Medicine 2024, October

Bleeding parenchymal: signs and first aid

Bleeding parenchymal: signs and first aid

Parenchymal bleeding is bleeding in which blood is not released to the outside, but due to damage to internal organs or some of their pathologies, it bleeds into the internal cavities of the body (abdominal, pleural)

Clinical guidelines. Patient management standards

Clinical guidelines. Patient management standards

If a doctor doubts the correctness of his actions, then there is always the opportunity to look into clinical recommendations for diagnosis and treatment and choose the right path of therapy. A useful collection will allow doctors to always provide effective care to their patients

Peripheral edema: causes, symptoms, treatment

Peripheral edema: causes, symptoms, treatment

Almost everyone has experienced this phenomenon. We are talking about peripheral edema, which can be a sign of serious diseases

Body temperature: normal indicators and features

Body temperature: normal indicators and features

The value of 36.6°C was obtained at the end of the 19th century as the average statistical temperature in the armpits of most people. 36.6°C is a normal temperature, but a difference of a few tenths is also acceptable

Immune restoration

Immune restoration

Immunity is weakened - we start to get sick with everything. You can't afford to have problems with it. What to do if they still occur? Fight

Removing ticks. Tips for removal in humans and dogs

Removing ticks. Tips for removal in humans and dogs

Going to nature? Don't forget to bring your own tick protection. With a long stay in nature, the danger of finding a tick under your skin is very high. It is always necessary to choose the right clothes and pre-treat them with anti-mite sprays

How to pull out a tick from a person: all methods of removal

How to pull out a tick from a person: all methods of removal

On the territory of Russia there are many ticks that feed on human blood, which is extremely important for them for further reproduction. The ixodid tick bite itself is not dangerous, but its saliva may contain pathogens such as encephalitis and borreliosis. How to pull out a tick from a person at home or in nature, where there is no way to urgently seek medical help? Here is the question that many are interested in

Non-specific immunity: definition, mechanisms, factors and features

Non-specific immunity: definition, mechanisms, factors and features

Immunity is a complex of protective factors that ensure the body's ability to withstand the negative effects of external agents. The latter, for example, include bacteria, poisons, viruses, foreign bodies. In science, there are two types of immunity: specific and non-specific

Varicella-zoster virus - what is it? Herpes zoster: treatment, causes, symptoms

Varicella-zoster virus - what is it? Herpes zoster: treatment, causes, symptoms

Varicella zoster is one of 17 pathogenic species of the varicellovirus genus that causes chickenpox in children and shingles in adults. Its distinguishing features are very high virulence and rapid reproduction in affected cells. What are the features of infection with the Viracella-Zoster virus, what are the symptoms in adults and children, how to get rid of it forever, read in this article

Drugs - what is it? Their classification into groups

Drugs - what is it? Their classification into groups

Medications are substances or combinations thereof that are used to treat a disease or as a preventive measure

How much is a general blood test done - terms, features and decoding

How much is a general blood test done - terms, features and decoding

To reliably determine how long it will take to conduct a particular laboratory study of biological material, it is necessary to have an idea of what exactly is being examined in the composition of blood or urine. At the same time, the direction of the research is very important - whether only general indicators are needed or the analysis will be detailed, with a detailed study of all indicators

Siphon enema: indications and contraindications, technique

Siphon enema: indications and contraindications, technique

Cleansing of the human body does not always happen on its own. There are times when medical intervention is required. There are various types of enemas that doctors recommend using only for medicinal purposes. The most famous among them are: oil, hypertonic, cleansing, medicinal and siphon

Vaccination room of an adult clinic: requirements, documentation, work schedule. Vaccinations for adults

Vaccination room of an adult clinic: requirements, documentation, work schedule. Vaccinations for adults

For the proper organization of work and the implementation of vaccinations, a medical institution must necessarily have an appropriate license for this type of activity, which is issued by the territorial (regional, city, regional) body of the he alth system, and a vaccination office, SanPin must meet

Audiological screening of newborns: what is it, when and where is it performed, features of the procedure and interpretation of the results

Audiological screening of newborns: what is it, when and where is it performed, features of the procedure and interpretation of the results

This procedure makes it possible to detect hearing loss at an early stage, which means that it is possible to treat or correct failures in a timely manner using a hearing aid. Why is it important? It is worth noting that without normal hearing, the baby will not develop normally and form speech functions

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: collection and norm

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: collection and norm

Because urinalysis can tell a lot about the state of the human body, in addition to its clinical variety, there are also other methods of research that are aimed at more accurate identification of diseases. One of the most popular methods was the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky. Such a study allows you to establish the ability of the kidneys to concentrate substances that are excreted with urine by comparing certain indicators with the permissible norm

