What tests to take before the operation? Let's figure it out in this article.
If a person is to be treated in a hospital, then he will be offered to pass a certain number of tests necessary for hospitalization and corresponding to the clinical protocols and the profile of the department in which he will lie. If a person needs surgical treatment, then the list of tests before surgery may be more extensive in order to understand whether surgical intervention is possible in the current state of the body, or whether it will need to be further improved with the help of procedures and drugs. The expiration date of the tests before the operation will be discussed at the end of the article.
Blood tests before surgery and for hospitalization
Almost always, before referral to hospital treatment and before surgery, blood tests are prescribed. There are a number of reasons for this, such as, for example, determining the degree of dysfunction of a particular organ, studying the general conditionhe alth or infection detection.

The following blood tests can be called the most frequently included in the list of preoperative or prehospital examinations: biochemical analysis, general analysis, determination of the Rh factor and blood group, tests for hepatitis C and B, syphilis, HIV.
If a patient has a medical condition or a specific medical condition that matches the history, tests and analyzes may prompt the doctor to adjust the treatment plan.
What research is being done on various pathologies?
A coagulogram may be required for the patient's he alth problems affecting blood clotting. This blood test is done if:
- patient taking blood thinners
- he bruises easily,
- there have been any problems during previous surgeries and dental procedures with bleeding in the patient or close relatives.

If a patient has diabetes mellitus or a predisposition to the development of this disease, he will need to undergo tests that diagnose diabetes mellitus.
If the patient is a woman of childbearing age, she may need to take a pregnancy test. It includes a blood test showing the level of hCG hormone, that is, human chorionic gonadotropin. Expiration date of analyzes beforeoperation must be observed.
Other tests and examinations
Most often of the other studies conducted in the laboratory, a general urinalysis is prescribed. In case of kidney disease, the doctor may recommend an additional analysis (urinalysis according to Nechiporenko or for sterility).

Before entering a hospital for treatment, a woman may need to consult a gynecologist and take tests for genital infections, swabs for microflora from the urethra and genital tract. In this case, the expiration date of the analyzes before the operation is necessarily taken into account.
Before lung surgery, heart surgery, organ transplant, etc., more specific and serious tests may be required.
Evaluate the condition before and after surgery, as well as the effect after the treatment, the specialist can, based on the results of laboratory tests. If not all results from the list of tests are acceptable for surgery, the patient may need additional treatment, postponement of surgery, or a more detailed examination. Based on the results of the tests, the attending physician can change the chosen method of anesthesia, the amount of surgical treatment or its time.
In addition to the tests, it may be necessary to undergo instrumental studies or examinations by other specialists. Most often these are ultrasound, ECG, fluorography, consultation of an otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, dentist or doctors whose supervisionconducted for any concomitant disease of the patient (neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.).

So what is the expiration date of the tests before the operation? This question interests many.
What blood tests are done right before surgery?
Right before surgery, a blood test is usually required for several reasons.
Determination of the Rh factor and blood type. Any operation involves blood loss. And if there are complications during the operation, the blood loss may be too great, which will lead to the need for a transfusion of red blood cells or plasma. In this case, it is important to know what the patient's blood type and Rh are, so as not to make a mistake during the transfusion. The group is determined by the doctor using a small amount of blood and special. serum.
A blood sugar test is done to monitor glucose levels, especially when the patient has or is predisposed to diabetes.
When is it not necessary to take tests before surgery?
If the operation is with minimal risk, then the list of tests may be very short, or they will not be required at all - depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. The list of studies can be short for low-risk surgeries, such as breast biopsy or surgery for small skin areas (when removing lipomas, papilloma, etc.), etc. With such manipulations, there is a very low risk of complications ifthe patient is in good he alth (no bleeding problems, etc.).
Therefore, you need to consult with a specialist about the need to pass certain tests before hospitalization or surgery.
How are deadlines regulated?
What regulates the expiration dates of tests before surgery? The order of the Ministry of He alth does not stipulate any exact periods for the validity of laboratory tests. But there are generally accepted requirements that should be followed.

The dynamism of changes in the state of the body obliges all research results to be carried out shortly before surgery or hospitalization. After some time, the results of many tests do not have a full diagnostic value and are only suitable for assessing the patient's he alth in dynamics and comparing the result obtained after treatment with the initial data. The minimum duration of tests for preparation before surgery or hospitalization is 1-2 weeks, depending on the type of test and the time required to complete it. The doctor will give the patient all the necessary explanations about the terms that are given for all examinations and tests.
Standard test times
Let's give the expiration date of blood tests before surgery. The relevance of a clinical blood test is 10 days. Biochemical analysis of blood: glucose, urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, total protein, ALT, AST - 10 days. Coagulograms: INR, APTT, fibrinogen,fibrin time - 10 days. Blood groups, Rh factor - indefinitely. RW (syphilis), HCV (hepatitis C), HBs (hepatitis B) - validity period 3 months. The expiration date of the HIV test before surgery is also 3 months.

And here are other dates. General analysis of urine - a month. ECG (electrocardiography) - a month. Fluorography or radiography of the lungs - a year. Blood tumor markers: CA 125, CA 19.9. – 3 months.
Expiration dates of tests before gynecological surgery are standard. The relevance of a smear on the flora, oncocytology of the cervix is 3 months.