Alpha-blockers for hypertension: list with names, principle of action, indications and contraindications

Alpha-blockers for hypertension: list with names, principle of action, indications and contraindications
Alpha-blockers for hypertension: list with names, principle of action, indications and contraindications

Hypertension is a complex and dangerous disease of the cardiovascular system, expressed by a significant increase in blood pressure. Having discovered its main symptoms in yourself, you should pay attention to the treatment of the disease as soon as possible, since it is the cause of many other he alth problems, which can later even lead to death.

According to the recommendations of most experts in the field of medicine, the treatment of hypertension is often carried out by correctly taking alpha-blockers - unique drugs, the features of which we will discuss in more detail later.

Alpha-blockers drugs for hypertension list
Alpha-blockers drugs for hypertension list

Alpha-blockers overview

Which drugs are alpha-blockers? What properties do they have? Consider this further.

Alpha-blockers used for hypertension are drugs that are called selective in the medical community. Their main feature is that they affectnerve endings, resulting in the activation of ion channels.

In the comments left by medical experts to the drugs in this group, it is noted that in hypertension, alpha-blockers can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, the result of the systematic and correct intake of such tablets is the formation of a large amount of oxygen in the human body.

Mechanism of drug action

Considering the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of drugs of the alpha-blockers group, it is worth paying attention to the work of nerve impulses when they enter the human body. So, these signals, moving from the brain center to certain working organs, overcome not only nerves, but also the spaces between cells, which in medicine are called synapses. In order for the transmitted signal to be able to follow further, receptors that are susceptible to the mediator come into action. Subsequently, hormones and some other substances begin to affect the cell membrane.

It is worth noting that the alpha-adrenergic receptors included in the tablets in question have the ability to perceive only adrenaline molecules or substances similar in composition to it. Based on this, it is easy to guess that when an alpha-blocker enters the bloodstream, all the sensitive structures of the body will suddenly become immune to the adrenaline that is produced by the body. As a result, the body tissue begins to execute some commands that are given by the systems.regulation.

Alpha-blockers used for hypertension are available in different forms: powder for suspension, tablets, capsules, masses for parenteral administration, and aerosols.

Blockers for hypertension
Blockers for hypertension

Features of exposure to hypertension

It is known that the drugs of this group are used, as a rule, for the treatment of hypertension. This prescription of drugs is due to the fact that alpha receptors tend to keep pressure at a normal level, the rise of which is due to excessive excitation of muscle fibers. As a result of the correct prescription of drugs and their regular use, the following effects are observed:

  • protect organs from the effects of high blood pressure;
  • decrease in "bad" cholesterol, which often clogs blood vessels to the point where blood flow stops flowing through them;
  • reducing blood pressure to an acceptable level, comfortable for normal human life.

It is worth noting that the components that make up the preparations of this group do not in any way interfere with the maintenance of an active lifestyle by hypertensive patients, and also do not harm the human psyche.

Contraindications for use

When doctors prescribe drugs based on alpha-blockers to their patients, they must make sure that they have no contraindications to taking drugs in this category. To this rowpathologies include:

  • the presence of problems with the functioning of the liver or kidneys - organs that are responsible for the implementation of the biochemical transformation of the main active components of drugs;
  • hypotension;
  • valvular stenosis;
  • ischemic heart failure.

In addition to all of the above, the drugs of the group in question cannot be prescribed to those people who have an individual intolerance to at least one component included in the product.

Some doctors say that a significant obstacle to taking drugs for hypertension from the list of alpha-blockers is the wrong age (either too young or, conversely, old).

Alpha blockers for hypertension
Alpha blockers for hypertension

List of alpha-blockers for hypertension

In the event that a person has high blood pressure, the attending physician, as a rule, prescribes adrenoblockers for him. To date, the best drugs in this area include:

  • "Prazosin";
  • "Terazosin";
  • "Doxazosin";
  • "Fentolamine";
  • "Yohimbine";
  • "Clonidine";
  • "Dopegyt".

Let's consider further the impact of each of them.


Doxazosin is one of the most effective alpha-blocker drugs in the treatment of hypertension. Its main advantage is that apart fromhypertensive effect, the main components that make up the product have antispasmodic and hypolipidemic effects, due to which the vessels dilate rather quickly, and blood flow improves.

As for the dosage of the drug, it should be selected exclusively by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

Practice shows that this blocker for hypertension can be used both at rest of the patient and during regular physical activity.

