required. Therapy is carried out mainly without hospitalization, immediately after the procedure it is allowed to go home. By means of a special sensor, an impact is made on the projection of an organ or on the skin: at a distance, with touching the body with and without compression. With the acupuncture method, it is necessary to select three to five points corresponding to the pathology, and each of them is affected for one to three minutes. The duration of the procedure and the number of procedures is determined on an individual basis.
Contraindications for laser joint treatment must be strictly observed.
How is the therapy done?
Any disease of the joints is distinguished by its own mechanisms of occurrence and influence on the state of the body as a whole. That is why doctors use various laser preparations and methods of exposure in their treatment.

- If a patient is diagnosed with gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis or arthrosis of the ankle joint, then the scanning laser beam method is used. In this case, the radiation gradually passes along the coordinates specified for it. For maximum deep influence on the focus of the disease, river scanning is used. To influence superficially, automatic scanning is required with the help of specially designed electronic devices. The effect of laser radiation on pain zoneslasts six to eight minutes. After eight sessions have been completed, the first signs of recovery appear: the stiffness of movements is eliminated and their former amplitude returns, the pain disappears.
- Mixed therapy (magnetic-laser) helps in overcoming the severe stages of coxarthrosis and arthrosis. Due to the mutual influence of the laser beam and the constant magnetic field, there is a tangible effect on the body. This radiation penetrates eighty to one hundred millimeters into the tissue.
- Helium neon laser is used to eliminate periarthritis. This invention is unique and produces wavelengths up to 0.6328 nm. Thanks to the infrared beam, electromagnetic, photochemical and thermal effects are provided. After ten sessions have been completed, lasting from three to five minutes, the destruction of the connective tissue stops, the entry of the required microelements into the body resumes, anti-inflammatory processes are stimulated and a new system of capillaries is formed in the vessels.
Benefits of treatment
The laser beam in hip laser treatment stimulates many positive physical and chemical changes. In inflamed tissues, due to the effect of this procedure, serious biochemical processes are carried out that are aimed at recovery:
- activation of cell functioning;
- improvement of tissue nerve conduction;
- speed up metabolism;
- elimination of pain syndrome;
- antibodies are produced to help infighting inflammation inside the body and allergic reactions.
One of the important benefits of laser treatment of the knee joint according to reviews is the reduction in the use of drugs in large quantities in the presence of joint diseases.
Principles of laser exposure
The effectiveness of laser therapy depends on various aspects. If you know these features, you can avoid unprofessional treatment.
- To get a truly objective and comprehensive result, qualified professionals always use several laser devices with different electromagnetic wave lengths, with constant and pulsed modes.
- Only infrared pulsed radiation is used for the therapy of articular tissues.
- This type of therapy should be carried out exclusively in the morning, because at this time the sympathetic nervous system is in good shape.
- During the session, in no case should you increase the total dose of radiation, as this will cause the development of aggravated reactions in the joint.
- In case of exacerbation of joint diseases, it is necessary to turn to the pulse regimen, however, the doses should be small.

- If the disease is characterized by a chronic course, the intensity of the laser effect is increased several times.
- When acupuncture points are irradiated, the compensatoryfunctions, immunity increases.
- Using the beam locally in the area of pathology improves blood circulation. This provides an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effect.
- If you place the emitter perpendicular to the skin, the degree of passage of laser light through the tissues will be increased.
- The nature of the effect of radiation on the joint is determined by the frequency of laser pulses.
Complications of laser therapy
There may be an increase in pain during laser treatment of the shoulder joint. It most often occurs due to non-compliance with the required technique, as well as if the patient has any individual characteristics.
Dizziness and headaches may occur. In this case, the sensitivity to the device or its breakdown also affects.
In addition, hyperthermia is possible due to the active release of liver toxins into the bloodstream and their further removal from the body. But most often this reaction passes, and therefore the treatment does not need to be canceled.