Currently, there are a large number of methods for diagnosing oncological diseases. It is possible to identify pathology at an early stage of its development using a specific biochemical analysis - a blood test for the CA 125 marker. In order for the results to be as accurate and reliable as possible, it is necessary to prepare for the delivery of biomaterial. It is important to know that the CA 125 marker shows the presence of ovarian pathologies. However, in some cases, its increase in liquid connective tissue is a variant of the norm. Therefore, only a physician should interpret the laboratory test.
Oncomarkers: concept
This term refers to a whole group of biological molecules. Each of them has a different origin, but they have one common property. An elevated concentration of any marker in the blood indicates, as a rule, the presence of tumors in the body, such asbenign and malignant.
Currently, more than 2 hundred types of these biomolecules are known to medicine. No more than 20 have diagnostic value. The remaining tumor markers are considered insufficiently specific. In other words, an increase in their concentration occurs not only in the presence of tumors, but also in the development of diseases of a different nature.
It is important to know that the detection of tumor markers in biological material does not always indicate cancer. Laboratory research only allows to suspect the presence of oncology. Confirmation of the presence of the disease is carried out in the process of conducting a comprehensive diagnosis.

What does the CA marker 125 mean
This substance is a complex compound of polysaccharide and protein. This marker is specific. It allows you to identify ovarian cancer at any stage of its development.
It should be noted that the CA 125 marker can also be detected in men at concentrations up to 10 units/ml. This condition in the representatives of the stronger sex is a variant of the norm, it does not indicate the development of pathology.
Indications for prescription
Donating blood is necessary as part of the primary diagnosis of ovarian cancer. In addition, the doctor may order a test for the tumor marker CA 125 if the patient has the following symptoms:
- Failure of the menstrual cycle. This symptom is characteristic of many diseases, however, in combination with other manifestations, it helps to form an accurate clinical picture.
- Frequenturge to urinate without emptying the bladder.
- The presence of secretions of a mucous nature. Often you can see streaks of blood in them. The smell of secretions is most often neutral.
- Regular pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
- Meteorism.
- Constipation.
- Heaviness in the stomach.
- Feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Weight loss.
- General weakness.
- Depression.
- Unstable psycho-emotional state.
- Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (dropsy).
These symptoms are not specific, in connection with which women usually attribute their appearance to the presence of a benign inflammatory process. Many patients go to a medical institution already at the stage of accumulation of pathological fluid in the abdominal cavity. It is worth noting that dropsy develops when the tumor grows in size and metastasizes.
Specific clinical manifestations occur only against the background of the formation of the following malignant ovarian tumors:
- Granulosa cell. The most common symptom is uterine bleeding during menopause. Less commonly, the tumor is manifested by early puberty.
- Adenoblastomas. During the formation and growth of the tumor, women note a coarsening of the voice, a decrease in the size of the mammary glands, the growth of mustaches and even beards.
According to statistics, in 70% of cases, patients turn todoctor at a late stage of the development of the pathological process. In this regard, experts prescribe an analysis for the CA 125 marker even in the presence of mild anxiety symptoms in women who have consulted a doctor for a preventive examination.

Normal indicators
The concentration of a compound in blood plasma is individual. But the threshold value of the CA 125 marker is 35 units/ml. Indicators less than this do not indicate the development of the oncological process.
It's important to know that the CA 125 marker shows more than just cancer. With the help of analysis, the doctor can detect inflammation, endometriosis, genital infections, etc. In addition, the CA 125 marker is an antigen of fetal tissues.
In this regard, it may be present in:
- Uterine cavity, more precisely, in the composition of serous and mucinous fluids. While maintaining natural biological barriers, it will never enter the blood plasma.
- Mesothelial layer of the peritoneum and pleura.
- Bronchi.
- Kidney.
- Epithelium of the pericardium.
- Tests.
- Gallbladder.
- Fallopian tubes.
- Stomach.
- Intestines.
- Pancreas.
It is also worth noting that the increase in the CA 125 marker occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and during menstrual bleeding.

