Cooper's gland: structure, possible diseases, treatment

Cooper's gland: structure, possible diseases, treatment
Cooper's gland: structure, possible diseases, treatment

The bulbourethral gland is a paired organ of the male reproductive system. In another way, it is customary to call it by the name of the English anatomist and surgeon William Cowper - Cooper's gland. In this article, we have detailed the material about it. We must immediately make a reservation that neither the name nor the doctor himself have any connection with the Cooper ligaments of the mammary gland, which got their name thanks to another Englishman, also an anatomist Cooper named Sir Astley Paston Cooper.

A pea-sized organ

happy man
happy man

Cooper's glands are an organ whose dimensions do not exceed a centimeter in diameter. But they can be much less. A pair of endocrine glands is oval in shape. They are located at a close distance from each other, literally five millimeters behind the urethra, and covered by its muscles.

Bumpy Cooperthe gland has ducts (rather long - up to 4 cm) that go into the urethra.

As a man ages, these already small glands shrink in size.

Gland function

happy couple
happy couple

Despite the fact that this organ is so small, its function is very important for the male genitourinary system, namely, the mucous surface of the urethra. The secret that the cooper gland produces is a very viscous fluid that can neutralize the acidic environment of urine in the urethra. And this, in turn, allows you to remove the remains of urine and other impurities. The glands produce a few drops of secretion (up to 5 ml).

Pre-ejaculate - the secret of the Cooper gland, is produced at the time of sexual arousal of a man. It is transparent and viscous, has an alkaline reaction, contains enzymes. Its importance is that it significantly facilitates the movement of spermatozoa. The excitation of the gland occurs due to the branches of the pudendal nerve, and it is saturated with blood from the branches of the pudendal arteries.

Cooper's gland in men is similar to Bartholin's glands in women.

Problems that may arise

family quarrel
family quarrel

Inflammatory processes in this tiny organ can bring a lot of suffering and discomfort.

Kuperit - this is the name of the disease that occurs due to inflammation of the bulbourethral gland.

Men complain about:

  • Pain in the anus and perineum when sitting, defecation, walking.
  • Rise in temperature,fever.
  • Discharge from the urethra.

But all patients and doctors cite a sharp stabbing pain at the root of the penis as the first symptom.

Symptoms and diagnosis of inflammation of the Cooper gland

trichomonas in men
trichomonas in men

Doctors often take a long time to diagnose because the symptoms of cuperitis are very similar to other diseases. The same complaints in patients with prostatitis, paraproctitis and others.

The cause of the disease is most often trichomonas and gonorrhea infections and their self-treatment. At first, patients do not notice any special symptoms and discomfort. Therefore, diagnosis in the early stages of the disease is difficult.

As a rule, you can suspect cooperitis when examining a patient. Already in the first stages of the disease, when pressing on the region of the bulbourethral gland, the patient experiences pain. Doctors note an increase in local temperature in the perineal region, an increase in the Cooper gland. And other unpleasant symptoms.

To make a diagnosis, a secret of the Cooper gland is taken for bacteriological analysis. Blood and urine tests confirm the diagnosis.

Doctor ordering an ultrasound examination. The doctor doing the ultrasound sees an enlarged gland, which has a heterogeneous structure. If the process is running, then signs of an abscess can also be confirmed by ultrasound.

Ureteroscopy shows the reddened surface of the urethral mucosa.

Which doctor to contact, and what will happen if inflammation is not treated

doctor to help
doctor to help

If there are at leastany symptoms that may indicate inflammation of the Cooper gland in a man, you must urgently consult a urologist.

If the treatment of cuperitis is started on time, the disease can be defeated fairly quickly. And the glands will return to normal.

If you do not treat cooperitis, then you can bring the process to very sad consequences:

  • The tissues around the gland will become inflamed and lead to tumors in a large area.
  • The purulent process will begin in the gland itself. This will cause fistulas in the intestines or urethra. And it will require a major operation.
  • A purulent process can provoke other serious diseases of the genital organs - prostatitis, for example.
  • Decreased potency and erection.
  • In the most severe cases, there may be sepsis (when pus enters the bloodstream).

How is cooperitis treated

urethra massage
urethra massage

Based on the results of the analysis of the secretion of the Cooper gland and urine, the attending physician selects and prescribes antibacterial drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. After completion of the course, control tests are mandatory. If correction of treatment is required, then other drugs are selected.

In the most difficult cases, surgical treatment is performed: opening of abscesses, drainage.

As a rule, the patient is assigned to bed rest. It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for pain relief, apply cold to the perineum.

When the acute period passes, the doctor prescribes urological massage, which has a very positive effect on the outcomediseases. Massage of the cooper glands is recommended, ideally, several times a day for several minutes (up to 2 minutes). But, despite the fact that urological massage has been successfully practiced for a very long time, patients, as a rule, treat it with caution. There is an opinion that this is a painful procedure. It must be understood that a good massage therapist will be able to ensure successful treatment using this method.