Appendicitis scar: description with photo, dimensions, care after surgery and scar tattoo

Appendicitis scar: description with photo, dimensions, care after surgery and scar tattoo

As you know, inflammation of the cecum overtakes every tenth person. Surgical intervention in this case should be carried out in any case urgently. But it's no secret that after surgery, scars will form on the human body, called appendicitis scars. In this article, we will talk about how to take care of the scar to make it less noticeable, and also find out if it can be completely hidden with a tattoo

Next-venous laser blood irradiation (NLBI): description of the procedure, indications and contraindications

Next-venous laser blood irradiation (NLBI): description of the procedure, indications and contraindications

Today, there is just a huge number of different drugs, as well as various methods of treatment. Medicine does not stand still, so clinics can offer you an increasing number of wellness treatments. One such procedure is supravenous laser blood irradiation. In this article, we will talk about what this procedure is, and also find out what its indications and contraindications for use are

Injection in the heel with a heel spur: blockade, name of the drug, composition, features of the procedure and the result of treatment

Injection in the heel with a heel spur: blockade, name of the drug, composition, features of the procedure and the result of treatment

Today, heel spurs are more common than they used to be. There are different methods of treating this pathology, and one of them is an injection in the heel with a heel spur. In this article, we will look at what this ailment is, and also find out with what medicines and treatments you can get rid of it

Brain-specific protein s100: what is it?

Brain-specific protein s100: what is it?

S100 proteins are a family of low molecular weight tissue-specific calcium-binding proteins with a modulatory effect that are involved in many physiological processes in the body. The name characterizes the ability of compounds of this group to completely dissolve in a 100% ammonium sulfate solution at neutral pH values

Excess calcium in the body: causes, symptoms, laboratory tests, doctor's prescriptions, correction, normalization and possible consequences

Excess calcium in the body: causes, symptoms, laboratory tests, doctor's prescriptions, correction, normalization and possible consequences

Everyone knows how important calcium is for our body. And everyone knows the symptoms of its deficiency - brittle bones and tooth decay. But an excess of calcium in the body also does not benefit him, which is not known to everyone. It is the overabundance of this element that will be discussed in this article. What are the symptoms and what are the consequences of an excess of calcium in the body, what to do and how to prevent the negative impact of this factor

Fructose intolerance: causes, classification, symptoms, testing, correction and nutritional principles

Fructose intolerance: causes, classification, symptoms, testing, correction and nutritional principles

Fructose intolerance in adults and children is a genetically determined disease in which the body lacks an enzyme that breaks it down into useful elements. Weakened immunity contributes to the deterioration of the condition. With an insufficient amount of fructose-1-phosphate aldolase, food is poorly absorbed, the process of fermentation in the intestine begins

Bone as an organ: structure, properties, functions

Bone as an organ: structure, properties, functions

Bone as an organ has many of its unique features, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows about them

Is an epileptologist a neurologist or a psychiatrist? Treatment and rehabilitation of epileptic patients

Is an epileptologist a neurologist or a psychiatrist? Treatment and rehabilitation of epileptic patients

Any disorders of the central nervous system are quite difficult to treat. But with the right approach and following the recommendations of doctors, patients usually successfully complete treatment and return to a normal lifestyle

IVF in Krasnoyarsk: an overview of clinics, indications, results, reviews

IVF in Krasnoyarsk: an overview of clinics, indications, results, reviews

Recently, more and more Russian women resort to artificial insemination. Over the past year, this figure has increased by 38%. Consider the features of the activities of clinics for IVF in Krasnoyarsk, what services they provide, reviews and the effectiveness of the procedure

Urological center in Minsk. Medical centers in Minsk

Urological center in Minsk. Medical centers in Minsk

Looking for a good urological center in Minsk? We offer you to get acquainted with the features of the he althcare system, as well as the activities of both public and private clinics in the capital of Belarus. In the article you will find out when you need to see a urologist, and what services are provided in urology centers for adults and children

Medical centers in Tyumen: names, addresses, opening hours, services provided

Medical centers in Tyumen: names, addresses, opening hours, services provided

Looking for an inexpensive and multidisciplinary clinic close to home? We offer you to get acquainted with the medical centers of Tyumen, which specialize in providing consultations and treating various diseases. Consider the features of the services provided by clinics, the opening hours of medical centers and provide information on the location of medical institutions

Acetabular angle of the hip joint

Acetabular angle of the hip joint

Hip dysplasia, which is directly related to the concept of acetabular angle, is not a sentence. For several months, these symptoms can be removed by following the recommendations of a specialist. Causes and signs of dysplasia in children. Norms of development of the hip joints in babies up to a year, what treatment is carried out. How to prevent pathology

