Generalized form of diseases: definition

Generalized form of diseases: definition
Generalized form of diseases: definition

The generalized form of the disease is a pathological course of the process, covering different systems and organs. The term refers to the situation of the presence of a primary focus with subsequent coverage of other zones. A generalized variant can be when spreading to other tissues of the same organ or when covering the body as a whole. Consider some of the features of this course of the disease.

About terminology

Generalized form is a concept used not only in pathology, but also in physiology. Outside of pathological processes, it means the spread of excitation through the central nervous system of an animal being. This occurs in the human body, inherent in animals. Generalized processes are observed if there is an impulsive peripheral effect. Often they are provoked by strong irritating factors - pain, food. Perhaps the influence of a new factor, still indifferent to the body and requiring orientation in the changed situation. In the cerebral hemispheres, generalization is the first stepformation of a conditioned reflex.

In pathology, a generalized form is a condition in which the initially limited area of the lesion spreads and turns into covering different parts and tissues. This is possible with a tumor, infection, some other variants of the disease. With generalization, foci appear in different parts of the body. This term cannot be used to describe the gradual increase in the original area, since it does not lead to the formation of new areas of damage.

generalized purulent-septic diseases of newborns
generalized purulent-septic diseases of newborns

On the example of epilepsy

Modern medicine knows a huge variety of various diseases that affect the human nervous system. Among the most common is the generalized form of epilepsy. A distinctive feature is stereotypical seizures that come from time to time. The prevalence rate is up to 10% of the world's population. The cause of a seizure is usually an incorrect discharge in the brain structures, which provokes a violation of a person's ability to think. Due to such a discharge, the functionality of the autonomic NS is disrupted, sensitivity and the ability to move are disturbed.

For a long time it was believed that the generalized form of epilepsy was incurable. Modern science recognizes this belief as incorrect: highly effective drugs have been developed to alleviate the patient's condition. Complete exclusion of seizures is achievable in approximately 65% of patients. Each patient has a sharp decrease in the severity of the manifestations of seizures withfrom the very beginning of the therapeutic course.

Features: Is it possible to succeed?

If the diagnosis showed a generalized form of epilepsy, the patient should tune in to a long therapeutic course. The doctor's task is to monitor the patient's condition and periodically examine him, fixing the progress and regression of the condition. Doctors managed to classify the factors that provoke a he alth problem. Epilepsy can be symptomatic, cryptogenic, idiopathic. The first option is accompanied by brain defects: tumor processes, defects, cysts. The idiopathic type is observed due to a genetic factor in the absence of changes in the structure of the brain. A cryptogenic case is one when the cause cannot be established, but the program selected by the doctor makes it possible to alleviate the condition.

generalized form of epilepsy
generalized form of epilepsy

About Forms

In many ways, the success of the treatment of generalized form of epilepsy is due to the timely start of the course, which means that you need to be able to recognize and suspect the disease in the symptoms that appear. The main manifestations of epilepsy are seizures. Their strength varies. There are two variants of the course of the disease: convulsive and non-convulsive. For an outside observer, generalized convulsive disease is the most frightening disease. The attack is accompanied by muscle tension, respiratory arrest, screams. Some patients bite their tongue. On average, after a quarter of a minute, the clonic stage of alternating relaxation and muscle tension begins again.

Seizure-free type of generalized diseaseaccompanied by absences. More often, the form worries children and youth. The patient freezes unpredictably, looks at one point, while the look is meaningless. Some close their eyes, tilt their heads slightly back. The eyelids may tremble. The duration of the attack is a few seconds, so they may not be noticed. For many, the end point of the phase is involuntary urination. The convulsions pass by themselves, the post-attack stage begins - the patient is drawn to sleep, the consciousness is confused, the head hurts.

Mycobacterium: the disease can be complex

An equally important topic for modern medicine is a generalized form of tuberculosis. The classical understanding of this disease is infection of the pulmonary system, but there is a possibility of formation of foci in unpredictable parts of the body. Possible damage to the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, lymph nodes, ureter. If infection in its manifestations is similar to blood poisoning, a generalized type of course is established.

Currently, tuberculosis is one of the most common, socially significant and dangerous diseases worldwide. From year to year, new victims of the disease - up to eight million, the number of deaths is estimated at two million. More frequency of occurrence in countries with low living standards. There is an association with HIV infection. HIV patients are much more likely to transform from a local form of TB to a body-wide form.

generalized form of salmonellosis
generalized form of salmonellosis

HIV and TB

Research shows that more and more people are being identifiedcases of death among those infected with HIV and suffering from diseases associated with such an infection. With immunodeficiency, the risk of tuberculosis is much greater than in the case of other pathological conditions. At any stage, an active form may appear. A wide variety of morphological features, the clinical picture of the case has been established - this is determined by the weakness of the immune system.

