Where can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? Driver's medical certificate of the new sample

Where can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? Driver's medical certificate of the new sample
Where can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? Driver's medical certificate of the new sample

How can I get a medical certificate to replace my driver's license? The answer to this question is easy and simple. It is enough to pass a certain commission. And in the end, get a document that confirms the state of he alth of a citizen. It belongs to the traffic police along with all other papers in order to obtain or replace a driver's license. The car is a source of increased danger. Therefore, only he althy citizens should be trusted to drive vehicles. But how do you get a he alth certificate for drivers? All the features of the process below.

get a medical certificate to replace your driver's license
get a medical certificate to replace your driver's license

What to do to get help

Medical certificate for replacement rights is a very important document. As already mentioned, without it, you can not try to get a driver's license. It simply won't be released. After all, a he alth certificate is included in the main package of documents for registration of rights.

What needs to be done to get this paper? Just go through a medical examination. Enoughcontact several narrow specialists so that the document under study is drawn up in accordance with all the rules. It would seem that nothing is difficult. Only citizens receive a medical opinion on the state of he alth causes certain problems.

Where to go for help

The first question that arises among the population: "Where can I get a driver's medical certificate?" There are several options for the development of events. And everyone has the right to choose where exactly to apply for a medical commission.

For example, you can go to public hospitals and clinics. The option is good, but it has a number of significant disadvantages. Not suitable for those who want to quickly get through the passage of doctors.

The second way to get it is through a specialized commission in private medical centers. The most common option. As in the first case, it has disadvantages. For example, the cost of a survey.

Where exactly to go, everyone chooses for himself. But the range of institutions issuing medical certificates is limited. Either this is a public clinic or a private center.

help for the traffic police
help for the traffic police


Another question that worries drivers is how much a driver's medical certificate costs. The exact price has not been determined. It all depends on which option of obtaining the document will be chosen by the citizen.

For example, you can pay with your own time and nerves. But in terms of finances, do not tolerate any spending at all. This alignment is relevant for public clinics. In them for examinationmoney is usually not taken, but the inspection may take several weeks.

But if the path of contacting private medical centers is chosen, then it all depends on the region of residence and the specific prices of a particular company. On average, you will have to pay about 5,000 rubles for a medical examination for drivers. But there will be no queues. All doctors sometimes manage to pass in one day. Therefore, everyone decides for himself how exactly he can get a medical certificate to replace his driver's license.

Whom to pass

There are a lot of doctors in the field of medicine. But the question arises as to which specialists are required to go through in order for a citizen to be issued a driver's medical certificate of a new sample. There is a generally accepted list of doctors and tests that are given by the driver.

medical certificate to replace rights
medical certificate to replace rights

Much depends on the category of driving. In order to drive some types of transport, there is no need to be examined by certain specialists. Most often it is about driving cars. Therefore, you should first of all figure out which specialists are required to obtain a medical certificate to replace a driver's license with driving categories A and B. Among the doctors are:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatry;
  • narcologist.

This is the main list of specialists. Other examinations are prescribed only on the recommendations of the therapist. For example, an EKG. It is recommended to provide a cardiogram to all citizens over the age of 60.

C and D categories

But sometimes you need to get a certificate that will allow you to drive category C or D vehicles. In this situation, the list of all necessary doctors increases, albeit slightly. Especially the difference is not visible to citizens who decide to pay a medical examination. Under such circumstances, the driver must be examined by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • narcologist;
  • oculist.

Additionally, an ECG is mandatory. As prescribed by the narcologist, an analysis should be made for the content of psychogenic substances in the blood and urine. Nothing else is required. It is recommended to undergo an additional surgeon. This applies to all categories of driving. Most often, the therapist prescribes not only examinations that a citizen must undergo, but also an examination by other narrow specialists to obtain the document under study.

where to get driver's medical certificate
where to get driver's medical certificate

Validity period

How long is the medical certificate? It is about how long the document is valid after its issuance. The point is that not all survey results will be accepted by the traffic police. What are the conditions for this plan?

At the moment, the results of medical examinations for obtaining a driver's license are valid for only a year from the date of their issue. That is, a certificate received in December 2015 will cease to be valid in 2016 in the same month. Therefore, it is far from always necessary to re-pass a medical examination whendriver's license replacement.

Documents for registration

Medical certificate for the replacement of rights is a document that every driver should have. What is required to complete it? What documents to apply to a particular medical institution?

Nothing special will be required of a citizen. Much depends on where exactly the citizen came - to a private medical center or to a state institution. In the first case, only a passport and a military ID (for men) are usually sufficient.

driving medical certificate price
driving medical certificate price

If it is planned to get a medical certificate to replace a driver's license at a state clinic free of charge, then a citizen must bring a full package of documents with him. Namely:

  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • identity card (passport);
  • military ID (men only).

That's it. A citizen with the above documents applies to the registry, reports what commission he needs to go through, then registers with narrow specialists and receives their conclusions, recorded on a special form.

But the photos are not needed. They are not provided on the certificates of the new sample. Therefore, carrying photographs with you to a medical facility is not the best idea. It is recommended to leave pictures for your driver's license.

When needed

When exactly is the document being studied needed? Not in all cases it may be required. Previously, even during technical inspection fromthe driver needed a medical certificate on the state of he alth. But in 2016, Russia has different rules. Now the list of cases in which a certificate for the traffic police is mandatory is provided as follows:

  • when receiving a particular category of driving a vehicle;
  • when first issuing a driver's license;
  • if rights are replaced before the document expires;
  • issuance of a new driver's license after the expiration of the previously received paper;
  • in case of change of personal data (for example, last name);
  • if a citizen gets his driver's license back after being revoked.

You may notice that technical inspection is not included in the above list. Is a driver's medical certificate required for MOT? No. This means that you do not need to carry a certificate with you all the time. The new rules in force in Russia today delight drivers.

driver's medical certificate of a new sample
driver's medical certificate of a new sample

Summing up

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? Help for the traffic police is a document that is required when obtaining or replacing a driver's license, as well as when making changes to this paper. You can get a medical opinion in several ways: by contacting a public clinic or a visit to a private medical care center.

Valid for only 12 months. Please note - if a citizen applied on the last day of the validity of the document, they cannot refuse to accept it. Although onIn practice, a slightly different picture is obtained - traffic police officers require a new certificate from citizens.

The cost of producing a document is not too high. By the way, it is advisable to provide a copy of the medical report on the state of he alth to the traffic police. If during the year you have to bring this document again for one reason or another, you will not need to undergo a medical examination again.

medical certificate term
medical certificate term

In general, getting a medical certificate to replace a driver's license is not as difficult as it seems. Some recommend buying a ready-made document. Doing so is not worth it - it's illegal. It is better to spend several days (sometimes even hours) in order to officially receive the document under study. Usually, bringing an idea to life is much easier than it seems at first glance. By the way, it is not necessary to pass all doctors in one medical institution. Some specialists can be visited in one place, and some - in another.
