Medicine 2024, October

Veterinary state clinics in Moscow: addresses, phones, opening hours, reviews

Veterinary state clinics in Moscow: addresses, phones, opening hours, reviews

Pets give us so much joy and warmth that life without them loses its charm. However, if the pet is sick, the owner has to seriously think about where to go to get professional help. Today we will consider veterinary clinics in Moscow

Thyroid nodules: signs and treatment

Thyroid nodules: signs and treatment

Thyroid nodules can be quite dangerous, because with the progression of the disease they can develop into a malignant tumor

Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

The Center for Neurosurgery in Tyumen is an institution about which one can hear mostly positive reviews. The center accepts patients from all over Russia

Where can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? Driver's medical certificate of the new sample

Where can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? Driver's medical certificate of the new sample

A medical certificate for replacing a driver's license is an important document, without which you can not come to the traffic police. But where and how to get this paper? What is it all about?

Expiry date of tests before surgery: norms, requirements and recommendations

Expiry date of tests before surgery: norms, requirements and recommendations

What tests to take before the operation? Let's figure it out in this article. If a person is to be treated in a hospital, then he will be offered to pass a certain number of tests necessary for hospitalization and corresponding to the clinical protocols and the profile of the department in which he will lie

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: patient preparation algorithm, doctor's prescription, rules of conduct, time of conduction, indications and contraindications for the study

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: patient preparation algorithm, doctor's prescription, rules of conduct, time of conduction, indications and contraindications for the study

The familiar well-known method of examining the internal organs and tissues of the abdomen is prescribed for adults and children. Preparing the patient for an abdominal ultrasound, the algorithm of the procedure allows you to get information safely and painlessly

Human reproduction: how does it happen?

Human reproduction: how does it happen?

Human reproduction is a rather complicated process. It includes not only the conception itself, but also the bearing of a child until its birth

Electrolipolysis: customer reviews, concept, technique, destruction of fat cells, indications and contraindications for the procedure

Electrolipolysis: customer reviews, concept, technique, destruction of fat cells, indications and contraindications for the procedure

The term "electrolipolysis" in cosmetology and plastic surgery refers to a hardware method for correcting body weight. Every year the method becomes more and more popular. This is due to the fact that it is non-invasive and has a number of advantages over other methods. According to numerous reviews, electrolipolysis effectively fights stubborn fat deposits. In this case, the body decreases in size gradually and evenly

Specific and nonspecific immunity: concepts, differences. What strengthens the immune system

Specific and nonspecific immunity: concepts, differences. What strengthens the immune system

Immunity is the main defender of our body, which helps it fight diseases. What strengthens the immune system? What influences its formation? What is the difference between specific and nonspecific immunity? Let's find out about it

Blood type: classification, Rh factors, compatibility and features

Blood type: classification, Rh factors, compatibility and features

Different people have approximately the same blood composition, it includes similar basic elements. True, there are eight types of blood, determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens. These components can cause reactions of the immune system if they are foreign to it. Blood is divided into four groups according to its type of antigens, and, in addition, into two large categories according to the Rh factor

Marker CA 125: what does it show?

Marker CA 125: what does it show?

Marker CA 125 is a specific compound, the concentration of which in the blood plasma most often increases against the background of the development of the oncological process. However, upon receipt of results of 35-100 units / ml, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination. This is due to the fact that sometimes the marker rises against the background of the progression of non-oncological pathologies. A value of more than 100 units / ml in almost all cases indicates the presence of cancer (ovaries, endometrium, fallopian tubes, etc.)

Voice prosthesis: installation, replacement, reviews. Causes of swelling after a voice prosthesis

Voice prosthesis: installation, replacement, reviews. Causes of swelling after a voice prosthesis

What is a voice prosthesis? Why does swelling occur after a voice prosthesis? Feedback on voice prostheses

Tube in the throat after surgery (photo). Why put a tube down your throat?

Tube in the throat after surgery (photo). Why put a tube down your throat?

A tube in the throat is necessary for problems associated with impaired respiratory function. Depending on the situation, tracheal intubation is performed through the nose or mouth, or a tracheostomy is performed

Radiation therapy in oncology. The consequences of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy in oncology. The consequences of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy in oncology is a very widely used procedure. This type of therapy is used in the treatment of half of cancer patients and most of them bring undoubted benefits

Muscles of the knee joint: anatomy. Muscles acting on the knee joint

Muscles of the knee joint: anatomy. Muscles acting on the knee joint

Complex bone and cartilage formation, which consists of a large number of different elements, is a knee joint. It is thanks to these components that the joint becomes multifunctional and maneuverable, but, unfortunately, subject to various injuries. Structure, features and injuries - later in our article

