In Voronezh today there are many private medical institutions. Popularity enjoys S Classclinik ("Es Class Clinics"). This is an organization that provides quality medical services in several areas at once. Reviews show that the prices here are quite consistent with the quality.
Basic information
"S Class Clinic" in Voronezh is a modern medical facility that provides services in several areas. On the network you can see a lot of positive reviews about the work of local doctors. Patients claim that the pricing policy is fully consistent with the quality.
Establishment of S Class Clinic LLC in Voronezh is located at the following address: Revolution Avenue, 29A. You can easily get here both by public and private transport. Patients report free parking nearby.

You can make an appointment with the right specialist in real time through the official website of the institution or by calling the hotline number.
Providesquality services in this area "S Class Clinic" in Voronezh. Feedback on urology shows that local specialists are able to solve problems that are beyond the power of doctors in many public clinics. The work uses modern technologies and the latest equipment. Both simple and complex diseases are treated at a high level.
Laser therapy in urology deserves special attention. The clinic uses a modern installation that allows treating prostate adenoma with minimal risk of complications for the patient. The same unit is successfully used for the treatment of urolithiasis in men and women. Local experts note that traditional surgical methods do not always show good results. In addition, with classical surgery, the patient's recovery period is significantly delayed.

The use of a laser in urology allows you to minimize pain during the operation. In addition, the laser has an immunostimulatory effect.
In the reviews, patients report that for the first examination by a urologist at S Class Clinic in Voronezh, you will have to pay 500 rubles. The cost of further therapy is determined on an individual basis.
Impotence treatment
Many good reviews can be heard about the andrology services provided at the clinic. Examination and treatment is carried out in conditions of anonymity. Sexual he alth, according to clinic experts, is of great importance. In addition, impotence at a young age cantestify to the development of other pathologies not related to the sexual sphere.
At the S Class Clinic in Voronezh, a man who applied for help will first of all undergo a comprehensive medical examination. It is important to find out what provokes the development of erectile dysfunction. Both psychogenic and organic factors may play a role. Reviews show that the clinic's andrologists work closely with related specialists. The patient can be referred for examination to a phlebologist, psychologist, neurologist.
Patients speak well of Sergey Egorovich Kudryavtsev. This is a highly qualified doctor who provides services in the field of urology and andrology. The specialist managed to return hundreds of men to normal life. The following young specialists are also popular: Stupin Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, Barakhovich Yulia Sergeevna, Minasyan Vartan Vachaganovich.
Treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures
Hemorrhoids treatment is carried out at a high level in "S Class Clinic" in Voronezh. Reviews show that the medical institution uses modern techniques that allow you to quickly and almost painlessly get rid of the problem. Latex doping is a technology that is not used in all clinics. The essence of the method is to put on a latex ring on the hemorrhoid. This technology is primarily used to remove internal formations.
Despite the fact that the technique involves a delicate impact, nevertheless, it belongs to the category of radical ones. Reviews show that before the intervention, all patients undergothorough examination, tests. The operation is postponed in case of serious cardiovascular disorders, a recent stroke or heart attack, infectious diseases in the acute phase.

The operation itself is painless and short. The anal canal is treated with a special anesthetic gel, an anoscope is inserted. The working surface is displayed on the monitor screen. The latex ring compresses the vessel that feeds the hemorrhoid. After a few days, the neoplasm disappears. The entire recovery process takes no more than a week.
The medical institution "S Class Clinic" in Voronezh is famous, first of all, for its specialists. A lot of good reviews can be heard about the following proctologists: Kosarev Anton Vladimirovich, Olitto Lyudmila Borisovna, Ryaguzova Anastasia Ivanovna, Kakhanov Alexei Grigorievich.
You will have to pay 700 rubles for the first consultation with a proctologist.
S Klass Clinic in Voronezh also provides quality services in this area. The medical institution performs standard procedures related to diseases of the pelvic organs in women. For a full examination in the clinic, you will have to pay 800 rubles. This includes tests and ultrasound diagnostics. In a medical institution, each representative of the weaker sex can undergo therapy for vaginitis, endometritis, salpingitis, vulvitis. Good reviews can be heard about the following specialists: Boldyreva Irina Vasilievna, Gorbunova Kristina Igorevna, Kochergina OlgaViktorovna.
Infertility treatment is carried out at a high level at S Class Clinic in Voronezh. Doctors of the medical institution do everything so that childless couples can feel the joy of parenthood. A thorough examination is carried out by both women and men. Combined therapy helps to achieve good results. Gynecologists work closely with urologists and andrologists of the clinic.
Reviews residents of the city note that patients who have decided on in vitro fertilization often turn to the clinic. The procedure is carried out after a thorough medical examination. Patients are assigned a personal doctor who always stays in touch.

