Botox injections: for beauty and not only

Botox injections: for beauty and not only
Botox injections: for beauty and not only

The problem of correcting mimic wrinkles has always worried women. It is known that our skin ages after 35 years, when the first wrinkles on the face begin to form: in the forehead, corners of the eyes and mouth, back of the nose. Skin aging is inevitable, and the mechanism of wrinkle formation is genetic. True, the acceleration of this process depends on many factors: ecology, skin type, hyperactivity of the facial muscles, the presence of bad habits, the frequency of manifestation of various emotions that are expressed by facial expressions, and others.

To solve the problem of getting rid of wrinkles, there is a classic cosmetic procedure, which is the "gold standard" in the correction of wrinkles. Botox injections relieve the face of the first signs of aging and are recognized worldwide as beauty injections.

Botox injections: action

Botox is a popular cosmetic procedure, the effect of which is observed almost instantly. Botox injections allow you to straighten mimic wrinkles, smooth them out, and relieve it of skin creases. They also help to give the skin a well-groomed appearance.

botax injections
botax injections

Botox injections are a local injection of the drug into the skinbotulinum toxin A, which has a strong relaxing effect on the muscles of the face. After the introduction of small doses of the drug, the muscles are at rest for some time, which helps the skin over them to smooth out. Just a few days after Botox injections, you can see the disappearance of wrinkles, although the face does not lose emotion.

Botox injections: the effectiveness of the procedure

The effect of injections lasts an average of about six months, but experts recommend repeating Botox injections three times a year. Botox can be combined with other cosmetic and physiotherapy treatments.

Botox injections reviews
Botox injections reviews

Contraindications for injections are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • muscle atrophy and myasthenia gravis;
  • hemophilia and thromboembolism;
  • herpes and skin inflammation;
  • allergic reactions to proteins;
  • tendency to edema.

How much does a Botox injection cost

Botox injections are available to everyone in any cosmetology clinic. A unique technique for administering purified botulinum toxin A preparations has proven itself in our country. To the question "how much does a Botox injection cost?", experts answer as follows: from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles, depending on the nature of the procedure.

Botox injections: reviews

Reviews about the procedure are positive, as they talk about the effective fight against age-related changes and skin defects, which sometimes has a stunning effect. After the procedure, patients look younger, gain beauty and attractiveness.

Botox helps to gain not only beauty, but also he alth.

how much does a botax injection cost
how much does a botax injection cost

Botox injections are used not only for cosmetic purposes. With the help of the introduction of the drug, you can save a person from diseases such as:

  • hyperhidrosis of armpits and palms;
  • migraine;
  • stuttering;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • symptoms of traumatic brain injury;
  • urinary disorders;
  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

All these diseases require muscle relaxation, and Botox injections in these cases are indispensable helpers. Experts around the world are developing innovative methods for the treatment of diseases using Botox.
