Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do: before menstruation or after?

Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do: before menstruation or after?
Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do: before menstruation or after?

Often, the fairer sex has to visit the ultrasound room. Such a study allows you to detect existing pathologies in time and start the right treatment. If you are wondering about the time of a pelvic ultrasound, when to do (on what day) it, the article will tell you.

when is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound after the menstrual cycle
when is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound after the menstrual cycle

Go see a doctor

Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do it? The manipulation is usually prescribed by a gynecologist. The following situations may be prerequisites for research:

  • menstrual irregularities or prolonged bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • malodorous discharge;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic cavity;
  • pregnancy or suspected pregnancy;
  • poor smear result;
  • enlargement of organs (ovaries and uterus) detected by palpation;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease and so on.

When is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound (before menstruation or after), the gynecologist will tell. Much depends on thesituations (symptoms, the patient's condition, her age, and so on). Consider several options for diagnostic manipulation.

when is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound before or after menstruation
when is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound before or after menstruation

General examination

If you are recommended a pelvic ultrasound, when to do the study? With a standard manipulation, it is recommended to assign the procedure to the first half of the cycle. Gynecologists advise to go to a specialist immediately after the bleeding ends. Previously, ultrasound simply does not make sense. During menstruation, the uterus is filled with blood. Diagnostics will not be able to provide reliable information.

Study before menstruation is also not recommended. The fact is that in the second phase of the cycle, progesterone is actively released. This hormone contributes to the thickening of the endometrium. If you visit an ultrasound room at this time, then the specialist may simply not see minor defects in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. These may be polyps or fibroids.

The first half of the cycle is the best time for a pelvic ultrasound. When to do the procedure? With a normal cycle, this is the 5th-7th day. If the menstruation is short and the cycle is short, then it will be 3-5 days. With a long female period, you can diagnose from the 5th to the 10th day.

pelvic ultrasound when to do what day
pelvic ultrasound when to do what day


If you are planning a pregnancy, then you are shown a pelvic ultrasound. When is the best time to track ovulation? In this situation, doctors usually recommend conducting a study in the middle of the cycle. However, much depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. If the standard duration of the second phase is 10-14 days, then by simple calculations you can set the approximate day of ovulation. Diagnosis is started a few days before.

Folliculometry begins after menstruation, and ends before the next bleeding. The final stage of the procedure involves the detection of the corpus luteum and confirmation of ovulation that has taken place. This can be done already in the second half of the cycle.

Determination of pregnancy

If you have a suspicion of pregnancy, then to obtain reliable data, you need to conduct an ultrasound of the pelvis. When to do it in this case? Such a diagnosis involves the detection of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus can see a set of cells only two weeks after the expected day of menstruation. Some devices have a more modern approach. They detect pregnancy just a few days after the delay.

Establishing the fact of pregnancy always falls on the second phase of the cycle. Diagnostics is appointed in the absence of menstruation for more than five days.

pelvic ultrasound when to do it better
pelvic ultrasound when to do it better

After an abortion or childbirth

When is it better to do a pelvic ultrasound - after the menstrual cycle or before? If we are talking about a perfect abortion, then it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis approximately 5-7 days after curettage. These days, women experience bleeding, which doctors do not attribute to menstruation. The cycle will be restoredoccur gradually over several months. Ultrasound diagnosis after an abortion involves examining the uterine cavity for remnants of the fetal egg. If any are found, then the woman needs additional medical manipulations.

After the birth of a child, all women should undergo an ultrasound examination. It is usually carried out in the maternity hospital on the 5th day after birth. At the same time, the menstrual cycle will not be restored for quite some time (subject to breastfeeding). It turns out that after childbirth, ultrasound should be performed before menstruation (during the release of lochia).

In menopause

Women over 40 are prescribed regular pelvic ultrasound. When is the best time to do it? At this age, most women go through menopause, which is replaced by a permanent menopause. During these periods, patients experience irregular breakthrough bleeding. Women themselves call them another menstruation. It is worth noting that the period from one to another bleeding can be several months. Therefore, in such a case, ultrasound is performed before the onset of menstruation (without waiting for it).

pelvic ultrasound when to do
pelvic ultrasound when to do


You learned about the best time to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In many ways, the chosen days of the cycle depend on the reasons for the diagnosis. If the study involves an examination of the cavity of the reproductive organ, then it is recommended to choose the first days of the cycle (after menstruation). When the target of diagnosis is the ovaries,preference is given to the middle of the menstrual cycle.

If you are in doubt about when to do a pelvic ultrasound, contact your gynecologist. Be prepared to tell your doctor about the nature of your menstrual cycle (length, bleeding intensity, and regularity). After that, the specialist will set the dates suitable in your case. All the best to you, do not get sick!
