Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?

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Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?
Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?

Video: Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?

Video: Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?
Video: Нижний Новгород - Smoking Lounge | Hookahplace | Обнял | Среди лучших #1 2025, January

Already in ancient times, people knew how to correct physical and cosmetic defects of the nose with the help of surgery. Such manipulations were very painful, since medicine was not yet sufficiently developed, and the material for transplantation had to be taken from the patient's forehead or cheeks. Nose surgery today belongs to the easily tolerated variety. Full rehabilitation takes no more than 10 days. However, in some cases, the elimination of defects is vital for the normal life of the patient.

nose surgery
nose surgery


Surgical intervention aimed at changing the shape of the nose and eliminating various physiological deficiencies is called rhinoplasty. This practice originated in ancient India. There are 3 stages in its development. The beginning of the first of them dates back to about 1000 BC. ATduring this time, the operations were of a very crude nature and were aimed primarily at restoring the normal appearance of people crippled by an unfair court verdict.

nasal septum surgery
nasal septum surgery

After a fairly long time, rhinoplasty becomes fashionable in Europe. From 1400 to 1700 in the Old World, surgeons perfected Indian techniques. Skin flaps began to be taken from the arm or buttocks. The use of porcine cartilage has also produced incredible results.

But it was the 19th century that became the golden era of rhinoplasty. During this period, many scientific papers are published on the restoration of not only the external contour, but also the nasal mucosa. Today, rhinoplasty has reached great heights. Nasal septal surgery or hump removal has become commonplace and is performed in clinics along with excision of appendicitis.

Types of surgical interventions

nasal deformity surgery
nasal deformity surgery

All surgical interventions to eliminate physiological defects of the nose can be performed using one of two methods. The first of these involves incising the skin along the bridge of the nose. Such operations can only be performed under anesthesia and last up to 4 hours.

With the closed method, the surgeon performs manipulations without cutting the skin. So, for example, polyps in the nose can be removed. The operation is most often performed without anesthesia, as it is less painful. Full rehabilitation of the patient takes about a week. Today, endoscopic nasal surgery is becoming increasingly popular. Atwith their help, sinusitis is successfully treated.

Indications and contraindications

Operations to eliminate cosmetic defects are carried out only at the request of the person himself. In this case, the patient must be at least 18 years old, and he must be fully capable. With regard to physiological defects caused by congenital mutations or injuries, here the decisive word should belong to the doctor. Surgery is not indicated if the deviation does not interfere with normal nasal breathing.

Before rhinoplasty, the patient must undergo a complete medical examination. A contraindication may be the presence of diabetes mellitus, AIDS, severe liver and heart diseases. For these and some other reasons, the operation may be canceled. Removal of polyps in the nose and some other simple manipulations are an exception to the general rule.

Nasal septum: what is it?

endoscopic nasal surgery
endoscopic nasal surgery

The nose is an external contour with 2 channels, which are separated by a vertical formation. It consists of cartilage and bone tissue and is called the nasal septum. It reaches its final form by the age of 10. The elastic part of the septum, which extends beyond the nasal cavity, is more susceptible to deformation. According to statistics, only 1 person out of 20 has it even by the age of 18.

Causes of curvature

nasal polyp removal surgery
nasal polyp removal surgery

Otolaryngologists identify traumatic, compensatory and physiological causes of septal curvature. ATeach case, it is determined whether nose surgery is needed.

Physiological deformations of the septum occur due to the fact that it consists of 2 types of tissue: bone and cartilage. One of them, for some reason, may lag behind in development. In this case, the curvature along the entire length of the nose is more characteristic.

Traumatic curvatures occur, as a rule, due to physical impact, so they can be of the most diverse nature. Often they are accompanied by fractures of the facial bones of the skull. They can also occur at birth when a microdislocation of the nasal cartilage occurs.

Compensatory curvatures are a combination of the 2 types listed above. They are the most dangerous, since any, even a small injury, can lead to additional complications. When diagnosing such a curvature, an operation is performed on the nasal septum.

Manifestations of curvature

Nasal breathing is a very important aspect for normal life. A deviated septum can block the passage of air. Depending on the type of deformity, breathing can be difficult through both or through one nostril. The deterioration of air circulation contributes to the development of the following concomitant diseases: rhinitis, otitis media, inflammation of the sinuses, and so on. Therefore, in especially neglected cases, nose surgery is prescribed.

Where and how is a septum repair performed?

Defects in the nasal septum are corrected through surgery. The operation, with the exception of urgent cases, is plannedcharacter, refers to plastic and can be carried out in most ENT hospitals.

Treatment takes less than 30 minutes. Its purpose is to remove the curved area. General anesthesia is most often not required, but local anesthesia is practiced. At the end of the operation, cotton swabs are inserted into the nasal cavity of the patient, which should be there for 2 days.

nasal polyps operation
nasal polyps operation

Modern rhinoplasty offers several options for how a deviated nose can be corrected. The operation for resection of the septum consists in the fact that first all the mucous membranes exfoliate, the defective area of the cartilage is removed, and the soft tissues are returned to their place. Such manipulations are easily carried out in most clinics, they are free, but the recovery period after them is the longest.

A more modern way to eliminate curvature is septum plastic surgery. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the mucous membrane exfoliates only on one side. In this case, the defective section of the cartilage is not removed, but leveled. The advantage of plastic surgery is a shortened adaptation period, but it is not carried out in all medical institutions and is usually paid. True, when it comes to he alth, few people will think about how much nose surgery costs. Moreover, you will have to spend only 3 thousand rubles.

Finally, the most progressive way to eliminate defects of the nasal septum is thermal plasty. It was first successfully carried out in1998. The whole point of the process is heating the cartilage to a temperature at which it becomes elastic, and further leveling the septum. Thermal plasty is an absolutely bloodless method. The patient does not require additional recovery time after the procedure. Unfortunately, due to the unavailability of special equipment, this method is used only in large clinics.

Features of the rehabilitation period

how much does nose surgery cost
how much does nose surgery cost

As noted above, not all methods of correcting the nasal septum require restorative procedures. However, certain recommendations must be heeded. So, for example, after a resection, for the first 2 days it is better to refrain from tilting and sudden head movements, eat only soft, non-hot food, and sleep on your back. During the week, increased physical activity is prohibited, and visiting the pool is completely possible only on the 15th day after the operation.

In addition to restrictions, there are a number of recommendations that contribute to the speedy healing of the broken nasal mucosa. So, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and special washes.

Possible Complications

Nose surgery is not a risky one, so you should not be afraid of any serious complications. As a rule, there are no scars on the face either. Possible functional complications include only perforation of the membrane, which appears only in 12% of cases during resection.