Formalin steam chamber: principle of operation, application, instructions

Formalin steam chamber: principle of operation, application, instructions

To disinfect all kinds of infectious objects (household items, medical instruments, linen, raw materials, semi-finished products and other products), a closed room with special equipment is used. Depending on the physical or chemical agents that are involved in the disinfection process, there are several types of disinfection chambers. Consider the features, application and principle of operation of steam-formalin chambers

Surgical lasers: overview, characteristics, principle of operation

Surgical lasers: overview, characteristics, principle of operation

With the use of a laser in surgery, it became possible to carry out surgical interventions without the risk of large blood loss. In addition, cosmetic defects after surgery in this case are minimal. Consider the features of laser devices that are used in various fields of medicine, their characteristics, varieties and advantages

Apparatus "Amplipulse": indications and contraindications

Apparatus "Amplipulse": indications and contraindications

Quite often, physiotherapy is prescribed as an additional method of treating a certain disease. The most common is amplipulse therapy, the essence of which is the electrical stimulation of problem areas on the body. Consider the features of the Amplipulse devices, areas of application, indications for use, contraindications and rules for using devices

Quartzation of the throat: indications and contraindications, features of the procedure, medical opinions

Quartzation of the throat: indications and contraindications, features of the procedure, medical opinions

With the help of a special quartz lamp, you can not only disinfect the room, but also carry out therapy for adults and children. Consider the features of the procedure for quartzing the throat and nose, indications and contraindications, as well as the rules for conducting and the therapeutic effect of manipulation

Pregnancy urine sediment: what does it mean?

Pregnancy urine sediment: what does it mean?

From the moment of conception, the female body switches to an enhanced mode of operation. As the child develops in the womb, the internal environment begins to change. Often there is a sediment in the urine during pregnancy, which may indicate natural physiological processes or pathology. Consider the causes of this condition, deviations from normal indicators, the principles of therapy and prevention

Oral vestibule: structure, norm and deviations

Oral vestibule: structure, norm and deviations

The first of the internal areas of the body that "meets" food is the oral cavity. Its structure is directly related to the processes of digestion. It performs many specific functions. Consider one of the components - the vestibule of the oral cavity, its structure, norms, features of the examination and correction of possible deviations

Anti-hernial bandage: recommendations, sizes and photos of models

Anti-hernial bandage: recommendations, sizes and photos of models

Excessive physical activity that a person is exposed to throughout life, or a hereditary factor can provoke the development of hernias in the groin or umbilical region. Most often, this disease occurs in the stronger sex. Consider the features of the application, indications and types of anti-hernial bandages

Snoring device: description, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Snoring device: description, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

The phenomenon of snoring is quite common and can occur in any person. At the same time, it not only causes inconvenience to others, but also affects the quality of sleep of the person himself. Previously, the only way to get rid of this problem was through surgery. To date, there are a large number of special devices. Consider the features of their use, effectiveness, contraindications and reviews of different types of anti-snoring devices

Temporal lobe of the brain: structure and function

Temporal lobe of the brain: structure and function

Various events can play the role of an irritant in the temporal lobe of the brain. Increased activity of the temporal lobe convolutions is possible due to events associated with an accident, lack of oxygen at high altitude, damage due to surgery, a jump in blood sugar levels, prolonged insomnia, drugs, manifestations of the temporal lobe itself, an altered state of consciousness after meditation, ritual action

The shape of the human eye: examples with photos

The shape of the human eye: examples with photos

Every girl wants to look good. The ability to correctly emphasize and hide your flaws helps to be as attractive as possible. The type of appearance depends on what kind of makeup you should apply. From this article you will learn the technique of applying makeup depending on the shape of the eyes

Sternum handle: structure, signs of pathology and treatment

Sternum handle: structure, signs of pathology and treatment

Why does the handle of the sternum stick out and hurt? Congenital and acquired pathologies of the chest. Methods of treatment of a defect in the musculoskeletal system, preventive measures

When is the best time to sunbathe so as not to get burned?

When is the best time to sunbathe so as not to get burned?

So, it's sunny outside, the beach beckons with its warm sand and water. What time of day is best to sunbathe? Experts recommend morning and evening hours for sunbathing

Enanthema is a mucosal lesion

Enanthema is a mucosal lesion

In Greek enanthema means "rash" or "rash". Enanthema is the general name for lesions of the human mucosa, localized in any part of the body. Often it appears before any more obvious symptoms of the disease, so it is a good signal of an impending disease