Muscles of the knee joint: anatomy. Muscles acting on the knee joint

Muscles of the knee joint: anatomy. Muscles acting on the knee joint
Muscles of the knee joint: anatomy. Muscles acting on the knee joint

Complex bone and cartilage formation, which consists of a large number of different elements, is a knee joint. It is thanks to these components that the joint becomes multifunctional and maneuverable, but, unfortunately, subject to various injuries. Structure, features and injuries - later in our article.


The knee joint is one of the largest. It is part of the lower limb girdle and guarantees dynamics and statics. If a person's normal working capacity is limited, there is a sharp reduction in motor activity and a decrease in working capacity.

muscles acting on the knee
muscles acting on the knee


Based on data obtained from anatomical sources, we can conclude that the knee joint has a blocky-spherical shape. It is formed from subsequent epiphyses:

  • lower femur;
  • upper tibia;
  • patella - a rounded section of the tubular bone.

Anatomy of the knee is very interesting and informative. There is nothing superfluous in it, and each part performs a specific and important purpose. Let's take a closer look at this point.

Surrounding muscles

The muscles surrounding the knee joint guarantee proper functioning. They are placed around it and are:

  • leading;
  • bending;
  • extensors.
muscles acting on the knee joint
muscles acting on the knee joint

They fix the knee. Note that there are several types of muscles in the joint. Each of them has its own task and structure. The following muscles are distinguished:

  • On the front of the human thigh is the quadriceps muscle. It is the most significant in the human body. This muscle attaches to the surface of the tibia and the patella.
  • The muscle of the knee joint. She is responsible for the movement of the lower leg and thigh.
  • Tailor's muscle. Helps the lower leg to move in different directions. It goes around the kneecap through the surface of the femur. Attaches to the tibia.
  • A biarticular thin muscle originates at the pubic bone. It is attached to the tibia. Classified as a knee flexor.
  • Promote calf flexion and knee rotation hamstrings.
  • Semitendinosus. They make it possible to perform extensor and rotational movements of the lower leg and thigh.
  • The calf muscles are responsible for flexing the lower leg at the ankle and knee.
  • Hips. They guarantee rotation and bending of the lower leg. Located on the back of the knee.


What are they for? Each knee joint is held by them. Ligaments are extracapsular and intracapsular. The first are outside the cavity. The second are located inside the joint cavity.

Extracapsular and internal ligaments include:

  1. Tibial collateral ligament. Takes its own origin from the medial condyle and descends.
  2. Fibular. Starts from the lateral epicondyle and descends below.
  3. Patellar ligament. It is a continuation of the quadriceps tendon.
  4. Medial and lateral. Represents the prolongation of the quadriceps.
  5. Suspensory patellar ligament oblique and arcuate popliteal ligament.
  6. Cruciate ligaments.
  7. Transverse.
  8. Anterior and posterior meniscofemoral.

All of the listed ligaments of the knee carry out their predetermined functions. Therefore, it is very important to monitor their condition. If abnormalities or pain occur, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Otherwise, serious complications and suppression of motor activity are possible.

muscles acting on the joint
muscles acting on the joint

Muscles of the knee joint

What is their function? The muscles acting on the human knee joint are responsible for its work. It is thanks to this that everyone has the opportunity to move around.

Guaranteed flexion and extension, supination and pronation, back and forth movement.

All of the abovefunctions are supported by the following muscles of the knee joint:

  • two-headed;
  • semitendinosus;
  • semi-membranous;
  • thin;
  • tailor;
  • calf;
  • plantar;
  • straight;
  • medial;
  • lateral;
  • intermediate;
  • popliteal.
tendons of the knee
tendons of the knee


What is this? These are trihedral cartilage formations that serve as a special elastic pad and help redistribute weight. If they were not there, all the heaviness would be concentrated in a single place. Damage to the meniscus entails thinning and deformation of the cartilage, a violation of the stability of the knee joint.

In the human body, there are two types of menisci, which are interconnected by a special transverse ligament. There are the following types:

  1. Lateral. This is the outward facing meniscus. It is less prone to damage due to its considerable mobility.
  2. Internal. Located close to the internal lateral ligament. It is characterized by frequent traumatization, as it has less lability.

The knee joint has a very complex structure. It takes on a huge load, providing the most difficult actions.

Functional loads

Lower limbs are most often exposed to various injuries and pathologies. Its main functions are flexion, extension and support. All these functions guarantee the ligaments, bones, cartilage and muscles of the kneejoint.

muscles and tendons of the knee
muscles and tendons of the knee

Tendons experience maximum stress every day. The knee joint itself is considered articulated and has a rather complicated biomechanics. As a result, a large number of different movements are provided.

Even minor negative signs should not be ignored, as they may indicate an emerging serious illness. In order to prevent serious complications, it is important to start treatment at the right time. Taking care of the limbs and having an understanding of their anatomy is necessary for every person.

What kind of injuries happen?

As mentioned earlier, the knee has a complex structure. Every day, the muscles that extend the knee joint and bend it are subjected to enormous loads. As a result, unforeseen situations happen. Injury occurs.

muscles and tendons of the joint
muscles and tendons of the joint

The most common injuries are torn ligaments and menisci. The cause of the gap is mainly hits, falls, as well as playing sports. Often these injuries are accompanied by fractures. The fact that damage to the knee joint has occurred, regardless of the cause, is evidenced by virtually the same signs. These include:

  • appearance of sharp pain;
  • swelling in the damaged area;
  • redness and fluid concentration.

In some cases, during trauma, a person may not notice any of the above signs at all. They just start showing a few hours.

Discomfort in the knee joint can be caused by various diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, gout, gonarthosis or menincopathy. Each disease has a negative impact and can provoke serious consequences. Treatment in each individual case is prescribed individually, depending on the diagnosis and neglect of the pathology. Diseases must be diagnosed in a timely and professional manner. During treatment, it is very important to follow all doctor's prescriptions. During this period, it is required to provide a person with complete rest and not load the limbs, as this can significantly aggravate the situation.

knee joint muscles
knee joint muscles

It has been scientifically proven that in case of damage to the knee joint or the development of diseases associated with it, the negative impact extends to the entire skeletal system of the lower extremities. That is why it is very important to seek competent medical help in a timely manner. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, as this can cause serious complications.


So, we have examined how the muscles of the human knee joint are arranged. As you can see, this is a very important part of the musculoskeletal system, which has a complex structure and directly affects its performance.
