Homeopathy is a method of treatment with the help of small doses of medicinal plants and active substances. Alternative medicine has always caused a lot of controversy: some consider it the only salvation for those who have been refused by conventional doctors. To others, this science seems like magic, based on the placebo effect. If you want to know what it is - homeopathy (in simple terms), read patient reviews about it, then you can find the answers in this article.
What is homeopathy?
Many people think that homeopathy is something like alternative medicine, they don't take it seriously. But in vain. After all, it has been around for decades. The first experiments in the treatment of "like with like" were undertaken in ancient Greece. Then Democritus formulated principles reminiscent of the principles of modern homeopathy. Galen and Hippocrates were of the opinion that for any disease in the world there are already ready-made medicines, you need toonly to find them in the likeness of the disease. But homeopathy received its official birth only at the end of the 18th century. Pharmaceutics at that time was just beginning to develop, so the range of medicines was rather scarce. Samuel Hahnemann, who received a classical medical education, really wanted to find an alternative to pharmacy drugs. And he succeeded. After a long search and experiments on himself, in 1796 his work was published on the preparation of new drugs.

Homeopathy - what is it in simple words? It is a treatment of "like like" water with a small, almost imperceptible concentration of the active substance. For treatment, you need to carefully choose the medicine, based on the symptoms and complaints of the patient. Then you need to dilute the active substance to the extent that not a single molecule of it remains in the water. But the “memory of water” will remain. Repeatedly diluted in water, the active substance should cause the same symptoms in a he althy person as observed in a sick person. By observing the "Law of Similars", a person's current disease can be cured.
Homeopathy has become a great way out for people who could not be helped by conventional medicine. It must be admitted that even now the treatment with homeopathic medicines is especially important for those people who, for some reason, have become disillusioned with traditional remedies.
Myths about homeopathy
If you ask people to leave reviews about homeopathy, it is unlikely that many of them will understand what it is about. Everyone has heard about homeopathy, but do not quite understand what its essence is. Among the peopleThere are many myths about this treatment method. Here are some of them:
- Homeopathy treatment is ineffective. Is it so? For skeptics who are convinced that treatment with small doses of active substances is impossible, there are many reviews about homeopathy of those people whom it really helped. Also, the effect of treatment largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor, sometimes, unfortunately, unscrupulous specialists come across.
- Homeopathy is outdated. With the development of pharmaceuticals, people are turning to homeopaths less and less. This is true. After all, advertising of medicines surrounds us everywhere: they are advised to take with a cold, with a temperature, with itching. Often the drugs offered only treat the symptoms. And homeopathy affects the cause, so it will be relevant for a long time.
- The mechanism of action of homeopathy has not been studied. Despite numerous claims that homeopathy is an unproven science, this is not entirely true. The point in the research has not yet been set, people continue to look for an answer to the question, what are the mechanisms of homeopathic treatment. In England, there is the Royal Homeopathic Hospital and College, which are actively involved in research.
- Homeopaths have no education. This is not true. All doctors who want to work as homeopaths are required to complete their education at a licensed state institution. Often, homeopaths take additional courses after receiving a basic medical education, so they are well aware of the processes occurring in the human body.
- Homeopathy is the enemytraditional medicine. This is a big misconception, as homeopaths often prescribe drugs as an auxiliary buffer for the main treatment. This method has many adherents, as it combines the ability to quickly and effectively act on the symptoms with the help of traditional medicine and influence the cause of the disease with the help of homeopathy.

Now homeopathy is quite often used in Russia in different areas. We will consider the largest of them.
For colds
Homeopathic treatment of the common cold has recently gained quite a lot of popularity. In pharmacies, you can even find some universal preparations that contain several components and are aimed at symptoms during a cold. It is not a fact that they have the desired effect on recovery, but they definitely do not have side effects. Homeopathic treatment for the common cold is quite effective, and it is also often used for allergies, which are expressed in coughs and sneezes. As active ingredients, homeopaths use substances extracted from nature. They include plants, minerals, poisons and many other active ingredients. They cannot have a negative effect on the human body, since in homeopathy they are presented in very small doses.