Alpha blockers for hypertension drug list
Alpha blockers for hypertension drug list


The alpha-blocker necessary for pressure is Prazosin, which can be purchased at Russian pharmacies at a price of about 600 rubles per pack.

The main effect of the drug in question is aimed at reducing the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, which is especially important in the treatment of hypertension. Experts in the field of medicine note that the main components of the drug "Prazosin" contribute to the expansion of arteries and veins, while not stimulating the development of tachycardia.

prazosin for pressure
prazosin for pressure


According to experts in the field of medicine, among the best alpha-blockers for hypertension is Terazosin, a drug whose main effect is aimed at dilating large vessels. The mechanism of action of the agent in question is to block alpha-1-adrenergic receptors, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.very fast.

Against the background of the effect of the active components of the drug "Terazosin", the lipid profile normalizes quite quickly, and the effect of ACE inhibitors and diuretics increases.

The average cost of Terazosin in Russia is about 270 rubles.


Alpha-blocker (hypertension is one of the indications for its use) "Fentolamine" It has a pronounced, but short-term arterio- and venodilating effect, resulting in relief of the symptoms that accompany the course of a hypertensive crisis.

Experts in the field of medicine note that the use of the drug "Fentolamine" contributes to a significant expansion of peripheral vessels, which occurs against the background of the removal of spasms in them. As a rule, as a result of such exposure, improved blood supply to the skin, muscle structures of the body, and mucous membranes is observed.

The use of the drug in question is categorically contraindicated for those people in whose body there is a sharp change in the functioning of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

This drug is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a powder intended for suspension. Also, some manufacturers offer it in the form of tablets.

Alpha blockers for the treatment of hypertension
Alpha blockers for the treatment of hypertension


"Yohimbine" is a drug created on the basis of natural ingredients, among which there are alkaloids, which are extracted fromWest African tree.

After entering the human body, these substances begin to actively increase the adrenergic activity inherent in the receptors, which, as a result, leads to stimulation of the nervous system and even to increased sexual desire.

Taking the drug "Yohimbine" is contraindicated in people who are in old age. Moreover, it is not recommended for women and children.

The average cost of capsules in Russian pharmacies is about 300 rubles.


"Clonidine" is one of the analogues of the drug "Clonidine". Its main effect is aimed at the manifestation of antihypertensive effects on the human body, resulting in a decrease not only in blood pressure, but also in eye pressure. It should be noted that the action of the active components of the drug in question is also aimed at regulating vascular tone at the neurogenic level.

Getting into the human body, the active substance of the drug "Clonidine" easily passes the blood-brain barrier, after which it begins to actively interact with receptors located in the hypothalamus, due to which there is a rapid decrease in blood pressure throughout the human body.

The average cost of a Clonidine pack in Russian pharmacies is about 50 rubles, which is quite acceptable for almost anyone.


This is a new generation drug, the main effect of which is aimed at reducing arterialpressure, followed by an increase in the hypotensive effect.

The product actively stimulates alpha receptors, which leads to:

  • to endogenous type dopamine replacement at dopaminergic nerve endings;
  • decrease in sympathetic tone by active stimulation of central inhibitory presynaptic alpha receptors;
  • decrease in the level of renin activity present in human plasma;
  • suppressing the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which is achieved by suppressing the activity of the unique enzyme dopa decarboxylase.
dopegyt drug
dopegyt drug

In reviews of the alpha-blocker drug in question (it is often prescribed for hypertension), doctors often note that the most stable expected effect can be achieved after a couple of days from the start of use, and primary manifestations can be observed after 5- 6 hours from first dose.

The drug in question is in an acceptable price category - a package of tablets will cost 200 rubles.

Possible side effects

It is worth noting that as a result of taking the drugs in this group, the patient may experience side effects. These include:

  • decrease in visual ability;
  • asthenia;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypotension;
  • appearance of skin rashes;
  • constipation (or, conversely, loose stools);
  • xerostomia;
  • dizziness.
  • Alpha blockers under pressure
    Alpha blockers under pressure

It is worth noting that the listed symptoms can be observed when taking alpha-blockers in combination with other incompatible drugs. In some cases, such reactions are caused by drinking alcohol in parallel with taking medications.

It is worth noting that some symptoms (such as dizziness or partial loss of visual ability) can provoke accidents, so you need to be very careful when they manifest.

In any case, when observing a condition other than normal, a patient taking drugs of the group in question should immediately contact the attending doctor and inform him of the problem.
