Medicine 2024, October

Blood test ACCP: indications for appointment, preparation for the study, decoding and norms

Blood test ACCP: indications for appointment, preparation for the study, decoding and norms

In recent years, cases of autoimmune pathologies have become more frequent. One such disease is rheumatoid arthritis. A blood test for ACCP helps to identify this disease in the early stages with high accuracy. This allows you to start treatment on time, achieve stable remission and avoid serious complications

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis - myth and reality

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis - myth and reality

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is a medical procedure around which there are many legends. Let's figure out together which of them are true

Apparatus "Androgyn" ("Andro-Gyn"): reviews, treatment and price

Apparatus "Androgyn" ("Andro-Gyn"): reviews, treatment and price

Physiotherapy apparatus "Andro-Gyn" is a modern medical equipment aimed at the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. The basis of treatment with the device is electrical neurostimulation and continuous exposure to laser radiation

Neck massager: types

Neck massager: types

Unpleasant painful sensations in the neck are familiar to many today. Especially office workers who have to stay at the computer for several hours in an almost immobile position. A neck massager is a device that allows you to relieve pain. It is quite easy to use and has a very affordable price. How to choose a neck massager? What kinds exist?

Hand sanitizers: features, composition, application

Hand sanitizers: features, composition, application

What is an antiseptic? Areas of application, composition and scope of hand sanitizers? Approximate cost of antiseptics

Glucose test: how to take, deciphering the results

Glucose test: how to take, deciphering the results

A blood glucose test has long become a mandatory regular procedure for many. This is required by some diseases, including diabetes mellitus

Paravertebral blockade - what is it?

Paravertebral blockade - what is it?

Elimination of radicular lumbar and pain of other localization is considered today one of the most difficult, but at the same time the most important tasks. In this regard, specialists strive to use as short and yet effective methods as possible. One of these is paravertebral blockade

Gynecology, pregnancy management and infertility treatment at the Nureyev clinic

Gynecology, pregnancy management and infertility treatment at the Nureyev clinic

Unfortunately, lately there are more and more problems with conceiving, bearing and giving birth to children. For those couples who are almost desperate to wait for the baby to appear, there is a Nuriev clinic in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Izhevsk and Kirov

How to lower blood creatinine? Reasons for the increase and effective methods for reducing

How to lower blood creatinine? Reasons for the increase and effective methods for reducing

Creatinine is a chemical. Formed in muscle tissue during physical exertion as a result of the breakdown of creatine, which is an energy source for fiber contraction. Depending on the clinical picture, creatinine rises or falls together with leukocytes, phagocytes, and urea. Such indicators may indicate serious illness (in particular, a serious impairment of kidney function), or physical overwork the day before

What is afterbirth? Afterbirth after childbirth

What is afterbirth? Afterbirth after childbirth

The body of a woman is full of secrets and mysteries. Surely everyone knows that only a representative of the weaker sex can give birth to their own kind. In this case, you need to have an adjusted hormonal background and a menstrual cycle. During childbirth, doctors can distinguish several periods. One of them involves the separation of the placenta. It is about him that will be discussed in this article

Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck: how it is performed and what it shows

Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck: how it is performed and what it shows

Impairment of blood flow in the brain tissues over time will cause irreversible processes. This can significantly affect the brain, mental activity of a person, lead to a stroke and disability. The most effective diagnostic method in such cases is ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck

Radiofrequency ablation of the heart: contraindications, complications and patient feedback

Radiofrequency ablation of the heart: contraindications, complications and patient feedback

The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. Any violations in his work can significantly worsen the quality of human life, or even lead to death. Often, patients experience a violation of the heart rhythm - arrhythmia. With this disease, radiofrequency ablation of the heart is successfully used

Hemoglobin 90: rules for taking an analysis, decoding the results, the cause of a decrease in hemoglobin, possible consequences and consultation of doctors

Hemoglobin 90: rules for taking an analysis, decoding the results, the cause of a decrease in hemoglobin, possible consequences and consultation of doctors

A disease in which hemoglobin levels are below normal is called anemia. It proceeds with varying degrees of complexity, but it is successfully treated at any stage. In the article, we will consider why hemoglobin drops to 90 g / l and how to deal with this situation