Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

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Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen
Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

Video: Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

Video: Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen
Video: Burdock Cures EVERYTHING! But Why? 2024, July

60% of the world's inhabitants face diseases of the nervous system. Some pathological processes can be qualitatively eliminated only by surgery. Many patients are treated at the neurosurgery center in Tyumen. You can hear mostly positive reviews about the medical institution.

Basic information

The Federal Center for Neurosurgery in Tyumen started its work relatively recently. The first patients were admitted in 2010. The medical institution has grown rapidly. Local specialists managed to save more than one life, and some patients return here again for preventive measures. The medical center was headed by a talented neurosurgeon Albert Akramovich Sufianov. It was thanks to his perseverance and professional qualities that the center received a powerful development.

center of neurosurgery tyumen
center of neurosurgery tyumen

Today, the medical institution has introduced the latest developments in the field of neurosurgery. Not only patients from Tyumen, but also residents of other cities can receive treatment here. If you have a compulsory he alth insurance policy, the therapy is free of charge. The clinic uses high-quality equipment. Analogues of some devicesnot at all in the country.

Over 7 years of existence, about 20 thousand complex operations in the field of neurosurgery have been performed at the center. Albert Akramovich himself performs about 100 operations annually.

Pediatric Neurosurgical Department

Unfortunately, every year the number of small patients with diseases of the nervous system increases. Some pathologies are subject to surgical treatment. The Center for Neurosurgery in Tyumen accepts patients from the first years of life. Children have a special section. The head is Yakimov Yury Alexandrovich. This is a neurosurgeon with many years of experience, who managed to perform many successful operations. Reviews of specialists show that this department is the leading one in Russia in the treatment of childhood neurological diseases.

15 small patients can be in the department at the same time. All conditions for the normal existence of babies are created here. There are toys, the interior is decorated in soft colors. Each room has functional beds, a bathroom and a shower. Parents may be present with young patients.

advisory polyclinic
advisory polyclinic

Children get to the children's department on the recommendation of a consultative polyclinic or a referral from a neurosurgeon in their region. A huge number of surgical interventions are performed here related to defects, hydrocephalus, brain tumors, neuropathy of the nerves of any parts of the body, etc.

Vascular department

Here, every patient with vascular pathologies can receive qualified assistance. A wide range of complex operations is carried out at the Center for Neurosurgery in Tyumen. Reviews show that specialists select an individual approach to each patient. Dangerous operations are made possible not only by the qualifications of the doctors who work here, but also by modern equipment. What is the cost of a navigation station that allows you to calculate the correct trajectory of access to the vessels. After all, the slightest wrong movement of the surgeon can lead to the development of complications.

department of he alth of the tyumen region
department of he alth of the tyumen region

Help can be received by people with a wide range of vascular pathologies. Many here managed to undergo aneurysm clipping. Timely surgical intervention can save the lives of people who are faced with a dangerous disease at a young age. In most cases, after a short rehabilitation, it is possible to return to a full life.

Spinal compartment

According to patient reviews, this department is the most in demand. After all, every second inhabitant of middle-aged Russia faces diseases of the nerves in the spinal column. The most common diagnoses are “herniated discs”, “osteochondrosis”. Many people in the department have to deal with the consequences of a spinal injury.

federal center of neurosurgery tyumen
federal center of neurosurgery tyumen

In their work, specialists use not only the acquired knowledge, but also high-quality modern equipment that allows them to cope with pathological processes without complications. Operations onspine must be performed using computed tomography. Reviews show that after undergoing therapy here, patients significantly increase their standard of living. To get an appointment with the chosen specialist, you will first have to visit a consultative clinic.

Department of Neuro-Oncology

FGBU "Federal Center of Neurosurgery" (Tyumen) is an institution whose priority activity is the treatment of brain tumors. Patients from various parts of Russia are sent here. Treatment of cancer at an early stage shows good results. It is possible to return people to a normal lifestyle thanks to high-quality surgical interventions. Microsurgical treatment of brain tumors requires attention and certain skills. Patient testimonials show that local specialists are doing their job well.

neurosurgery center tyumen reviews
neurosurgery center tyumen reviews

To control the activity of the brain during surgery, the department uses modern equipment. During the operation, the image of the working surface is displayed on the computer. This increases the chances of a quality intervention. After removal of the tumor, the risk of recurrence is significantly reduced.

The Center for Neurosurgery in Tyumen also has high-quality diagnostic equipment. Specialists manage to determine the boundaries of malignant formation as accurately as possible.

Functional compartment

Therapy can be done in this departmentpeople who have to deal with pain while performing simple movements. Any neurological disorders require timely therapy. The disease can progress rapidly, so treatment should not be delayed.

FGBU Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen
FGBU Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Tyumen

Center of Neurosurgery (He alth Department of the Tyumen Region) is a place where patients with epilepsy can be treated. The right choice of technique allows you to return a person to a full life. People with this diagnosis are recommended to periodically undergo preventive treatment at the Tyumen Neurosurgery Center.

Reviews about the medical institution

The Center for Neurosurgery of the Department of He alth of the Tyumen Region is a place that, for the most part, you can hear good reviews. Within the walls of the institution, complex operations are performed to return a person to normal life. Parents are pleased with the special approach to little patients.