Preparing for the study
In order to get the most reliable result, it is necessary to start observing a few days before the delivery of the biomateriala number of conditions.
Rules for preparing for the study of the CA 125 ovarian marker:
- 3-4 days before blood sampling, give up high-intensity physical activity. Exercise should be moderate.
- There must be at least 8 hours between eating and donating biological material. It is only allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water.
- No smoking 30 minutes before exam.
- It is important to stop drinking alcohol-containing drinks for 2 days.
As mentioned above, CA 125 marker abnormality occurs during menstrual bleeding. In this regard, doctors recommend donating liquid connective tissue on the 2-3rd day after its completion.
Biomaterial sampling algorithm
The procedure is standard. The biological material is venous blood. Her fence is as follows:
- The doctor applies a tourniquet above the elbow.
- Processes the skin at the site of the alleged injection with an alcohol wipe.
- Inserts a needle into a vein and draws blood into a test tube.
- Remove the tourniquet and apply an alcohol pad to the injection site.
Specialist in the presence of the patient marks the test tube. After that, he sends the biomaterial to the laboratory for research.

Interpretation of results
The maximum allowable value is 35 U/ml. If there is more CA 125 marker in the blood, you should not panic. If this situation occurs, additional testing is required. During it, the doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the increase in the concentration of the tumor marker.
Deviation of the indicator from the norm upwards often indicates the presence of the following diseases:
- Endometriosis.
- Cystic changes in the ovaries.
- Dysmenorrhea.
- Inflammation of the appendages.
- Sexually transmitted pathologies.
- Peritonitis.
- Pericarditis.
- Pleuriate.
- Hepatitis.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Chronic pancreatitis.
Against the background of the course of these pathologies, the concentration of the oncomarker can increase up to 100 units/ml.
It is also important to know that the complete absence of CA 125 does not guarantee the exclusion of cancer. In clinical practice, there were cases when the marker was absent or did not deviate from the norm in a large direction against the background of the course of the oncological process. But in the last stages of cancer, it rises in absolutely all patients.
Analysis for the CA 125 marker is often prescribed to monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. A decrease in concentration on the background of radiation or chemotherapy indicates a correctly drawn up scheme.
When pregnant, the level of the marker, as a rule, is always slightly elevated. The maximum increase in concentration is typical for the first trimester. In addition, the threshold value is often found in women who are breastfeeding. This condition is a variant of the norm and does not require correction with medication.
Oncomarker levels should be monitored only for those pregnant women whowho had previously been diagnosed with ovarian pathology.

Indicators indicating the development of the oncological process
A result over 100 U/ml is a warning sign. In this case, the doctor may suspect that the patient has cancer. In such situations, specialists prescribe additional examinations in order to obtain the most complete picture of the woman's he alth status. In addition, a blood test for the CA 125 marker is repeated. As a rule, the study is carried out not once, but several times. This allows the doctor to assess the dynamics of changes in the indicator.
An increased value may indicate not only ovarian cancer. An increase in concentration often occurs with other malignant processes:
- Tumours of the fallopian tubes and endometrium.
- Breast cancer.
- Malignant diseases of the pancreas.
- Cancer of the rectum and stomach.
- Tumors of the liver and lungs.
- Other malignant pathologies.
If each repeated result is higher than the previous one, this is the most alarming sign. In this case, the doctor should use all possible informative methods of both laboratory and instrumental diagnostics in order to accurately identify the cause of such dynamics.

Where to donate blood
Biological material sampling is carried out both in public and private medical institutions. In the first case, you must first issue a referral for research from the attending After that, you need to contact the registry and sign up for a specific day. At the appointed time, you must come to the medical facility and donate blood. The service is free for patients with an insurance policy.
Donating blood at a clinic or independent laboratory is much easier. It is enough to find out information regarding the hours of biomaterial sampling at the registry of the selected institution. After that, you can come to the clinic any day and donate blood. The service is provided on a paid basis.
The price of the study directly depends on the region and the policy of the medical institution. In Moscow, the cost of analysis is, on average, 750 rubles. Additionally, you must pay for the blood sampling procedure and consumables (usually no more than 200 rubles). The results of the analysis can be received on hand the next business day.
In many laboratories you can pay extra for urgency. In this case, the results of the study can be obtained on the day of delivery of the biomaterial. The cost of analysis in this situation is on average 1400 rubles.

In conclusion
Marker CA 125 is a specific compound, the concentration of which in the blood plasma most often increases against the background of the development of the oncological process. However, upon receipt of results of 35-100 units / ml, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination. This is due to the fact that sometimes the marker rises against the background of the progression of non-oncological pathologies. A value greater than 100 units / ml in almost all cases indicates the presence of cancer(ovaries, endometrium, fallopian tubes, etc.).