Magnetic resonance imaging is a high-tech method for examining the internal organs of a person. Through it, you can diagnose various organs. MRI of the gallbladder allows you to identify the pathological processes that occur in it, and make an accurate diagnosis for the patient.
The principle of operation of the tomograph is based on the spread of magnetic particles and their reflection from the internal organs of a person.

With the help of a special program, the received data are displayed on a computer monitor. The results of an MRI of the gallbladder contain a lot of information about the state of the internal organs of a person. From the pictures, the doctor can see the size, structure and configuration of the organ. The doctor also evaluates the interaction of internal systems and organs with each other. A complete examination of the human body is being carried out.
What diseases can be diagnosed by MRI of the gallbladder?
Since magnetic resonance imaging is a highly effective method of examinationbody, it can be used to identify the following diseases:
- Cholelithiasis disease.
- Polyps.
- Dyskinesia.
- Cholecystitis.
Now let's talk about each disease in more detail.
Cholelithiasis disease
This ailment is associated with the formation of stones in the gallbladder or its ducts. They are crystallized aggregates. Usually this disease occurs and develops in those people who are overweight. MRI of the gallbladder allows you to accurately diagnose this disease. The disease takes place in several stages, namely, the active development of stones, their growth. There are also quiet periods.

When stones are found in a bladder, they do not cause any concern to a person. Therefore, often patients do not realize that they are present in their body. Acute pain occurs when moving stones into the ducts. A person feels pain in the upper abdomen and in the right hypochondrium. The patient's condition worsens, nausea and vomiting appear, and there is a taste of bile in the mouth.
This disease is a consequence of gallstone disease in the human body. The disease can take place in both acute and chronic forms. Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process that obstructs the outflow of bile. MRI of stones in the gallbladder allows you to diagnose pathology at an early stage.

Symptoms of cholecystitis include:signs such as dull pain under the right rib, nausea, vomiting, gas in the abdomen, a violation of the digestive processes in the human body. When a person contacts a medical institution with such complaints, he will be prescribed an MRI of the gallbladder and ducts. Thus, one can understand what is happening in the body. For a more effective study, an MRI of the gallbladder with contrast is performed. This substance is administered intravenously or by mouth.
This pathology appears due to the fact that the epithelium grows. The mucous membrane may begin to bulge into the bladder. Usually, in polyclinics, if polyps are suspected, they are sent for an ultrasound examination. Through it, polyps can be visualized. But to give their exact description and area of distribution is possible only through MRI or CT of the gallbladder.

Also, this method allows you to determine what structure polyps have. In addition, other pathological processes of the body are diagnosed or excluded. With the help of computer research, doctors have the opportunity to distinguish polyps from formations similar to them. Such as inflammatory and cholesterol papillomas. There is such a method of diagnosing as MR cholangiography. It allows you to diagnose pathologies such as changes in the tone of internal organs, deformation of the ducts, the appearance of tumors, inflammation and stones.
This disease is associated with poor flow of bile from the bladder. This pathology occurs due to insufficient contractionmuscles, no spasms. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult. It includes several research methods. A computer study is also prescribed to clarify the data on the state of the gallbladder.

When dyskinesia occurs in a person, the following symptoms may be present in the body:
- Pathological processes of the genital organs.
- Menopause.
- Violation of the endocrine system. Disorder of internal secretion of the body.
Difficulty in escaping bile. Reasons
There are several other diseases that can lead to difficulty in the release of bile. These include:
- Diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
- Hormonal changes in the body and endocrine disorders.
- Infections that occur in the gut. These include salmonellosis and dysentery.
- Hepatitis.
- Parasitic lesions of the body, namely giardiasis.
For an additional examination of a person, he is prescribed an MRI of the liver and gallbladder.
How are diseases treated?
You should know that diseases associated with the gallbladder are treated by a doctor such as a gastroenterologist. The therapy he provides is medical in nature. If it does not bring the desired results, then this means that you should proceed to surgical intervention in the body. As a rule, in the presence of stones in the body, the patient is prescribed the removal of an organ that is bile-accumulative. Such treatmentcalled a cholecystectomy.
There are two ways to perform the operation, namely through laparoscopy or conventional surgical incision.
Special attention after surgery should be given to the observance of a special diet. It is worth sticking to a diet for a long time, as it affects the state of the body. Improper nutrition can cause stones to reappear in the gallbladder. MRI is prescribed in the postoperative period. This is done in order to evaluate how the recovery process is going.
What kind of diet should be followed for cholelithiasis and in the postoperative period?
If a process such as stagnation of bile occurs in the gallbladder, then this leads to the fact that s alt is released. Stones form from it. The location of the stones may be the bladder and bile ducts. If they are in a bubble, then the person may not feel their presence for some time. But when they enter the ducts, the patient experiences sharp pain.
Improper nutrition is the main reason that pathological changes begin in the gallbladder, namely, inflammation and thickening of its walls occur. As a result, the outflow of bile becomes worse, stones form.
Proper human nutrition is that his body should receive a balanced amount of substances such as proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fat.

Ifcholelithiasis has already struck a person, then in addition to refusing fatty foods, you should adhere to a certain diet.
It is worth learning that food should be taken fractionally, namely in small portions and often. Nutrition of this type has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and the digestive system. Frequent consumption of food in small portions ensures the constant work of the digestive organs. Thus, a constant outflow of bile is ensured. In addition, the digestive tract works much better. Since small metered intakes of food are better digested. And more nutrients are absorbed.