The Center for Palliative Medicine is an institution in Moscow that provides assistance to terminally ill patients, as well as people suffering from steadily progressing pathologies. The most severe patients are treated here. Palliative care includes pain relief, management of severe disease symptoms, and improved quality of life. This branch of medicine deals with patients who cannot be cured by all known methods. These are patients with end-stage cancer and other oncological diseases, as well as people suffering from severe progressive neurological pathologies.
History of the center
In 1937, the City Clinical Hospital No. 11 was established. It was one of the multidisciplinary medical hospitals in the capital. The hospital had neurological, pulmonological, cardiological and therapeutic departments. Particular attention was paid to helping terminally ill patients withprogressive multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating pathologies. In 2015, the Center for Palliative Medicine was established on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 11. Its task is to eliminate pain in incurable patients and alleviate severe manifestations of the disease. Such an institution was created according to the order of the Department of He alth of the mountains. Moscow.

Opening hours
Reception of patients is carried out on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm. A round-the-clock visit to patients in the hospital of the Center for Palliative Medicine was organized. To get an appointment with the management of a medical institution, you must first make an appointment by phone, which is listed on the official website.
Contact details
The Center for Palliative Medicine in Moscow is located at the address: Dvintsev Street, Building 6, Building 2. You can get to the institution from different metro stations. You can walk about 1 km from the Savelovskaya metro station. From the station "Maryina Roshcha" to the center there are the following types of transport:
- bus 126 and fixed-route taxi 112M to the stop "Sushchevsky Val Street";
- buses 84 and 84K to the stop "Novosushchevskaya street";
- trolleybuses 18, 42 to the stop "Novosushchevskaya street".
You can also get by bus 84 from the metro station "Rizhskaya", and by trolleybus 18 from the metro station "Belorusskaya" to the same stop "Novosushchevskaya street".

Palliative Care Center onDvintsev has the following branches in each administrative district of the city of Moscow:
- Central. First Moscow Hospice named after Millionshchikova, Dovator Street, 10.
- Southwestern. Hospice "Northern Butovo", Polyany street, 4.
- Southeastern. Hospice "Nekrasovka", 2nd Volskaya street, 21
- North. Hospice "Northern Degunino", Taldomskaya street, 2a.
- Northwestern. Hospice "Kurkino", Kurkinskoe shosse, 33.
- Southern. Hospice "Tsaritsyno" 3rd Radialnaya Street, 2a.
- Northeast. Hospice "Rostokino". 1st Leonova street, 1.
- Zelenogradsky. Hospice Zelenograd. City of Zelenograd, building 1701.
These branches provide inpatient care for incurable cancer patients in the 4th stage. Home services are also provided. Working hours of the mobile team on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

How to get palliative care at the center
To get help at the Center for Palliative Medicine in Moscow, you need to contact the dispatcher of this medical facility at the phone number listed on the official website. For registration, you will need a copy of the passport and the compulsory medical insurance policy, a referral from the medical institution where the patient is observed, an extract from the medical history with a confirmed diagnosis. Patients with all types of pathology, except for oncological ones, need the conclusion of a medical commission. Cancer patients (stage 4) need an oncologist's opinion. This list of documents is approved by the Departmenthe alth care in Moscow. It is not necessary for the patient to be present for registration. Copies of certificates can be sent by e-mail to the address of the center or hospices.
After all the documents are handed over, a doctor visits the patient to clarify the patient's condition. If a person is already registered in the center, then you can call a doctor by phone through the control room. Already on the spot, having examined the patient, the specialist will decide on the need for hospitalization.

Center Branches
The center consists of several departments of palliative care and a department of patronage services. In addition, the medical institution has a diagnostic department, an exercise therapy room, and a pharmacy. The structure of the center of palliative care includes a department of long-term respiratory support, where patients with impaired respiratory function are given artificial lung ventilation. The outreach service advises patients at home and decides on hospitalization.
Types of help
The center deals only with palliative care, that is, symptomatic therapy of incurable serious diseases. Patients stop the pain syndrome, reduce shortness of breath, help with urination difficulties, relieve nausea and vomiting. The center also provides psychological assistance to seriously ill patients, teaches relatives how to care for patients.

The center does not treat and diagnose diseases, does not perform operations and does not deal with radiation andchemotherapy. The hospital does not accept mental patients in the acute stage, but they provide assistance to elderly patients with senile dementia.
The center provides palliative care to patients with the following terminal illnesses:
- oncological pathologies (in the 4th stage);
- inoperable malignant tumors;
- progressive therapeutic diseases;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- irreversible effects of injury;
- irreversible consequences of impaired cerebral circulation;
- progressive degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
- incurable organ failure.
The center uses the latest methods of anesthesia, if necessary, palliative surgical interventions (stenting of the esophagus and ureters) are performed.
On the Web you can find a lot of positive reviews about the Center for Palliative Medicine in Moscow. People write with gratitude about the doctors and paramedical staff of this institution. It is not always possible for relatives to provide full-fledged care for a seriously ill person. In many cases, an incurable disease requires medical assistance, which can only be provided by a specialist. Relatives often brought patients with prolonged pain caused by oncological pathology to this center. And only after applying the latest methods of analgesia, which are used in the hospice, it was possible to stop all painful sensations.

RelativesPatients note the cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the wards. It's always clean and tidy here. Many patients are bedridden patients; in order to avoid complications, they are given breathing exercises and special anti-decubitus mattresses. Relatives can always visit the sick, round-the-clock visiting is organized here.
Patients are not always happy with the fact that a considerable number of documents are required for registration. This is especially true for patients with degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. In some cases, doctors require a certificate from the Interdistrict Multiple Sclerosis Office. This document is not mandatory, but it is desirable to present it, this will help specialists better understand the patient's condition and the dynamics of the pathology. This medical institution has accumulated extensive experience in palliative care for patients with multiple sclerosis. City Clinical Hospital No. 11 specialized in the study of demyelinating diseases, and the modern palliative care center continues this work.