It must be said right away that in the acute period, homeopathy with a cold is unlikely to help. It takes at least a few weeks to see the effect of the treatment. During this time it will be necessarymeet with your doctor several times to assess whether the drugs and dosage are correctly selected. But after that, with a high degree of probability, you will stop getting sick often, and you will recover much faster. Homeopathic remedies are great for preventing colds. They can be given in courses during the period of exacerbation of seasonal infections. What are the most popular of them? For example:
- "Allium Cepa" is effective in the initial stage of the disease. If the patient manages to take the right dosage of the drug at this time, then the chances are high that he will be able to avoid the disease. Also, "Allium Cepa" is prescribed for allergic reactions and nasal discharge. Like all homeopathic remedies, this remedy should be taken every hour during the first days of illness and three times a day thereafter.
- The homeopathic preparation "Aconite" is based on the extract of the active substance contained in the plant of the same name. In large doses, it is a poison, and in small doses it has the ability to reduce anxiety, lower temperature and pain, and lower blood pressure. Due to its versatility, Aconite is often used in homeopathy.
- "Aflubin" is one of the most popular homeopathic medicines for children. It, like all homeopathy, must be taken in the first hours of the disease. This medicine effectively cures the temperature and raises the immune system in the child. This homeopathic remedy for the common cold is quite effective.
- "Natrium Muriaticum" - the drug has several directed actions at once. Herelieves the symptoms of a cold (removes sneezing, runny nose and dry throat), and also relieves irritability, depression and physical fatigue.
Homeopathy for gynecological diseases
Gynecological pathologies, especially those associated with changes in the human hormonal system, are often found in women. Polycystic, infertility, menstrual irregularities - all these diseases have their own cures. Homeopathy considers disease not as a disease of individual organs, but as a malfunction in the whole organism, and affects it as a whole. The cure for the disease by homeopathy in gynecology does not happen quickly, but for a long time. One of the popular drugs that are sold in pharmacies and available to the general population is Heel brand products. Medicines consist of several components, and this allows them to act comprehensively and effectively on the entire body.

"Ovarium compositum" is prescribed for menopause and menstrual irregularities. Unlike hormonal drugs used in traditional medicine, this medicine does not have a negative effect on the woman's body. There may be an initial aggravation when taken, which soon resolves.
"Gormel" is in demand among women who are faced with the problem of infertility. It consists of 11 active ingredients that enhance and complement each other.
"Gynecoheel" is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the internal female organs. The drug is effective for colpitis, salpingitis, adnexitis. AsIt is rarely used as a leading drug, but has shown itself well as an adjunct treatment.
Supporters of classical homeopathy are of the opinion that only monocomponent preparations should be used for treatment. In this case, only a competent homeopath can prescribe treatment, who will make a decision based on the symptoms of the disease. Homeopathy is used during pregnancy and pathologies: myoma, polycystic, endometriosis. Homeopathic remedies are also used to prevent miscarriages.
Homeopathy and adenoids
Homeopathic treatment is the only safe treatment option for adenoids in childhood. It has no side effects, which attracts many parents. Adenoids are the result of a weakened immune system and numerous colds, so drugs are selected that can affect the source of the problem. Homeopathic treatment for adenoids can take a long time, but the effect persists for a long time. The body, with the help of the right drugs, heals and establishes self-regulation, and immunity increases. Treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease, so treatment should begin as soon as a diagnosis is made. With a more advanced course of the disease, experts recommend not being limited to homeopathy alone, but adding traditional medicine.

Among the most commonly used homeopathic preparations, one can single out "Job-baby", which contains thuja, iodine and barberry,as well as "Lymphomyosot". Most often, the standard course of treatment is at least a year, so a serious illness requires significant changes in the body for a full recovery.
Homeopathic medicines for allergies
Homeopathic treatment is also effective for allergic reactions. Often, official medicine cannot have a drastic effect on the body's allergic reactions. It is not for nothing that allergies are called the "disease of the 21st century", in one form or another every second person on Earth has it. It is manifested by sneezing, itching, runny nose, rash. Allergies are especially dangerous in young children, who are very sensitive to the slightest changes in the diet. Allergic reactions can lead to asthma and other dangerous illnesses. The most positive reviews about homeopathy for allergies are left by those people who had to try many remedies before that that did not have the desired effect. Among the most effective drugs are the following.