Shoulder joint. Shoulder arthroplasty: rehabilitation and complications

Shoulder joint. Shoulder arthroplasty: rehabilitation and complications

The shoulder joint is considered the most mobile in an individual. Shoulder arthroplasty is an operation during which a completely inoperative part of it is replaced with an artificial element - an endoprosthesis. In some cases, this is the only way to restore lost motor functions of the upper limb

Belt "Fizomed": indications for use, patient reviews

Belt "Fizomed": indications for use, patient reviews

The Fizomed belt is designed to treat the organs of the urinary system. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys at any stage: during therapy, after surgery. This method is also used as a way to prevent exacerbations of chronic pathology

Analysis for thrush in men: preparation, delivery, as they say

Analysis for thrush in men: preparation, delivery, as they say

The need for testing for thrush in men can occur at any age. Candidiasis in the stronger sex is diagnosed less frequently than in women. To make sure that you need to be tested for thrush, the symptoms will help the man. Their appearance is unlikely to be ignored - they are capable of delivering too many problems

The best clinics in Vladivostok: specialization, reviews, addresses

The best clinics in Vladivostok: specialization, reviews, addresses

Currently, the city of Vladivostok has a large number of clinics, both narrow and broad profile. Each person wants to find "their" doctor who will provide complete information regarding a particular he alth problem, as well as competently draw up a treatment regimen. In addition, an important factor influencing the choice of a medical institution is the cost of the services provided. The best clinics of the city of Vladivostok are described below

Vaccination against chickenpox for a child: should I do it and how is it tolerated?

Vaccination against chickenpox for a child: should I do it and how is it tolerated?

Children are vaccinated against chickenpox in many countries of the world, for example, in Europe and the USA, such a vaccination for all babies is mandatory. In Russia, although such vaccination is included in the vaccination calendar, it is considered only additional. And therefore, most children are vaccinated against chickenpox only at the request of their parents. Thus, the chickenpox vaccination is not a mandatory vaccination and is carried out on a paid basis

Medical center "Family" in Zheleznodorozhny: description and reviews

Medical center "Family" in Zheleznodorozhny: description and reviews

The Family Medical Center in Zheleznodorozhny is equipped with all the necessary equipment to provide quality services. The clinic employs doctors with extensive experience. Reception is conducted daily without days off. It is possible to call a doctor directly to the patient's house both in the city and in the region

The best cardiologists in Ryazan. Reviews. Cardiology centers in Ryazan

The best cardiologists in Ryazan. Reviews. Cardiology centers in Ryazan

How to choose a good cardiologist in Ryazan? Of course, as in any profession, experience, qualifications, and a medical degree are of paramount importance. However, no less significant is the attitude towards the patient, the ability to explain, to be tolerant and kind, to treat not only in word, but also in deed. Help to identify such qualities in the best specialists is helped by reviews that are satisfied with the treatment and attitude of clients in large numbers on the Internet

Kazan cardiologists: where they accept, reviews. Cardiology centers in Kazan

Kazan cardiologists: where they accept, reviews. Cardiology centers in Kazan

The question "How to choose a good cardiologist in Kazan?" people who are faced with heart problems for the first time are often asked. Of course, first of all, you should pay attention to the experience, category and degree of a specialist, but do not forget about human qualities. About how the doctor works with his clients, you can find out reviews from other patients on the Internet. And the final choice should be made based on the address of the clinic of the cardiologist of interest

Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: biography, main works, awards

Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: biography, main works, awards

Scientist and doctor Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva celebrated her 90th birthday in 2018. But, looking at this charming woman, who still continues to work at the Russian National Research Medical University. Pirogov, it is difficult to imagine her age. Galina Mikhailovna is one of the oldest practicing obstetrician-gynecologists in Russia

Lung decortication: methods and techniques

Lung decortication: methods and techniques

The lung decortication procedure involves the prompt cleaning of the lung structure from fibrinous coating, which prevents the restoration of its shape. During the surgical intervention, cicatricial sclerotic changes in the visceral pleura are removed, which impede the full functioning of the organ. Since decortication of the lung was first proposed by the French surgeon Delorme, this kind of intervention was called the Delorme operation

Clinic "Oko" (Ryazan): address and opening hours

Clinic "Oko" (Ryazan): address and opening hours

Clinic "Oko" (Ryazan) offers its patients a wide range of services. The center can improve the quality of vision, as well as treat various diseases. If necessary, patients can go to the hospital for examination

Cooper's gland: structure, possible diseases, treatment

Cooper's gland: structure, possible diseases, treatment

The bulbourethral gland is a paired organ of the male reproductive system. In another way, it is customary to call it by the name of the English anatomist and surgeon William Cowper - Cooper's gland. In this article, we have detailed information about it. We must immediately make a reservation that neither the name nor the doctor himself have any connection with the Cooper ligaments of the mammary gland, which got their name thanks to another Englishman, also an anatomist Cooper named Sir Astley Paston Cooper (Astley Paston Cooper)