Complicating HIV, generalized TB is one of the most common causes of death today. Timely diagnosis is one of the major problems in medicine. In recent years, a generalized type of course with an atypical picture of infection, an alternative inflammatory process, has been increasingly diagnosed posthumously. Giant, epithelioid cell structures do not form, and bacteria show increased resistance to acids.


A rather serious problem of modern medicine is a generalized form of infection. The term refers to a pathological condition in which the pathogen that initiated the disease has penetrated into different parts of the body. Mostly the way of movement is lymph, blood. When infected, bacteremia is observed, that is, a condition in which pathological life forms circulate in the circulatory system without reproducing. Viremia, characteristic of such an infection, is a condition in which the circulatory system is infected with viruses circulating in the fluid. Sepsis refers not only to the infection of the circulatory system with bacteria, but also their reproduction in this environment. Septicemia - so septica form where pathological life forms both move in the blood and produce their own kind, but no secondary area of infection appears. Septicopyemia is a condition similar to septicemia, but aggravated by the formation of metastases in the form of foci of suppuration. Their area of localization is a variety of internal systems and organs.

The generalized form of the disease may be characterized by toxemia. The term refers to a pathological condition accompanied by the circulation of bacterial endotoxins in the circulatory system. Toxinemia describes a pathology in which the circulatory system is infected with bacterial exotoxins and other toxic substances. This is usually fixed with botulism, tetanus. If the circulatory system is suddenly attacked, a large number of pathological life forms, poisonous substances associated with them enter the bloodstream, a shock condition is formed, called toxic septic or bacterial.

generalized form of tuberculosis
generalized form of tuberculosis

Osteoarthritis: different types

Medicine knows a generalized form of osteoarthritis. The term denotes an articular disease, accompanied by inflammatory foci, cartilage deformation, and gradual tissue destruction. Currently, pathology is one of the most common problems of the musculoskeletal system in the elderly. WHO ranks our country among the countries where this disease in various forms occurs almost more often than in the rest of the world: the predominant percentage of people over 65 years of age have some kind of pathology symptomatology. arthrosis more oftenlocalized in the joints of the limbs, and the most severe consequences are provoked by a disease that affects large articular areas. If three joints or more suffer at the same time, a generalized type is diagnosed. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, there is a high probability of obtaining the status of a disabled person due to irreversible harm to he alth.

Osteoarthritis can be assumed by soreness, crunch, low mobility of the diseased area. The pain is mechanical and initial, stable and nocturnal. The starting point is formed when the person starts to move; lasts about a third of an hour. Mechanical worries in the evening, due to the deterioration of depreciation articular qualities. Night is more often formed in the first half of the night and is explained by pressure inside the bones. Stable - a symbol of synovitis, spasmodic phenomena.


Sometimes doctors have to deal with a generalized form of purulent-septic diseases. Newborns suffer from such more often than adults, but a person of any age has a danger. Sepsis is a systemic process triggered by local infection and the formation of an inflammatory focus. The syndrome is formed as a response to endotoxins. If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, bacteremia and insufficiency of various internal organs form.

In medicine, sepsis is a particularly serious condition caused by the introduction of an infectious agent into the circulatory system and tissues. The cause may be pyogenic life forms, the results of the vital activity of these bacteria. Invasionleads to the formation of an inflammatory focus throughout the body.

generalized form of the disease
generalized form of the disease

Etiology of sepsis

A generalized form of purulent-septic diseases of newborns, adults is possible due to strepto-, staphylococcus aureus. These pathogens are more common than any other. Slightly less prevalence of Escherichia coli, pneumococcus. In the predominant percentage of cases, the disease is formed against the background of inflammation or wounds, being a complication of the primary condition. Due to severe illness, blood loss, surgical procedures, poor nutrition, the immune system weakens, and this creates conditions that increase the risk of a systemic inflammatory process. General infection is possible if the focus of suppuration appeared in the wound, if a local disease developed (furuncle, phlegmon), which caused a complication.

The generalized form of the disease can be provoked by childbirth, abortion. In this case, the bacterium penetrates through the mucous membranes that cover the uterine cavity. There is a risk of purulent damage to the urinary or reproductive system. Foci of inflammation localized in the oral cavity can provoke a systemic process. E. coli that lives in the human intestinal tract provokes a generalized process during perforation of the organ.


