What are the ways to slow down the metabolism?

What are the ways to slow down the metabolism?
What are the ways to slow down the metabolism?

Some people do their best to lose extra pounds, and some, on the contrary, do not know how to gain weight. Since such people process food faster into energy, they tend to reduce the metabolic rate in the body. There are several ways to slow down the metabolism, but before resorting to them, it is worth considering some of the statements of experts.

What affects weight gain?

According to doctors, a decrease in metabolic rate in itself does not always affect the set of kilograms. Usually, other factors, such as nutritious and high-calorie foods, heredity, diseases, unhe althy habits and more, are reflected in the deposition of fat.

slow down metabolism
slow down metabolism

In addition, it is very difficult to slow down the metabolism and not cause harm to he alth. Also, the process of metabolic disorders may not be the most pleasant. For example, for this you need to skip the usual meals and control yourself. At the same time, if there is a desireget better, doctors recommend other ways, for example:

  1. Meals should be regular and high in calories so that the body does not have time to process food into energy.
  2. A lean person may suffer from diseases that prevent them from gaining weight. For example, it can be diabetes, anorexia, thyroid problems, and more. Therefore, it is better to direct your strength to fight the disease.

Metabolism slow food

how to slow down metabolism in the body
how to slow down metabolism in the body

If you decide to get better in this way, first of all, malnutrition will help slow down your metabolism. The well-established work of the metabolic process can be knocked down by skipping food. It is better if you sit on a hypocaloric diet for a couple of weeks. Consume no more than 900 kcal per day, while it is good if you feel hungry. So the brain will rebuild, and the body will learn to get energy from the amount of food that is, that is, you can slow down the metabolism by deceiving the body. As soon as this diet is over, the brain will give a signal that it is time to accumulate reserves for a rainy day. This method will help to accumulate two, three kilograms of fat mass.

Important to note that reducing daily calorie intake can lead to muscle burning.

What foods to include in the diet?

Metabolism can be slowed down not only by diet, but also by the foods that make up your diet. If pesticides, fatty foods, simple or refined carbohydrates enter the body, the metabolism slows down significantly. The incoming food will not be quickly and completelybe converted into energy. But such food has a big minus. With unhe althy food, not only will the metabolism be disturbed, but also the internal organs will begin to fail.

There are also less harmful foods that slow down metabolism. For example, these are grains and nuts. This food contains polyunsaturated fats, they are useful for the body and are slowly oxidized. They also contain the amino acid agirin, which is involved in the creation of nitric oxide, and it, in turn, inhibits metabolic processes.

foods that slow metabolism
foods that slow metabolism

List of foods that slow metabolism

If you want to slow down the metabolic processes in your body and get a little better, first of all, pay attention to products that have gone through several stages of processing. For example, bread should be made from fine flour, refined sugar, stew and all kinds of sauces are useful. Products should contain less fiber. The following are the positions that "settle" in our body:

  • Sugar, muffins and sweets.
  • Pork, bacon.
  • Meat of chickens and turkeys (with long processing).
  • Potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes.
  • Strawberries, melon, apricots (fresh), nuts, grains.
  • Pickles and s alty food.
  • Fast food and convenience foods.
  • Sausages and smoked meats.
  • Butter, mayonnaise, etc.

Of course, much of this list is harmful, because it affects the condition of the intestines, blood, liver. Therefore, when thinking about how to slow down the metabolism in the body, do not forget about prudence. Remember notall methods will benefit he alth.

Medication method

drugs that slow metabolism
drugs that slow metabolism

People who really need to slow down their metabolic processes can seek the help of a specialist and not deal with this problem on their own. Today in the medical arsenal there are special drugs that slow down metabolism. They are called antimetabolites. Often, doctors prescribe Apilak to patients. This anti-metabolite is specifically designed to help people with overactive metabolism.

Aspects affecting metabolic rate

In our daily life there are many little things that we do every day, but they affect our metabolism. These include:

  1. Caffeine stimulates the heart, resulting in a faster metabolism. If you can't do without a cup of coffee, keep this enjoyable activity to a minimum.
  2. When you are hot enough to sweat your body, or cold, your body starts to expend more energy and burn calories.
  3. During stress, the body produces thyroxine and adrenaline. These two hormones increase our metabolism, so learn to relax and not be nervous about small things.
  4. Dairy products contain calcium, which stimulates the body's metabolic processes. Only sometimes you can eat low-fat dairy products in small quantities, because we still need calcium.
  5. how to slow down metabolism
    how to slow down metabolism
  6. Exercise helps increase metabolism, so you should limit yourselflight and short-term activities. But if you are looking not only to moderate your metabolism, but also to gain weight, then perhaps you should not lower your metabolism. You can add mass by gaining muscle mass. Intense strength training can give your body an athletic shape and some weight.