Can I do fluorography after X-ray? What is the difference between a chest x-ray and a chest x-ray

Can I do fluorography after X-ray? What is the difference between a chest x-ray and a chest x-ray

The question of whether it is possible to do fluorography after an x-ray is of concern to many people who are afraid of receiving a large dose of radiation. Despite the fact that modern diagnostic methods in most cases do not have a negative effect on the body, citizens still need to know about all the nuances of the upcoming procedures

Trocar cystostomy: indications, specifics of the procedure and the necessary tools

Trocar cystostomy: indications, specifics of the procedure and the necessary tools

Trocar cystostomy is a urological operation performed for severe urinary retention. It is prescribed in the event that conventional catheterization through the urinary canal is not possible. This operation is necessary to save the patient's life, because the violation of the outflow of urine is deadly. How is this procedure carried out? And what rules must be observed during the rehabilitation period? We will consider these questions in the article

Laser scar removal: reviews, features of the procedure, photos

Laser scar removal: reviews, features of the procedure, photos

An effective tool that helps to stay beautiful is laser removal of scars and scars. The popularity of this procedure is gaining momentum every year. This reaction on the part of people is a natural manifestation, since laser scar removal shows amazing results. Reviews say that defects on the skin become barely noticeable

Is there a tumor marker for melanoma?

Is there a tumor marker for melanoma?

In the diagnosis of any malignant neoplasm, tumor markers play an important role. While the body is sick, substances are formed in it, which doctors reveal to make a diagnosis. They are also called tumor markers. And if they are found in the serum, this indicates one thing: the malignant process in the body began to develop

Gynecologist in Kemerovo. Women's consultations and medical centers in Kemerovo

Gynecologist in Kemerovo. Women's consultations and medical centers in Kemerovo

How to choose a good gynecologist? In Kemerovo, this question is of interest to many women. A suitable specialist should be not only an absolute professional in his field, but also certainly a sensitive, polite, good-natured person, at whose appointment the patient can relax and receive competent assistance in a pleasant atmosphere. The following list of the best gynecologists will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of a doctor

Alpha-blockers for hypertension: list with names, principle of action, indications and contraindications

Alpha-blockers for hypertension: list with names, principle of action, indications and contraindications

According to the recommendations of most experts in the field of medicine, the process of treating hypertension is often carried out by correctly taking alpha-blockers - unique drugs, the features of which we will discuss in more detail later

"S Class Clinic" in Voronezh

"S Class Clinic" in Voronezh

"S Class Clinic" in Voronezh is a modern medical institution that provides quality services in several directions at once. These are gynecology, urology, proctology, cosmetology, plastic surgery. Each patient can also undergo a comprehensive medical examination

What will help with heartburn quickly and effectively

What will help with heartburn quickly and effectively

Everyone knows the unpleasant burning sensation in the entire esophagus. This usually happens after eating certain foods. In such situations, you need to know what will help with heartburn quickly and effectively. This question is really relevant, because, according to statisticians, in the European part of the globe, more than 50 million people regularly suffer from heartburn

Why do teeth print on the tongue?

Why do teeth print on the tongue?

In order to diagnose a patient, doctors conduct a series of examinations. It can be either a simple examination or an ultrasound examination. In the first case, the doctor carefully checks the skin, nail plates, eyes and tongue. Surprised?! However, this small part of our body can sometimes say more than, for example, a general blood or urine sample

What is tetanus: symptoms and treatment

What is tetanus: symptoms and treatment

What is tetanus? This is an acute infectious disease. It develops as a result of ingestion of tetanus bacillus toxin. Exotoxin affects the nervous system, which causes the occurrence of tonic convulsions of the muscular system

Sternal puncture: technique, indications and complications

Sternal puncture: technique, indications and complications

Sternal puncture is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of many diseases: anemia, leukopenia or leukocytosis, thrombocytosis or thrombopenia, and functional bone marrow failure. Having received the result, it is possible to accurately assess the activity of the hematopoietic process, the state and structural changes of cells

Homeopathy: reviews, drugs, pros and cons

Homeopathy: reviews, drugs, pros and cons

Homeopathy is a method of treatment with the help of small doses of medicinal plants and active substances. Alternative medicine has always caused a lot of controversy: some consider it the only salvation for those who have been refused by conventional doctors. To others, this science seems like magic, based on the placebo effect. If you want to know what homeopathy is, but in simple words, read patient reviews about it, then you can find the answers in this article

Thermal and chemical burns: classification, first aid

Thermal and chemical burns: classification, first aid

Thermal burns are possible in everyday life and at work, especially severe burns are noted during fires. The reasons are usually careless handling of hot and flammable objects. Violation of safety regulations at work. Burns often occur under the influence of high-temperature factors on the skin, such as boiling water or tar, steam, fire, etc