Intestinal generalized form of yersiniosis is initiated by enterobacteria, whose name gave the name of the disease - yersinia. Within the group, there are several strains that differ in danger to humans. The current is determined by the provokingdisease of a kind. With a generalized process, the patient vomits violently, foci of rash appear on the skin, areas itch, large joints are disturbed by severe pain. The disease negatively affects the functioning of the liver, as a result, the urine darkens, the skin turns yellow, the shade of the sclera of the eye changes. The deterioration of the working capacity of the heart manifests itself as pain, frequent contractions of the organ, instability of pressure and pulse. There is a lesion of the central nervous system: dizziness and headache, the patient is lethargic and plunged into depression. Emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, meningitis, sepsis are formed.

generalized form
generalized form


The generalized form of meningococcal disease belongs to the severe variant of the course of the disease. Meningococcemia is one of the most common types of course, it accounts for up to 43% of all variants of the generalized development of meningitis. The disease begins acutely, soon there is a strong fever, accompanied by symptoms of poisoning of the body. Areas of skin lesions appear. Some people have a fever for a couple of days, others have a week and a half. The patient is lethargic, he vomits, his head hurts, his appetite worsens. Possible violation of the speed, frequency, rhythm of the heartbeat. Among the symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath, skin hyperesthesia. If the disease is severe, the patient's mind is confused, slowed down or too nervous.

Generalized forms of meningitis manifest themselves as specific rashes. The rash is unevenly colored, appears non-simultaneously. Some have papulesspots accompanied by hemorrhage. As they disappear, pigmented areas appear. More often the rash is localized on the side of the abdomen, in the lower region, on the shoulders and femoral, calf surfaces. Rashes can cover the feet, buttocks. If the disease proceeds easily, papules, roseola, hemorrhagic medium-sized rashes appear, their individual sections take the form of asterisks. These soon pass - it takes no more than a couple of days.


Sometimes this disease appears in a generalized form of neuroinfection. It runs extremely hard. In any case, infection requires observation in the clinic. At home, this is not treated. Usually, the clinic of the case is quite specific, so there are no problems with diagnosis, but exceptional situations are possible. To prevent a mistake, you first need to clarify the anamnesis and assess the severity of the course. One of the problems of diagnosing neuroinfection is the inability to establish direct contact with the needy. Most of these people, even while maintaining self-care functions, cannot interact with doctors and describe the symptoms they feel. They are unable to answer questions, navigate in time. Generalized neuroinfection is sometimes accompanied by insufficiently convincing ataxia.

Diseases: infection and course

When introducing salmonella, there is a danger of a generalized form of salmonellosis. This variant of the course of infection is recognized as the most severe. At first, the symptoms are similar to typhoid, then the patient's condition worsens in an unpredictable jump. The sufferer is very feverish,the scope for the day is large, he is shivering. Observation shows increased activity of the sweat glands. Like some other variants of the generalized development of diseases, such Salmonella infection is difficult to treat. Against the background of taking antibiotics, there is a high probability of the appearance of secondary lesions, which makes it difficult to clarify the diagnosis. Suppuration usually affects the musculoskeletal system, provokes tonsillitis, meningitis.

There is a danger of a generalized form of anthrax. The disease is very difficult. This may be primary when the pathogen penetrates with food, air, it can form against the background of local infection. It is distinguished by a very severe general poisoning of the body, toxic infectious shock. Hemostasis is disturbed, insufficiency of activity of the kidneys and respiratory organs is observed, brain tissues swell. If a local form was initially formed, which then turned into a systemic reaction, the patient's condition worsens in a matter of hours, the pulse quickens, turns into a thready one, the fever rises to 41 degrees, the pressure drops. Respiratory failure progresses very rapidly. Convulsions are possible, consciousness is disturbed, symptoms of meningitis appear. With a detailed clinical picture of shock, death occurs very quickly.

generalized form of yersiniosis
generalized form of yersiniosis

Dentistry: terms and diagnoses

Sometimes dentists have to deal with a generalized form of tooth wear. This disease is polyetiological in nature, due tofeatures of the state of the jaws, teeth. A distinctive point is the excessively active loss of enamel and dentin. It is customary to talk about the functional insufficiency of hard elements forming the tooth, excessively active abrasive influence and functional overload. Other causes of the pathological process have not yet been established. With a generalized form, the patient notes a change, deformation, a decrease in the face from below, it becomes more difficult for him to chew food. Crown height is reduced. Many have a headache, soreness worries near the tongue. Possible chronic injury of the labial, lingual mucous membranes, the inner lining of the cheeks. There is hyperesthesia of the dentin.

Pathological abrasion can provoke incorrect articulation, leading to the constant appearance of injuries, various inflammatory diseases - papilitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. Among the complications, cases of incorrect occlusal height are recorded.