IVF procedure is performed in extreme cases, if infertility cannot be cured or a he althy couple cannot conceive for a year or more.
S Class Clinic Family Planning Center operates daily from 9:00 to 20:30.
Surgical gynecology
Gynecological surgeries are performed at a high level at Es Class Clinic in Voronezh. Addresses where you can apply for help are indicated on the official website of the institution. Specialists perform both emergency and planned operations. The clinic performs minimally invasive organ-preserving interventions that allow women to return to a full-fledged lifestyle in a short time.

The clinic has its own hospital for comfortable placement of patients in the postoperative period. Reviews show that non-resident womenmay be accompanied by relatives.
Take care of your patients management of "S Class Clinic" in Voronezh. Gynecology is a special branch of medicine. Timely surgical treatment of a number of female diseases can reduce the risk of infertility.
Removal of papillomas, warts and moles
A mole on the body is not always attractive. Moreover, such an education can pose a threat to he alth if it is located in an "uncomfortable" place. With frequent trauma to the mole, the risk of its malignant degeneration increases. High-quality removal of such formations is carried out at Es Class Clinic in Voronezh. The doctor conducts a description of the future procedure already at the first consultation. The patient knows how the intervention will take place, how long the recovery period will last.
Warts, spider veins, papillomas and condylomas are also removed at a high level. The cost of removing one formation is 2000 rubles. In a medical institution, a radio wave technique is used. This technology allows you to quickly and almost painlessly remove the formation on the skin. The advantage is that the operation is carried out by a non-contact method. Reviews of experts show that the risk of complications (attachment of a secondary infection) is minimized. During the procedure, he althy tissues are practically not damaged. In place of a nevus or wart, a crust forms, which disappears on its own after a few days. Wound care is reduced to treatment with an antiseptic.
When removing formations by the radio wave method, scars are not formed. This is especially important if the intervention has to be carried out on the face. Such therapy will have to be abandoned in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic hepatitis and diabetes mellitus. It will be necessary to postpone treatment for infectious diseases in the acute period.
Cosmetology at S Class Clinic in Voronezh
In the reviews, many residents of Voronezh say that they specifically go to a medical institution in order to regain their youth. The clinic provides a wide range of quality cosmetic services. You can make an appointment with the following specialists: Romanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Romanova Irina Vasilievna, Bulynina Svetlana Mikhailovna, Shaikina Svetlana Anatolyevna. For the initial appointment with a clinic specialist, you will have to pay 1,000 rubles.

Contour plasty is especially popular among patients over 35 years old, according to reviews. Thanks to the right effect, it is possible to remove wrinkles and tighten the face without radical methods. The work uses various fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Specialists manage to quickly and painlessly fill the creases on the skin, refresh the face.
Qualitatively, botulinum toxin injections are also performed at S Class Clinic. The procedure causes temporary paralysis of mimic muscles, thanks to which it is possible to quickly rejuvenate the skin. Specialists have all the necessary certificates to carry out such procedures.
Not only patients who seek to rejuvenate the skin turn to the clinic's cosmetologists for help. At a high level ina medical institution performs acne therapy on the face, back, arms and other parts of the body. Already at the first appointment, everyone can undergo a comprehensive medical examination to find out the cause of the disease. Acne is treated both externally and internally. The patient is prescribed peelings, plasma therapy, and the selection of suitable cosmetics is carried out. Additionally, drugs are selected for systemic use, aimed at fighting infection, restoring hormonal levels and normalizing the production of skin secretions.
Plastic surgery
If you need to change the shape of the nose or chest, radically tighten the skin of the face - in Voronezh you should seek help from the medical institution "S Class Clinic". Qualified plastic surgeons work here, about which you can hear a lot of positive reviews.
According to statistics, the majority of patients are women who seek to change the size or shape of their breasts. You will not have to pay for the first consultation with a specialist of the clinic. The cost of further therapy will depend on the chosen format of the operation. It is worth noting that the operation may not be carried out for everyone. Specialists refuse women with diabetes, cancer, and blood clotting disorders.

Many good reviews can be heard about blepharoplasty performed in the clinic. Operative correction of the eyelids allows you to change facial features, rejuvenate it. Most often, patients decide tocircular blepharoplasty, which allows you to remove bags under the eyes and “open” the upper eyelids. Reviews show that after the operation, recovery is quite fast. The cost of such an intervention is from 15 thousand rubles.
The following interventions can also be performed within the walls of a medical institution: rhinoplasty, Bish's lump removal, liposuction, abdominoplasty, otoplasty.
Comprehensive medical examination
It is no coincidence that you can often hear positive feedback about "S Class Clinic" in Voronezh. Proctology, gynecology, surgery, cosmetology - in all these areas, really high-quality services are provided that fully meet the cost. Before any intervention or prescription of conservative therapy, patients undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Only modern diagnostic techniques are used in the work.
Within the walls of the clinic, everyone can undergo ultrasound, MRI, endoscopic examination. For a full range of diagnostic procedures, you will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles.