Belt "Fizomed": indications for use, patient reviews

Belt "Fizomed": indications for use, patient reviews
Belt "Fizomed": indications for use, patient reviews

The Fizomed belt is designed to treat the organs of the urinary system. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys at any stage: during therapy, after surgery. This method is also used as a way to prevent exacerbations of chronic pathology.

Main product benefits

The Fizomed belt is quite easy to use.

Image "Fizomed" for the treatment of kidneys
Image "Fizomed" for the treatment of kidneys

This treatment method does not require special medical skills. Therefore, the products are quite popular. The product is purchased and used at home without prior consultation with a doctor. The "Fizomed" kidney belt is necessary for individuals who have had problems with the functions of these organs for a long time. In addition, the products have a beneficial effect on the well-being of patients suffering from radiculitis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, experiencing pain in the lumbar region.

When is this method recommended?

Productsshould be used by people with the following pathologies:

  1. Urolithiasis (regardless of the variety and physical characteristics of stones).
  2. Pyelonephritis, which is characterized by a chronic course.
  3. Pathology of the kidneys, which appeared on the background of metabolic disorders.
  4. Discomfort in the lumbar spine.
  5. Osteochondrosis.
  6. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  7. Sciatica.
lower back pain
lower back pain

One of the significant advantages of the "Fizomed" belt is the absence of contraindications. The use of this remedy in case of complications after the procedure for crushing stones gives a good result. It is also used as a stone prevention method.


To get a good result from therapy with this remedy, it must be used correctly.

belt appearance
belt appearance

The belt is worn loosely, not too tight, on a naked body, T-shirt or shirt. It should be fixed on the lower back, the inserts should be located in the kidney area. To achieve a good effect, the remedy is recommended to be worn twenty-four hours a day. It is possible to remove the Fizomed belt only if it is necessary to wash the product, bathe, take a shower or bath. No need to refuse to use the product at night. Otherwise, the positive effect will have to wait quite a long time. Experts say that you can remove the product during sleep only if discomfort appears.

Special Instructions

Bduring the period of therapy with the Fizomed belt, s alty and spicy foods should not be consumed. Avoid exposure to low temperatures. With the passage of stones and the absence of contraindications, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Water helps to remove harmful substances from the organs of the urinary system.

Consumer opinion about product quality

About the belt "Fizomed" reviews are predominantly positive. Buyers say that the products are easy to use, affordable, and safe. The absence of contraindications to the use of the product and side effects is also considered one of its main advantages. Many consumers claim that thanks to wearing the belt, they were able to get rid of the pain that arose as a result of pathologies of the urinary system, mechanical damage to the joints.

knee pain
knee pain

For some people, the use of this remedy has helped to avoid surgery to remove stones from the kidneys. They say that this method of therapy helps to remove sand and small stones and thereby improves well-being and prevents the development of complications.

However, not all buyers are satisfied with the effectiveness of the belt. Some argue that the tool does not give a tangible result. There are consumers who feel worse during the period of using the product. They believe that they have wasted their time and money on treatment with this product. Moreover, calculi in the kidneys, in the absence of adequate therapy, lead to serious complications.