“Sulfur 6” is a well-known sulfur. The medicine is prescribed for bronchial asthma, diathesis and other allergic reactions. "Belladonna 3/6" is indicated for tearing, itching and sneezing. Reviews show that this medicine reduces seasonal exacerbations for flowering. "Rus 3" is prescribed for acute eczema and other skin rashes, as well as for conjunctivitis. "Antimonium krudum 3, 6" was created on the basis of antimony. Usually homeopaths prescribe it for large amounts of mucus, food allergies or allergic rhinitis.
Borax in6 and 12 dilution is used in the treatment of dry allergic cough, stomatitis. "Dulcamara" has a positive effect in the treatment of allergies occurring with itching, skin rashes and sneezing. The medicine not only normalizes the skin, but also improves the functioning of the intestines.
Homeopathy is intended as an alternative medical direction, preparations based on small doses of active substances can be bought in many pharmacies. Despite numerous opponents, homeopathy continues to enjoy popularity. There are several reasons for this. What can be attributed to the advantages of homeopathy:
- The naturalness of all components and the absence of artificial chemical compounds.
- No side effects and the ability to take homeopathy for pregnant women and children.
- Sparing and mild effect on the body.
- The ability to combine drugs with traditional medicine.
- Wide range of possible indications: doctors claim that homeopathy can cure any disease, if only the right medicines are chosen.
- Homeopathic medicines are relatively cheap, especially when compared to conventional medicine.
But homeopathy has its drawbacks. The main one is the long-term treatment. Homeopathy cannot cure a disease in a couple of weeks, it may take years to completely eliminate all symptoms. This scares away many people, for the same reason many people consider homeopathy to be ineffective. But it's not, just for successcompletion of the course you need to be patient. Another disadvantage of homeopathy is that it is quite difficult to find a competent specialist in this field. Usually a homeopath is sought on the advice of friends or reviews. How to choose a good homeopath? To do this, you need to carefully review all the information about him on the Internet, which is only available. Patient reviews can tell a lot about the effectiveness of his treatment. Then you need to be guided solely by common sense and your own impression, since there are no other objective criteria. It may take some time before you find "your" specialist.

The inability to use in acute conditions and severe pathologies adds another "minus" of homeopathy. Unfortunately, in some cases, the use of drugs in small doses does not lead to any result. Therefore, doctors recommend using homeopathy for prevention or as maintenance therapy.
Expert reviews
Official medicine dislikes homeopathy. You can find different opinions about homeopathy specialists. Basically, they fall into two camps. Some consider homeopathy useless and even harmful. There are several reasons for this. The fact is that some people are so addicted to homeopathic treatment that they stop taking the necessary medicines. And this leads to a general deterioration in he alth. The second category of doctors considers homeopathy to be an unproven, but in principle harmless technique, therefore, they allow its use. What do patients themselves say about homeopathy?
Reviews about homeopathy from patients
Here you can find a lot of reviews that testify to the high effectiveness of homeopathy. Many write that with the help of "white peas" they managed to cure some diseases. Most often, people go to homeopaths for chronic sluggish conditions, such as chronic bronchitis, joint problems, kidney problems, or allergic reactions. It is also quite common to use homeopathic preparations for children, as they have few side effects. With the right treatment, the effect of homeopathy is available. You may have to wait a few months or a year to see the results, but people are usually happy that they turned to this technique. Negative reviews can be read in cases where the drug was chosen incorrectly, and there was no effect from the treatment. Therefore, everyone who is going to see a doctor should follow only one piece of advice: carefully choose a homeopathy clinic. To make this task easier for patients, the Registry of Homeopaths has been created, which lists those professionals who have the appropriate education and qualifications.